All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’s Deepest Obsession: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
73 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One: Goodbye Friend
The police showed up within minutes where I was pulled away from Shane, I kept begging for them to call an ambulance to come and help him, but with each look of sorrow on their faces, I knew they could see it was too late, Shane was gone. I’m led outside of the apartment which was soon cornered off and swooning with so many police cars, Kevin was the thing holding me up as I walked down those same metal steps, it was as though my body wanted to drop at any moment. Off to the side of the carpark stood a patch of green grass, once I was safely away from the tarmac, I sit in my place and allowed myself to sob into my hands, which were still stained with Shane’s blood when I went to help him. I remained in that spot for what left like a lifetime, the cries of what I had saw slowly slipping away as I sat with a dull expression on my face. It was as though I had cried all of my feelings away, I was numb in a sense as I watched the entire world go around in a blur-like sense. The police ha
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Chapter Thirty-Two: The Plan
Vito soon carried me in his arms from the street and over to his car, continuing to reassure me that all was going to be okay as we headed for home. But it was as though somebody repeatedly clicked pause on my emotions, there are times I’ll break down and cry whilst others, I’m sat silently not being able to feel anything, completely numb. Getting into the house and Vito helping me to even get into some dry fresh clothes, I lay alone in bed staring at the wall in front of me, Vito had stepped out into the kitchen to get something to eat whilst telling me to get some rest. I won’t deny that I was exhausted, I had rushed around all morning setting up the café, having to deal with it alone and if that wasn’t tiring enough, I walked into my best friend's apartment and found him dead. With all this stacked up, I should find it easy to drop to sleep and forget about all my problems whilst in my deep slumber, but my brain was preventing me from even so much as drifting. Every time that I w
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Chapter Thirty-Three: Quick Kill
~20 hours earlier~ Shane leaves his apartment with a smile on his face, he had recently ordered another cake for Coraline and him to eat when they took their break as like they had done yesterday. He hoped she would open up to him a little more today, he could see how much she wanted to tell him what has been happening with her, but something kept holding her back. Perhaps now she has calmed down a little, it’ll be easier for him to work out what she’s truly holding close to her chest. He knew she’d told him her mood was due to her just getting back to work and her injury still hurting, but he didn’t know why, he didn’t believe her. He had known Coraline for many years now and considered her one of his best friends, he knew how she acted when certain things would happen and to him, something wasn’t adding up. That feeling only grew when he saw who was picking her up, he didn’t know his name or what Coraline and him really were, but he didn’t like it or trust him. The day that man c
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Chapter Thirty-Four: Lost In The Woods
I was walking around the café, putting away the last of the cupcakes that we weren’t able to sell that day when a loud crash occurred from out of the back. I jump a little turning my head to look over at the dark and empty hallway in front of me, the only source of light being the green beacon showing which door was the fire escape. “Hello?” I ask out into the darkness taking a slow step forward scanning my surroundings for anything which could have caused that abrupt noise. Once I had reached the entrance of the very long hallway, a light which resembled a torch begins to flash on and off in a separate room to the right. With a deep breath in, I take my first steps into the hallway and closer to the flashing light off to the side, my heart in my mouth with every step that I would take closer. “Is anyone there?” I ask out loud once again whilst still continuing my journey, but as like before, I never got a reply instead, a deep feeling of danger began to spread through me as I proc
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Chapter Thirty-Five: Reverse Psychology
After showering in Vito’s very expensive looking shower, I walk out and begin to shift through the piles of clothes he had picked up for me. A plain white t shirt and blue jeans standing out as an easy option, he had even remembered to pack me some underwear, with a sigh, I slip them all on for the day. Whilst I was alone with my thoughts, I did start to feel bad for the way in which I had spoken to him. I know he is just trying to help me navigate my way through this situation, but something about his lawyer just doesn’t add up for me. Owen seems like such a kind person, he could see how much Shane’s death affected me yesterday when he saw me, I don’t feel as though he’ll be sat there attempting to interrogate me. Once I was ready and looked somewhat presentable, I truly didn’t know if I had it in me to do much with my hair or face, I leave the bathroom to enter the now empty bedroom. I couldn’t help but sigh at the sight, I left Vito here after digging into him for no reason. I wa
