All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’s Deepest Obsession: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
73 Chapters
Chapter Forty-One: Night Alone
My nerves didn’t subside the entire time that I sat with Vito at the warehouse, I knew I had a plan and was more than certain it was going to work, but what if it doesn’t? What if he tells me he’ll be back soon and leaves the house never to be seen again, only sitting in a prison cell for the rest of his life?! “Pequeño are you okay, you have appeared to be a little off since you arrived back from your meeting with Owen?” Vito asks from the driver's seat of his car, after he had finished work, we picked up food and was just heading home. “Is there something you need to tell me?” He asks looking back over at me before his eyes have to go to the road, I only take a deep breath in to try and remind myself that yes, I wanted to tell him more than anything, but I couldn’t. “You aren’t...?” He asks with a worried look down at my stomach, it took me a moment to realise what he meant where my eyes go wide, and I shake my head. “No! No, nothing like that!” I exclaim worried that if he thoug
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Chapter Forty-Two: Taste Of Danger
After a night of full pleasure, I woke up in bed a little disoriented, I didn’t want Vito to have his fun and than decide to go do the job anyway, so I ensured we had our fun until the sun began to go up. But the downside to my plan, I had a full day of getting everything prepared for my father and even helping him when he arrives, but I was absolutely exhausted. I didn’t know how Vito sprung out of bed and got to work without even so much as a yawn, I guess he can work on nothing but flumes. After showering which woke me a little, I walk out of the bedroom to hear Vito talking with another man, one I had never heard before. “You know I have better things to do with my time than leave to get you a new phone.” The man says as I begin to walk down the stairs, movement in the kitchen telling me they were in there. “What happened to this one?” The man asks causing a smile to grace my lips, I knew exactly what happened to his old phone and why it happened. As like on cue, I enter the ki
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Chapter Forty-Three: Harassment
After spending the next few hours fixing up the room that Vito had kindly, given to my father until he feels better, I spot the ambulance slowly pulling into the gates telling me he was here. With a smile, I rush out of the bedroom and begin to make my way down the stairs, hearing Jayden and Vito still having a conversation in the kitchen, and people say that women can talk for hours! Reaching the front door and pulling it open, I find my father being helped down out of the back of the ambulance by two paramedics, his body still seeming a little frail as he stumbled to the little stones which formed Vito’s huge driveway. After getting down, my father lifts his head up a little tired and spots me stood by the door, a little smile filling his beaten-up face. Placing my water bottle by the entrance on the floor, I walk towards the door. “You’re looking better dad.” I smile walking over and wrapping him in a little hug, his head on my shoulder as though he was soaking in all of the feel
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Chapter Forty-Four: Love Of His Life
I soon briskly leave my fathers room after helping him to the bathroom and getting him comfortable in bed, my body ached as I leant against his door to gather my thoughts. My legs were the first thing that felt like jelly, it even hurt a little to stand. “Maybe I need to lie down?” I ask myself having to forcefully pull my body from the door as it was as though I had lost all of my strength, my hands wobbled and slid with sweat as I pushed at the door. Once fully on my feet with no aid, my head began to spin as though I had been sat on the fastest fair ground ride of my life, this only leading to the bubbling sick down in my stomach to rise up and make me feel even worse. All I could think about was getting to bed and laying there until whatever was happening with me in that moment subsided, but that meant the hardest task of all was stood before me, getting there. Vito’s house was beautiful and so spacious which is incredible most of the time, but now I had the task of walking
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Chapter Forty-Five: Breath In His Body
Dwight spent the next hour putting special IV’s into Coraline in hopes of diluting the poison before it had time to get into her bloodstream. He explained to Vito how her body was actually doing a lot of the work, each time she would throw up a little, that was her body’s way of getting as much of whatever it was, she had ingested out of her system. All Vito could do was sit beside Coraline and watch her, his mind a mess and only on her opening her eyes. Off to the side stood four of Vito’s men and Jayden, who got whatever Dwight needed and watched as Vito didn’t even batt an eye over to them, his entire focus was on Coraline. “I’ve never seen the boss like this before.” Buster whispered his eyes on Vito, he didn’t believe Vito had a kind side to him but here he was, almost crying for the person in front of him. It was true, Vito was seen as one of the most heartless men around, I mean with what he does and the awful things in his past, that would be the only way to explain how
