All Chapters of Unbreakable Love: His Passion for Her Transcends Death: Chapter 131 - Chapter 136
136 Chapters
Chapter 131
Xavier went out at night.Not long after he left, Yvette received a message from Ray. "Xavier is gone. Find a way to leave. I have something to tell you."Since the security at Dewberry Manor was tight, Ray's only choice was to keep watch on Yvette from somewhere far away.He needed to make sure Yvette didn't get into any danger. Sometimes, he could also see whether Xavier was gone or not.Yvette put her sheet music away and left the manor.Once she was outside, she instructed the driver to make a lot of turns so they could lose the bodyguards tailing them.Soon, she saw Ray's car in front of her.After getting out of the car, she got into Ray's."What is it?" she asked.Ray grabbed his phone and used the GPS to navigate them to somewhere in the west of Tirion."This is the direction that Xavier was headed in earlier today. I went on the same route and noticed that the security there was tight. I suspect that's where he took Noah," he replied.Yvette closely examined the mas
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Chapter 132
Meanwhile, on the top floor of Sternhow Club, there were many rich kids dressed in glamorous clothes under the dark lighting.Xavier was sitting in a quiet spot. He checked his phone and saw a message from the bodyguards whom he had instructed to follow Yvette.The text read, "We lost her."Immediately after he had left the manor, Yvette had done the same. Right now, she was missing.He frowned and replied, "If you still haven't managed to find her after an hour, don't bother staying in Tirion."After he sent that message, all the bodyguards he had got to work on the streets. Xavier tried calling Yvette again. However, the only response he got was the cold beep of the answering machine. "The number you have dialed is unavailable…"At the same time, Yvette was calling Viola. She told Viola not to worry about Noah and Zachary and that she would take care of them.Through the video call, she could see Viola's head full of white hair and the concern in her eyes. "You have to call
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Chapter 133
With that in mind and everyone cheering her on, Tracy took a seat next to Xavier.Given how dark it was, she couldn't get a good look at his expression. No longer feeling as shy and awkward as before, she moved to peel some fruits for him.Xavier glanced at what she was doing. He didn't hold back and asked, "Would you sit here even if I wasn't paying you?"Tracy was stunned but quickly came back to her senses. "Being able to sit next to you is my honor. I don't need money," she replied.So, she claimed that she didn't need money?Upon hearing that, Xavier naturally began thinking of Yvette.They had been married for so many years, but he had only found out after they had gotten divorced that she had never used the Lanes' money. "I see. In that case, from today onward, you won't receive any pay for your work," he stated calmly.Even though he didn't own Sternhow Club, all he had to do was say the word, and the owner would immediately take action.Tracy looked utterly shocked.
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Chapter 134
With everyone watching him, Xavier walked to the door. When he passed by Quentin, he slowed down."What did she say to you earlier?" he asked.Quentin repeated what Yvette had told him. Xavier quickly left without asking any more questions.Not long after he left, his friends told Daphne everything about what had happened between Tracy and Xavier.Daphne was busy dealing with the online comments against her and getting rid of the trending searches. When she suddenly heard that Tracy had attempted to flirt with Xavier, her eyes turned cold."Thank you for telling me."She immediately called someone and said, "Teach a woman called Tracy Jones from Sternhow Club a lesson."Who did Tracy think she was to try and steal Xavier away from her?Daphne wasn't the same pathetic woman who used to let everyone walk all over her. She had learned a few tricks after she had become a celebrity.…Meanwhile, when Xavier returned to Dewberry Manor, the lights in the living room were off.When
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Chapter 135
When Yvette woke up early the next morning, she saw a busy figure in the open kitchen.Xavier had a light-colored shirt on and gray pants. There was an apron tied around his waist. Yvette was in shock when she saw him cooking. She had never seen Xavier cooking before.She had only ever heard Daphne say that he could cook and that he had personally cooked for her before.When Xavier heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he looked over."You're up? Come have some tacos." While saying that, he placed two plates of tacos on the dining table.Yvette didn't notice that the sink was filled with failed attempts at tacos. Xavier's delicate fingers had burn marks on them as well. He had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He didn't even know how to wash the dishes, much less cook.Xavier was helpless when it came to day-to-day tasks. In fact, he had only searched online for a taco recipe at the last minute.While staring at his burnt hands, he thought, "Cooking honestly isn'
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Chapter 136
When Kiki found out that Yvette had been hospitalized, she hurried over in the afternoon.Xavier wasn't around when she got there. She stared at Yvette, who was covered in rashes, and felt indescribably distressed."How could you be so stupid? Why did you eat something you know you're not supposed to?"Yvette comforted her, saying, "Don't worry. I've already gotten tested, and I'm not severely allergic. It's not fatal.""Cut the crap. It's not like I don't know that a serious seafood allergy can be fatal. If you ever do this again, I'll…" Kiki paused to think. She didn't know how she was going to threaten Yvette.In the end, she said, "I'll make myself have an allergic reaction, too."Yvette couldn't help but smile. "I'm not lying to you, silly. It's just that I tend to exhibit serious physical symptoms. In reality, though, it's not life-threatening."I have Noah and Zac in my life now. Why would I put my life at risk like that?"Kiki doubted her. "Why did you make yourself suf
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