All Chapters of Unbreakable Love: His Passion for Her Transcends Death: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
140 Chapters
Chapter 111
Instead of stopping, Xavier sneered. "Looks like Claude doesn't love you very much. How long has he been neglecting you?"This time, Yvette was genuinely provoked. As she regained her senses and raised her hand to strike him again, Xavier seized her wrist."Hit a nerve there, didn't I?" Xavier asked.Yvette had no intention of explaining to him. She and Claude had just been friends over the years."You're not being very picky about your food either. Is it because Daphne doesn't love you as well?"Xavier wasn't the only one who knew how to pick a fight.Xavier mocked, "I'm different from you." He had never touched Daphne.Yvette laughed at that. "What's the difference? We're the same. You think you're better than me? I always thought you were a loyal lover, but it seems like that's not the case. Does Daphne know what you've done?"Xavier wasn't angry at all. He didn't answer; he only held Yvette firmly against his chest.In return, Yvette bit hard into his shoulder. Xavier gasp
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Chapter 112
When Xavier went downstairs and stood in front of Yvette, there were still tears on her face. She was clenching her fists tightly as she cautiously slept on the couch.The thermostat in the room was set to cold, so he reached out to cover her with a blanket. Then, just as he was about to call someone to deliver some breakfast, the door opened in the foyer. Daphne entered in her high heels, holding breakfast in her hands."Xav, I've brought you breakfast. There's going to be a celebration for the company's anniversary today, right? Let's go together later and…" Before she could finish her sentence, her gaze fell on Yvette, who was sleeping on the couch.She froze in her spot, unable to believe her eyes. She wondered why Yvette was there. Her imagination ran wild as she considered the possibility that Xavier and Yvette had slept together the previous night.Xavier looked at her with his sleepy eyes. He couldn't help but be suspicious of her. "How did you get in?" Daphne had ent
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Chapter 113
"You can go back now. I'll attend the company's anniversary celebration tonight," Xavier said in annoyance."Alright." After Daphne left the breakfast there, she shot Yvette a satisfied glance and left.As Xavier had expected, he saw Yvette standing behind him when he turned around. For some reason, he instinctively felt a little guilty. "When did you wake up?"Yvette calmly said, "A while ago. I got here just as she said she would marry you. Congratulations to you both."Xavier's heart skipped a beat for a moment, and the atmosphere felt tense for a few seconds. He looked at her deeply and said, "If you have any problems with it, you can say it now."If she forbade him from marrying Daphne, he would definitely accept it. To his surprise, she shook her head and said the same thing as before. "Congratulations. If you need my cooperation to get divorced, I'll do it. But you'll have to return Noah to me."Xavier's heart fell. He realized that she really didn't care about him. It d
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Chapter 114
Laura cautiously picked up Daphne's phone and asked, "What did she say, Daph?""She wants me to apologize to Kiki and publicly admit to the plagiarism."Laura frowned. "That's not possible. If you do that, you'll lose everything you have now, won't you?"Daphne decided to keep Cameron waiting. She didn't believe anyone would want to waste their time and file an international lawsuit against her instead of taking the money.At that moment, her priorities were marrying Xavier and dealing with Yvette. She didn't want to deal with the song."The company's celebrating its anniversary tonight, and I need to get ready for it. For now, let's spend money to keep the plagiarism incident under control online."Daphne knew that it wouldn't work forever. However, she just needed to make sure that those measures would last until she managed to get married to Xavier. …At the company, Yvette received a call from Kiki after a short while."Yvvy, are you coming today?" It was the weekend, and
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Chapter 115
Mark only left Yvette after accompanying her to Xavier's office. The door wasn't closed, and she gently pushed it open.Xavier was in his chair as he focused on going through some documents. She had to admit that handsome-looking men like him looked even more dashing when they were focused on their work. She remembered how she had fallen for him because of his attractive face.Xavier knew she had arrived and looked up. "Come here."She walked to him and asked, "Can I help you?""From now on, you don't have to work downstairs anymore." He put down the documents in his hands and looked at her. "You'll start working here as well."She was confused. "Why?""No reason. That's just what the company has arranged." He might as well have said that he had arranged it himself.Since they were under the same roof, she had to be cautious. "Sure."Yvette thought it wasn't a bad idea. That way, they would have more chances to see each other. She had thought about it earlier and figured that