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Chapter Thirty-Six: In The Middle
The man in the expensive suit and grey hair soon leads me out of the interview room, where I couldn’t help but feel the intense stares from each and every person we would pass. It was as though they knew something I did not and now saw me as some kind of traitor for leaving with him, something as I said, I did not quite understand. But what was also doing laps in my mind as though it was some kind of marathon was the comment which Owen made when he was leaving, I had now picked my side, what side is he talking about? I had simply answered his questions and set the record straight for some of the heinous accusations he had put against me in that room. Such as I knew who was behind what happened to my father and Shane, which I certainly did not. After battling through the many hole burning stares of those in the office, we arrive back out at the waiting area of the building and the front desk, which this man whose name I still did not know walked over to with a stern look. “I want th
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Chapter Thirty-Seven: His Past
Before long, I was being led up a huge staircase into the very old looking factory building, my hand interlocked with Vito’s as we reach a set of locked double doors. With a wink, he reaches past me and types in some secret code into a little black keypad on the wall, a clicking noise erupting from the doors in front. “Such high-tech security.” I say sarcastically looking to Vito, who shook his head with a smile of his own opening up the door for me to walk in first. I laugh as I walk into something I was not expecting, as like I had said, the building on the outside looked to be far behind disrepair, many broken windows littered the place, some of the bricks seeming to be chipping away and even the roof looked as though it was going to cave in. But when you walk through those doors, it’s as though you’ve walked into a different place. The walls were a black colour with white trimming, a huge bay window at the front of the room showing the beautiful scene of the city. Around 5 desk
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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Chess Match
It’s been a few weeks since I spoke with Owen that day and life had somewhat changed back into what it was before everything, since Theodore busted me out of said meeting with Owen, in a sort of prison break style, I hadn’t been contacted even once. Vito says it’s due to them understanding how skilled Theodore was as a lawyer, they know they’ll have to be super careful with their approach if they want to hear from me again. Kevin even decided to close the café for some time after Shane, I think he knew with the nature of his death, it would be better to allow the dust to settle before opening it back up. It was a little odd to not get up and leave for work, but it’s been nice to take the time to fully grieve Shane before jumping back into work, where I know many will have a variety of questions for me. This has also given me much more time to spend with Vito, I’ve been staying at his mansion of a house, and he even takes me to work with him at the warehouse sometimes where I’ve been
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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Formal Interview
Theodore soon came and collected me from Vito’s house an hour before the meeting, he explained he wanted to go over some key points before we step foot in that place. So, sitting in another of his expensive looking cars a street away from the police station, he began to go over the rules which he had for his clients before they walk in. He explained how most of the time, people would assume the officer asking the questions would be leading the interview, but according to him, that’s what a dumb lawyer will allow. He said he will be the individual leading the conversation, Owen may ask a question but if Theordore feels as though it can be twisted or is not relevant, he will either tell me not to answer or allow Owen to rephrase it. Talking of allowing me to answer, I was told that I cannot say a word unless Theordore tells me it’s okay, he’s aware of how these individuals can twist what you say, something he will not allow. It seemed as though Theodore was very strict with what he ex
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Chapter Forty: Persuasion
Owen soon returned after the break which we had but it was clear he knew he wasn’t getting anything else from me, he explained the meeting would need to be paused for a later date due to a reason he never disclosed before allowing Theodore and I to leave. With the information that I was able to learn from the glance I took at the papers, the worry which was deep in my gut was hard to ignore as we exit the doors of the police station and head towards Theodore’s car. “Explain.” Was all Theodore says as he places the key into the ignition and sends the car roaring to life, I think he noticed how agitated I became after I went to read the papers which had landed on the floor. “Well, I don’t know if Vito has told you about what he’s planning on doing tonight.” I say looking over at him as we pull away from the police station and down the road, we didn’t want them to see us having this conversation so they know we may have looked at something we shouldn’t have. “He keeps me informed wit
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