All Chapters of Unbreakable Love: His Passion for Her Transcends Death: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
140 Chapters
Chapter 121
What Daphne said really affected Xavier because of Noah, who was supposedly Yvette and Claude's son. When he got out of the building, he saw Yvette talking to Quentin. After Quentin walked away, he quickly approached her."Are you done here? Shall we go back now?" Yvette spoke normally, but it didn't sound the same to Xavier anymore.It felt like his stomach was burning, but he still looked sober. "Yeah." He looked deep into her eyes and asked, "When did you start talking to Quentin?"Quentin was a quiet guy. Even when he went out with his friends to have some fun, he would always stay silent. Other than Yvette, Xavier had never seen him talking to another woman before."He called out to me first, and I didn't say anything to him." When Xavier heard that, he stopped prying.After he led Yvette to get into the car, he got in as well. Yvette thought it was weird. After all, he had drunk a lot of wine that night, and the wine had been tampered with as well. She didn't understand
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Chapter 122
Yvette couldn't find a way to vent her frustration, so she walked into a bar and got herself a few drinks. Being drunk was the only way she could temporarily forget all of her troubles.Meanwhile, Xavier took a cold shower for more than an hour before the effects of the drug slowly faded away slightly. He exited the bathroom in a robe and realized that Yvette wasn't at home. After he asked his bodyguard, he learned that she had gone out to the bar.Yvette was drinking alone in the bar when a tall figure suddenly blocked the light in front of her. She looked up in a daze and saw Xavier's dashing face."Why are you here?" When she spoke, her breath reeked of alcohol.He frowned. "When did you learn how to drink?"In the past, Yvette would det drunk after just a glass of beer. But at that moment, the counter was full of empty glasses. Yvette hadn't expected him to ask about how she had gotten into drinking and was stunned for a moment. Then, she said charmingly, "I think it was a
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Chapter 123
"As long as you're willing to let me and Noah go and let bygones be bygones."Xavier tightened his grip around her a little. "No way." He thought Yvette had been right before. There was no way they could be friends when they had been husband and wife. If she was going to leave, he would have to die first!The light in Yvette's eyes dimmed, and she smiled bitterly. "If I had known that you're someone who holds grudges, I would've asked to call off the marriage beforehand."It was another regret of hers! Xavier remembered her saying how she regretted marrying him, and his face turned colder. He stopped talking to her, and it got quiet in the car as they drove in the dark.Yvette was slightly drunk, and her face was red. He thought she had caught a cold from him, and he reached out to place his hand on her forehead. However, before he even touched her, she instinctively avoided him.His hand was left hanging in mid-air. Then, he tried touching her again, this time without both
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Chapter 124
Xavier felt like something was stuck in his throat. He had never cared about the money or projects. He just didn't like being lied to! Whether it was in the business field or anywhere else, that had been the first and only time he had been tricked in public. Seeing how Xavier wasn't answering her, Yvette didn't know how she could help him find closure. "Other than that, I really have no idea how I can help you let go of the past."When Xavier noticed that she had finally stopped talking, he turned his head to look at her petite figure. "It has been at least eight years since our families' agreement. Many things have changed in that time, including the projects and the amount of money. How do you plan on returning all of it?""State your price, and I'll think of a way to pay you back," she quickly said.His dark eyes lit up a little. "Sure. Once you've paid me back fully, I'll let you go."Since she had asked him to state his price, he decided to state one that she could never
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Chapter 125
After half an hour, Yvette returned to her room to get some rest. Meanwhile, Xavier was still in his study. When Kiki called Yvette, she was shocked to hear that the latter had to pay him 7.9 billion dollars."How could you possibly pay him that much money? Besides, your brother and mother were the ones who snatched the money away. So, why should you be the one to pay him back?"Yvette sat on the balcony and enjoyed the breeze as it helped her sober up. "I've talked to him a lot today. He has never agreed to let bygones be bygones before. Now, he has promised to forget about the marriage fraud if I can pay him back…"Kiki couldn't help feeling something was weird. "Yvvy, why do I have the feeling that he's taking advantage of you?""He's the CEO of Lane Group. It's not like he needs 7.9 billion dollars. You might not know this, but I've looked into his company online before. "Currently, they're earning at least 60 billion dollars annually by collecting rent. That's excluding th
