All Chapters of Prince Rowan's Treasonous Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11 : Moving Forward
I missed my morning workout. I missed Rowan. I missed our morning banter. For two days now, I'd done everything in my power to avoid him. I hated having to do it.The truth was that I felt like if things were different, if Aurora wasn't part of the picture, if he wasn't a prince, maybe we could live some sort of happily ever after. If we had met at some beach bar on one of our islands, struck up a casual conversation, there would be an opportunity to let this go somewhere. Of course, if wishes were horses, I'd have a remuda.And I'm a damn fool. I keep believing that Rowan would actually want something to do with me. I know his type. They have a personality like a chameleon, blending to match whoever they're talking to, to chase down whatever they want. Once he got what he wanted from me, he'd probably never look my way again.I was right to ignore him. I was wrong for kissing him, but it just solidified my need to ignore him, to stop thinking about him, to quit worrying about hi
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Chapter 12 : Contemplation
*Rowan*The gym was far too empty again this morning. Four days in a row now, I had come down to a dark, lifeless gym. I had started to look forward to seeing Genevieve every morning. She had me looking forward to working out, excited to challenge myself and spend a little time alone with her.Since our kiss, she had been painfully absent. I had convinced myself that it wasn't because of our kiss, then accepted that it definitely was because of it, and now couldn't decide what I believed was the cause for her absence.I racked the weights I was holding, listening to the metallic clang as they landed back on the rack. I pulled out my headphones and shoved them in my pocket. It was worthless to try and get anything accomplished this morning, I was too distracted. Maybe I would go back to only working out two or three times a week. Working out daily suddenly seemed pointless again."You're up early," Budge, one of my favorite guards, said in greeting as I wandered down the hall.
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Chapter 13 : New Arrival
The palace was a flurry of activity. Once again, florals dripped throughout the halls and most of the rooms. Gold silk was draped from rafters, and the dining room was temporarily closed for decoration. Dodging the huge influx of people to the palace had me feeling drained.That wasn't exactly fair. Jonah's arrival was what truly had me feeling drained, but all of this activity was definitely contributing to it. I kept having to dodge people carrying vases and boxes and pushing carts of food. I was just trying to get to my daily meetings, and yet the hallways were crowded with extra housekeepers and servers and all sorts of people who did things I couldn't even name.The whole day went that way, me trying to dodge out of the way of strangers, and attempting to maintain a polite demeanor. It wasn't their fault that they'd been hired to get this done. They were all just people trying to take home a paycheck. It was my parents that I was truly frustrated with.Throwing a huge welcom
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Chapter 14 : Fairy Tales
*Genevieve*Getting ready was harder this time. I had gotten used to the state dinners, dressing up, and trying to impress people I didn't care about. I liked being able to blend into the crowd and not worry about what they thought about me. I hated the way it all felt like a waste of time and money.Today was different though. I had avoided Rowan for so long. I had been successful most days. I hadn't talked to him at all since the kiss, not even a passing greeting. I couldn't do that tonight though. Unless, by some miracle, he decided not to show up to the party, I would be trapped in the same room as him for hours.It was vain of me to believe he would be interested in speaking to me. He probably didn't care about me anymore. I was sure he'd have plenty of other doting women in the court to pay attention to. Still, the possibility of him wanting to talk to me had my hands shaking as I finished my makeup.I wore the navy dress again. It hid all my weapons, it had its own weapo
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Chapter 15 : Late Night Ramblings
"You seem lost," Sergeant Duvall announced as he walked down the hall.He looked dashing in his military uniform. His black shoes were so polished I could practically see my reflection in them. He had a thick black mustache that made him look older than he was, but when I studied his face, I realized he couldn't be more than a year or two older than me."No, just restless," I answered. I’d just left Aurora’s room but found I didn’t want to go back to my own yet."Ah, I've been there a time or two. Anything in particular keeping you up?" he asked as I paced closer."Nothing I want to talk about," I confessed."I've been there too." Sergeant Duvall nodded. "Would you like some company?"I considered for a fraction of a second. "I think so."Sergeant Duvall moved from where he was leaning against the wall to join me in walking down the hall. "Was the party any good?" he asked casually."It was fine. I'm not big on partying though. I never was," I admitted."Me neither. I
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Chapter 16 : Repercussions
*Rowan*"I'd prefer it if you gave me some space," Genevieve snapped.I sighed. I probably deserved that. I should have left her alone. I never should have asked her for that dance. I kept fumbling all of this, constantly ruining things I should have been able to handle with ease. Genevieve had that effect on me, just scrambling my thoughts and feelings."I can't get you out of my head, Genevieve," I confessed."That's your problem, Rowan. You're the one who kissed me. You're the one that asked me to dance. You've made the first move every time," she reminded me.That struck a raw spot in my chest. I couldn't put into words the feelings I was experiencing, especially after she worded things like that. She was right. I had selfishly dragged her into my own tumultuous feelings. I was struggling to discern why she was feeling what she was feeling, but I could tell she was miserable, and I knew it was my fault somehow."I know," I breathed. "I'm sorry."She blinked up at me.