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Chapter Forty-Six: All Over Again
My eyes snap open in absolute shock, shaking my head a little in attempts to come around with the world, the realisation that I was alone and in somewhere pitch black registered in my mind. Sitting up a little to get a better understanding, I discover I was laying on the concrete flooring of some old, abandoned warehouse, broken windows and a roof that appeared would fall through at any second was all I could see. As I looked around the darkness, the overwhelming feeling that I was not alone begins to flood through me like a river, but still, I couldn’t see another life force apart from mine. “Hello?” I call out into the darkness, my voice ricocheting off the concrete floor and walls, hoping that I would get some response but still, I was met with nothing but well nothing. “Is anyone there?” I call out a little louder this time, the feeling of eyes watching me from every corner of this building were hard to ignore and only allowed the fear which slowly trickles into my body to wor
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Chapter Forty-Seven: Mourning
TW: this chapter does involve a conversation surrounding the event of a miscarriage. I am aware of how real and triggering this may be for some people, so please read with caution and skip if needs be. Sending you all the most love in the world, Beth🩶 ~~ After getting checked over by Dwight and being told I would need to take things slow for the next couple of days, Vito carried me from the warehouse and into his rather dirty looking car. He explained how Jayden was the one who drove them to the warehouse and in that moment, their care wasn’t at how dirty the car may have gotten but ensuring I wouldn’t die on the backseat. Falling asleep on the way home, I awoke to Vito carrying me into the home and up the stairs, a smile on my face when he looks at me before my eyes lock eyes with my dads' room. “Oh, my dad, I need to go and check him, he’s been by himself for hours.” I say pointing over to the door he was in whilst attempting to sit up, but Vito only shakes his head
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Chapter Forty-Eight: None The Wiser
The night was spent with Vito and I hugging in bed, me crying a little and watching whatever show was on the tv to attempt to try and distract us from the entire situation. As I had told Vito, I didn’t want to have children yet, not only was I not ready but with all that’s been happening recently, with my father, Shane but also, Vito and I still in the early stages of our relationship, bringing a child into that mess wouldn’t have been a good thing. But to hear that I was pregnant but due to whatever was put in my water for reasons I still don’t know, we never even got the chance to make a decision ourselves. Waking up the morning after, I still felt a little tired and a tad dizzy, but knowing I had my father to look after, I shake that feeling off and jump into the shower to wash off everything that had happened yesterday and put it all behind me, well best that I could. After checking my father was okay and even taking him on a walk around the garden for some fresh air, I put
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Chapter Forty-Nine: Without A Hitch
Once I had disclosed the reason for my sudden change in mood, the room grew silent as the pair share a look of understanding, but I only stare at the ground. I knew this day was invariably going to happen at some point, but I had told myself that I wouldn’t need to think about it until it happens. This helped me to get over the fact that Shane was no longer here but not that I’d have to fully say goodbye to him, before I could simply pretend, he had moved away. But my decision had only allowed the bottled-up feelings to wash over me at once, I should have given myself time to process this all. “Each time that I think I’m past what happened with Shane, something always springs up which takes me right back to where I was.” I say with a sigh still looking down at his name written in gold letters, that same fever like dream that I had with Shane sprung into my mind, the way his voice sang my name repeated as like some kind of horror film. “It’ll be okay Pequeño, it may be a hard event
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Chapter Fifty: Normality
I was able to successfully keep my emotions at bay initially, fighting with the odd tear that freighted to cascade down my face when the realisation of why we were all sat in this church came to my mind. That was until we all told to stand as eight men walked down the isle, resting on their shoulders was a light wooden coffin, which is what gave the permission for my silent cries to erupt. Vito’s arm around my shoulders instantly as I cried on his chest, knowing this would be the last time that Shane and I would be in the same room as each other, weighed so heavily on my heart. The normal processings of the ceremony continued, the victor saying a few words and even some songs were sung, but it wasn’t until the man I knew as Shane’s distant uncle took the stage, I knew something was amiss. Shane would always tell me how much him and this uncle of his hated each other, according to Shane, this man had been their family's pride and joy, considering he was the youngest boy until Sha
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