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Chapter 126
Yvette hadn't expected Xavier to be so straightforward. She thought about how he had stopped what they had been doing halfway when she had made the first move. At that moment, she wasn't as impulsive as she had been before. "I don't think that's appropriate."He got close to her. "We're still husband and wife, so why isn't it appropriate?"As he spoke, he untied his robe. She couldn't help but turn her head away to avoid looking at him. Xavier noticed how embarrassed she was, and he gulped slightly. "Don't worry. I'm not going to touch you."She was stunned as reality hit her as she had expected. "If you like sleeping here, I'll sleep in the guest room." Then, she turned around to leave. Since she couldn't have what she wanted, there was no need for her to stay there.However, Xavier grabbed her wrist and pulled it forcefully. Her body leaned forward and heavily fell into his embrace. Just as Yvette was about to get up, he held her tightly in his arms."Don't move. You'll co
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Chapter 127
Noah came outside and stood on the balcony. From what he could see, there were endless mountains and trees surrounding the manor. He frowned. "He's not keeping a kid captive. He's keeping a criminal in prison!"After standing on the balcony for a short while, Noah started feeling weak. He endured the feeling and started exploring other areas. He had been trying to find a way out while he had been locked up there.However, the security was too tight. Even if he managed to sneak past the guards, he wouldn't be able to run a mile before his weak body collapsed. He might even lose his life.After he took a good look around the area, Wendy finally realized that he was gone, and she immediately panicked. "Noah? Where are you, Noah?"If something were to happen to him, she figured Xavier would skin her alive. As she thought of that, she trembled in fear.Just then, Noah entered the room with a glass of water. "Are you tired, Ms. Wendy? Have some water."When Wendy saw him, she let out
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Chapter 128
Xavier gulped when he heard Yvette mention a contract. He thought it was unnecessary to have something like that between them. Since he was worried she would leave, he unwillingly said, "In that case, prepare it first." If he wasn't fine with the conditions, he wouldn't accept them.After Xavier got changed, he got into his car and went to Fortian Manor. Upon his arrival, he saw Noah lying in bed with tears all over his face."You're finally here to see me, mister. Did you tell Daddy how you've snatched me away?"Since he had kidnapped Noah, there was no way he would talk to Claude. He raised an eyebrow and said, "He found out about it a long time ago."Noah's nose turned red as his dark eyes teared up again. "In that case, why hasn't he come to take me home? I miss home. I miss my daddy…"Xavier brought him some tissues. "Stop thinking about him. He doesn't want you anymore."Noah was speechless when he heard that and thought it was nonsense. There was no way Claude wouldn't w
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Chapter 129
Xavier's face turned extremely gloomy, and he let go of Noah right away. He thought Noah was too timid."Please don't punish me, mister… I didn't do it on purpose. I was scared…"When the nannies outside heard Noah crying in the room, they thought Xavier was doing something evil to him. Wendy, who had been taking care of Noah, risked her job and opened the door right away. "Mr. Lane, he's still a kid. You can't hit him."When she entered the room, she noticed that Xavier's white shirt had a yellow stain. She immediately realized what was going on, and she looked away in embarrassment.Noah was still pushing Xavier as he cried. "Are you mad, mister? Why aren't you saying anything? When are you going to let me see my mommy?"Xavier looked upset as he placed Noah back on the bed and quickly went to the bathroom. Then, he showered over and over again.Whenever he thought about how mischievous Noah was, he wanted to punish the kid badly. Xavier couldn't understand how a woman as gen
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Chapter 130
"Oh, you're back?" Yvette closed the piano and stood up.Xavier leaned his tall body against the door frame. "Why did you stop playing?"In the past, he had been so busy with work that he hadn't known that she could play that well. He had only heard her play once when Terrence asked for their help before.Back then, Terrence had pissed Xavier off. Xavier remembered how he vented his anger out on Yvette and scolded her. After that, she had stopped going to the music room, let alone playing the piano. He hadn't thought it had been a big deal when it had happened."I don't want to annoy you." After she said that, she added, "I've prepared the contract. Shall we take a look at it?"Xavier had almost forgotten about the contract after he had gone out. "Sure."As they walked side by side, he couldn't help but say, "You're great at playing the piano. What was the piece called? Why haven't I heard it before?"Yvette was stunned when she heard what he had said. "Have you not heard of i
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