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Chapter 17 : Uncovered
*Genevieve*I still couldn't sleep. Even after the exhausting conversation down at the beach, my mind wouldn't settle. I knew it was because of the conversation at the beach. I was sick of Rowan swirling through my mind, taking up more real estate than he deserved. He shouldn't get to monopolize my train of thought.It was a relief to know that he genuinely cared about me. I could spend my whole life wondering if he truly meant what he said, but the truth was that it didn't matter. When he kissed me, it felt like he meant it, and that was all the proof I needed. I couldn't do anything with that information, so the whole point was moot.Changing into some leggings and a T-shirt, I got ready to go for a walk around the palace. I wouldn't go back down to the beach, but I could pace a little while in the hallway. I needed to clear my head again, and the walls in my room felt like they were crushing me.The palace was quiet, and the halls were dim. At some point in the middle of the
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Chapter 18 : Poor Timing
*Rowan*Seeing Genevieve standing in my doorway like that kicked my pulse into overdrive. Whatever god was listening had answered my prayers. She was back, standing before me wide-eyed and panting, begging for me to let her in.I tugged her inside and pushed the door closed. Feeling her skin against my palms already had me hungry for her. The leggings she was wearing accentuated her full, round ass. Her T-shirt was fitted enough to hint at her willowy figure. I knew how fit she was underneath and still vividly remembered the way her skin heated at my touch there.My mouth was on hers in an instant. I kissed her with more depth and passion than I had kissed anyone before. Her mouth moved fervently against mine. I ran my hands down her back, cupping her ass and holding her hips to mine.I was so thankful she was here. It didn't matter that any of this wasn't right. It didn't matter that we could never truly be together. What mattered right now was that she had come back to me. Sh
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Chapter 19 : Worries
*Jonah*There was a Shakespeare quote that seemed to plague my mind these days. 'All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players.' Maybe it was a beautiful way of looking at things if you're a playwright, but for me, it was pitiful. I decided from the moment that I'd heard the quote that I wouldn't be just a player. I didn't know if I considered myself a director or not, but I certainly wasn't just a bystander.I might be something of a playwright myself.It took a lot of work to orchestrate something like this. Convincing Aurora to get on board with my plan had been the most time-intensive thing I'd done in a very long time. I was used to making deals and twisting people to my will. But she was smarter than most.Aurora truly had a heart of gold. That was the most complicated part of the entire plan. She didn't want anyone hurt. She cared about making sure the people of our countries got the help she thought she could offer them. She wanted to be a f
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Chapter 20 : Scaling
*Genevieve*I looked down. That was a mistake. I was stories above open water and some ragged-looking boulders. I took a deep breath and kept climbing. I had done enough free climbing in the gym with Rowan to feel confident doing this.Still, my palms were sweating as I made the climb. It was no surprise that the outside of the palace wasn't exactly the most conducive to climbing. Usually, people wanted castles and palaces to be difficult to scale and gain entry to. If you weren't coming in through the front door, they probably didn't want you coming in at all.I hadn't decided if it was lucky or not that enough of the palace had weathered to the point I could find footholds and handholds. The good thing was that I had enough options on how to climb that I felt fairly confident I could get to a window or something where I could enter. The bad news was that from time to time, the stone would crumble under my feet or my hand, and I would slip, forcing me to make a quick decision ab
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