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Chapter 116
After a long while, Yvette felt like something was wrong. Xavier was only kissing her and not doing anything else. Just as she felt she was running out of breath and her mind was going blank, someone knocked on the door.Xavier finally stopped kissing her. Mark was there to give him a report. Yvette quickly returned to her seat after she had failed again.That afternoon, Yvette and Xavier went for lunch together. The driver drove them to the restaurant Xavier frequented. While they were having lunch, he tested her. "Don't worry. I won't be getting a divorce with you."Yvette was stunned. Before she could understand what he meant, he calmly said, "Since Daphne wants a title, I'm going to give it to her. As for our legal marriage, I won't end it. So, you don't have to worry about it."She looked at him in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?""If you don't like it, feel free to give me other suggestions."She didn't realize he was testing her. "We'll get a divorce, and you can marry
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Chapter 117
Xavier's heart was racing. When he realized that Yvette had wounds on her hands and legs, he dragged her into the car once more and told the driver to take them to the hospital.Yvette sat in the car in fear, thinking about how impulsive she had been earlier. She couldn't let anything happen to herself because she still had Noah and Zachary.Xavier said with a long face, "Why are you angry?" Yvette didn't answer him; she was already in pain because of the wounds on her hands and legs. It was quiet in the car again. Xavier hated it when she refused to speak to him.Yvette used to have a lot to say, especially when she had been younger. She had always spoken to him nonstop. However, she randomly stopped talking for seemingly no reason now.He was frustrated. "Where were you going just now?""Nowhere. I just wanted to go for a walk." He still had Noah, so there was nowhere she could go.The driver stopped the car at a hospital's entrance, and Xavier got out of the car with Yvette.
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Chapter 118
Tristan thought Yvette couldn't reach some parts of her wound, so he reached out to help her. When Yvette saw him reaching over, she thought he was going to hit her. So, she instinctively dodged him, and the ointment fell on the back of his hand."I'm sorry." She stood up. "I'm leaving now."He knew she had misunderstood him, so he tried to explain himself. "I was just trying to help you apply the ointment.""Thank you, but there's no need for that." She wanted to leave, but he didn't want her to misunderstand him again. So, he blocked her path."Xav told you to wait for him to return."She looked at him coldly. "I can wait for him outside."Seeing how she was acting, Tristan didn't feel great at all. "Please don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you again."Yvette felt like she had heard the world's greatest joke when he said that. Tristan had said the same thing to make her let her guard down in the past. "Please step aside." It didn't matter if he wanted to hurt her or not.
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Chapter 119
After getting in the car, Xavier turned back to glance at the hospital. "What did you and Tristan talk about after I left?""He asked if I had saved someone back in university." Yvette didn't hide the truth.When Xavier heard that, he remembered how Daphne had seen Tristan and Shannon get into an accident back when he had been in university. She had even saved both of them. "What happened after that?""Then, you came."She didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was getting late, and Xavier had to attend the company's anniversary celebration. Yvette didn't think it was necessary for her to go back to the office with him, so she said while looking out the window, "I want to go back.""You'll attend the anniversary celebration tonight."Confusion flashed in her eyes, but Xavier didn't explain himself. Instead, he told the driver to take them to the celebration venue. Before the celebration started, he arranged for her to stay in a quiet room.She changed into an elegant dre
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Chapter 120
Back at the anniversary celebration, Xavier looked at Shannon as she offered him one glass of wine after the other. Then, he noticed Daphne from the corner of his eye and figured out what was going on. "I still have work to do tonight, so I can't drink anymore." He rejected the glass of wine.Shannon noticed that he was a little buzzed and shot Daphne a meaningful glance. The latter immediately approached Xavier and supported him. "Since you drank some wine tonight, let me take you home, Xav." No matter what happened that night, she was determined to sleep with him!Xavier was still sober. Just as he was about to pull his hand back, his gaze was fixed on a graceful dress from afar. A beautiful woman was wearing it. Xavier didn't push Daphne away. Instead, he looked intently at Yvette.When Yvette showed up, a lot of people started to notice her. She looked so outstanding that no one in the huge crowd recognized her as the hearing-impaired woman from the Snyder family. When S
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