The Mafia Boss’s Deepest Obsession

The Mafia Boss’s Deepest Obsession

By:  Beth Venning   Updated just now
Language: English
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Coraline Hart was a typical young woman for those looking at her from the outside. She went to work at a café, paid her bills, and was never seen without a smile on her face. But no one was to know the true horrors of what Coraline was forced to endure behind closed doors. To deal with his pain, her father went to the bottle and spent most of his time off his face with drink to forget his feelings. Due to his alcoholism, he can never hold down a job, and whatever money he does have, he drinks away. Causing Coraline to give him all of hers, knowing the dangers of what he could do if she were to say no. She had accepted this was her life now, going to work and giving all her money to her father, but that was until her saviour, in the form of a man in a very well-pressed suit with slicked-back hair and the thickest Spanish accent, walked into her café. This mysterious man soon becomes infatuated with this woman, who had unknowingly saved him the day they met; to him, it proved she was his and no other person was to cross her. But his infatuation was soon about to turn deadly; any man that he deemed too close to his Coraline soon slipped away without any hassle. When a police officer comes into the café and shreds some light on the man she was seeing, her world comes crumbling down. But for the mysterious man with the thick Spanish accent, he can never let go of his new obsession. Read on to find out how this simple interaction between two complete strangers became deadly.

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73 Chapters
Chapter One: A Sign
One thing you can always count on when it comes to Springtime in England, the need to bring a jacket of some description to shield you from the mini rainstorms which battle the country many times a day. But it appeared in my tired state this morning as I left for work, I didn’t quite take this into account and swiftly left the house in my thin work clothes. Due to my miss area in judgement, I was now walking the streets of London battling the intense wind pelting the streets and my face. My dark red hair stuck to my face causing little droplets of water to trickle and run down my neck, I was completely wet through and freezing. Accompanied by the selfish drivers who decided racing through a puddle and sending a tidal wave of puddle water to coat my entire being was a good idea, I was not having a good time and dreamed about walking into my home where a wardrobe of warm clothes awaited me. But when I pushed open the broken front door which my father said he would fix on numerous occ
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Chapter Two: Fake Smiles
The next morning was the same as most, I retrieved my now clean work clothes from the dryer, whilst my father sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands due to his nauseating headache from his long day of drinking yesterday. The stench of drink still littered his clothes as he hadn’t changed, the little items of sick that he heaved out yesterday still on those clothes only adding to the smell. I refuse to utter a single word to my father as I pass him in the kitchen and make my way to my bedroom, it was because of him and his drinking problems that I had to take extra shifts at work in order to keep the roof over our heads and other bills payed. This would be a day for me to relax, instead, I have to drag myself to work where I spend most of my time anyway. Whilst fixing my hair in the mirror to make sure no stray hairs stuck up, I take a glance at my eyes and couldn’t help but see the deep black bags which hang under them indicating how tired I truly was. This only told me
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Chapter Three: Mysterious Man
The regulars soon came piling into the shop and ordering their usual coffees before leaving for work, the same smiles we had become accustomed to, and the stories of what child had been doing well filled the once silent shop. But now the lunchtime rush was about to begin where Shane, always finds the time to slip off for his break when this happens. This meant I was left alone to hold the fought whilst orders were thrown at me, but I didn’t know if it was because it was the middle of the week or perhaps the sun was shining a little, we didn’t have nearly the usually amount of people walking in and out. It was a slow day and one I desperately, needed. I had just finished wiping down one of the coffee machines when the bell on the door rang telling me I had a new customer, but when I turned around to see who had walked in, I find a man completely out of breath. The man wore a black tight-fitting suit, showing off the many rippling muscles in his arms, honestly, it looked as though this
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Chapter Four: Always Comes Home
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful after those two men left, the normal vibe of the boring coffee shop sinking back to what it was like. But through the normality, I couldn’t help but think of the man I had made the smoothie for, there was just something about him which caught my eye, and that wasn’t his drop-dead gorgeous looks. There was a hint of mystery about him, he has many layers to his life which I can tell not many people get to see or understand. With that being said, the day soon rushed by and before I knew it, I was turning off all of the lights and locking up the doors. With a little sigh, I slip the keys to the café into my purse and begin my short joinery home, the streetlights shining down on me as I went. But now I was out of the shop and the prospect of what I may find when I get home filled my mind, I soon remember what I had told my father when I left this morning, but I had neglected to do so. I had been so busy with the thought of that mysterious man fro
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Chapter Five: Dirty Laundry
After arriving at work and getting straight to handling the mess some of the openers had left, the thought of my father and where he could be kept pounding my head as I attempted to concentrate. The same question going around and around, if I would have given my father the money that morning, would he have come home? I know I didn’t have the money in my hand at the time but what if I did? Once I had sorted the chaotic mess in the back, I make my way out to the front of the shop looking around as Shane handed a woman her coffee with a smile before turning around to look at me. “What’s on your mind?” He asks crossing his arms over his chest leaning up against the counter, while I snap out of my trance and send him a look of confusion. “I can see it written all over your face Coraline, you’re here but your mind is somewhere else.” He says waving his hands in the air as though they were blowing in the wind, I just send him a little laugh whilst walking to stand behind the counter. “I’m
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Chapter Six: Wait It Out
After weeping all alone at the back of the café for the entirety of my break, I knew I would need to pick myself up and look presentable. Even though each person in that coffee shop had seen the show my drunken father had put on and soon, many others would be told the same tale, I didn’t need people to begin to gossip about me falling apart also. I hadn’t spent countless hours of my life putting on a fake smile and making it seem as though my life was perfect, just for my father to walk in and throw it all down the drain, where most of my tears go when I’m alone. Wiping my eyes from any other stray tears, I hold my head up high and walk back into the shop where my apron still lay on one of the counters at the back. I hadn’t taken much thought when I threw it on that counter, I knew I was about to start crying and didn’t need to do that with any witnesses, even Shane. As like he heard the door open, Shane takes a look in the back and spots me tying my apron around my body. “Are you o
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Chapter Seven: Well Spoken.
After cleaning the entire café and heading towards the main door, I see the thunderstorm for the first time which had taken over our town, well at least I brought my coat this time! Zipping it up tightly before opening up the door, I was met with the intense cold blast of air and little droplets of rain hitting my face. With a sigh, I walk out the door and pull it closed, which was made difficult with how intense the wind blew in my direction. Once I had forced the key in the lock and secured the door, I pull my coat around myself tighter and begin my journey through the thunderstorm home, my head facing down to the ground in hopes of blocking the wind which stung my eyes from the high intensity. After a moment of walking, I was completely wet through and shivering, perhaps I need to save some money to learn how to drive, being in this situation probably isn’t the best. I was walking down the path past all of the many off licenses and other corner shops, when I feel as though I’m ei
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Chapter Eight: A Child.
Before I knew it, the car was pulling into my road where for a moment, I did get a little sad. I know at first, I didn’t want to step foot in his car due to the fear of the unknown, but now I have been able to sit with him and not in my work environment and talk, it was nice. We soon pull up at the side of the road where I send him a smile. “Thank you for taking me home….” I begin to say thanking him but have to pause for a moment, I had sat in his car this entire time and still have no idea what his name was. “Vito, my name is Vito.” He smiled with a little chuckle once he had realised why I had paused suddenly, but now I knew his name, I couldn’t help but stare at him a little trying to see if he fit that name. “What?” He asks with another chuckle watching me watch him. “Vito, is not a name I would have guessed you would have had.” I say with a little smile still looking over at him, but after looking down at the time, I knew I needed to get on. “Well, I better get going, I have
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Chapter Nine: The Sound Of Battle.
My father didn’t give up his attempts to break into the bedroom for what felt like a lifetime, all I could do was lay on my floor weeping at not only the physical pain that has been inflicted upon me, but the emotional. My father had done some awful things and has said even worse, but he has never inflicted this much pain onto me. I may have gotten the odd hit or punch, but never that far! The crashing on my door soon comes to an end where the front door slamming closed soon followed, I sit up a little staring at my door unknowing if this was some kind of trap or my father had left the house. I knew the glass remaining in my skin was only causing me more harm than if I were to take it out, but everything that I would need to help me is in the bathroom! But what if my father has only stepped out for a moment and will return to find me in the bathroom?! Perhaps I could block the front door with something until I’m done, I know that may make him angrier but, in this moment, the pain was
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Chapter Ten: Not Adding Up.
The next morning was the same as most in England at this time of year, the streets were wet with rain where many of the drains around with the task of keeping the floods away were nearly full to capacity. But Vito didn’t allow this fact to get to him much, he enjoyed the times the city was under storms, this meant not nearly the same amount of people will be out and about getting in his way or taking an interest in him. The one thing which did anger him slightly was the amount traffic, the once busy but manageable road soon resembled a carpark as more people drove to work due to the rain or called for a taxi. This left Vito tapping his thumb off his steering wheel as he waited in the thick of the traffic, he didn’t have time to sit around and wait but, in this moment, that was all he could do. But not having anything thrown at him in this moment allows his mind to wonder, where it soon went to the same person it had since he first met her, that nice girl from the coffee shop Coralin
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