All Chapters of Prince Rowan's Treasonous Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Salvation
*Rowan*I'd been with lots of women. Too many, really. I was embarrassed that I had been so frivolous with so many people's emotions. With Genevieve, I knew I had been wasting my time, that I could never have shown love to someone the way I could for her.She deserved it. She deserved every lovely thing I could give her. Not only was she brilliant and strong, but she had saved me. I owed her my life.I had done nothing to earn her attention. I didn't deserve her love and affection, but she continued to shower me with it. I wanted to do the same for her.Her kiss was intoxicating. I was thirsty for more of her, drinking her in like water after a drought. Her lips moved against mine, passionate and hungry.Genevieve stroked her tongue along the roof of my mouth, sending sparks down my spine. I was coming alive at her touch, like nothing I'd ever felt before.I slid my hands under her sweatshirt. I wanted to take it off her, but I was afraid of hurting her arm. Instead, I sett
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Chapter 32 : Closer
*Genevieve*There was another note on my pillow the next morning. I snatched it up, hoping for something sweet from Rowan. I was getting used to his thoughtful little gestures.'They're going to try to have me shot at the parade this weekend. Help.'That was all. The handwriting wasn't his usual beautiful script. It was still neat, lovely handwriting, but it was clearly written in a much more hurried manner. There were a few letters with wavy lines, indicating that his hand had been shaking when he wrote it.Poor Rowan. I wouldn't let anything happen to him. Budge and Tony would help us figure a way out of this as well. It had to be torture though, to live every day knowing that people around you wanted you dead.I had to find this third person. We had to determine who it was and make sure they were held responsible too. We had to hurry. There had been enough back and forth, enough risk. The wedding was quickly approaching, and I feared that if we didn't find them soon, they
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Chapter 33 : Drawing Lines
*Aurora*I sat staring at my reflection for far too long. I wasn't trying to be vain. I just wanted to look perfect. Jonah had stressed to me over and over again that being royal meant appearing perfect. It was the reason he spent so much money getting his look fine-tuned, so he could present himself to the world exactly as he wanted to be seen.I hadn't yet spent the money on the surgeries and procedures that Jonah had. But when I was queen, I would. When I was queen, I would get an entirely new wardrobe. I had believed that the exorbitant spending of the king and queen was just frivolous waste, but Jonah explained it all had a purpose.Jonah helped lead me through every decision I needed to make since coming here. Ever since meeting him by chance in that meeting during negotiations, I had felt so much more relaxed. I had someone who could help me navigate every potential pitfall in this situation.It felt like so much pressure. I was having to rely on Jonah more and more, loo
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Chapter 34 : Shifting Sands
*Genevieve*"Are you ready for your fitting?" I asked. I'd had enough of the verbal two steps. I didn't want to have to second-guess everything I was saying."Yes. I can't wait for you to see the dress. Rowan's guards just don't get excited enough," Aurora answered.I walked with her down to the room they set aside for her dress. It was practically a seamstress shop at this point, with all of the sewing machines and bolts of fabric everywhere. There were several people rushing around the room when we arrived, all of whom I recognized from other parts of the wedding planning process."Aurora, darling, you're late again. At this point, you'll be late for your own wedding." The coordinator laughed. It was a performative laugh, not a genuine one, and it rankled me."They'll wait for me," Aurora dismissed.I knew why she didn't bother with being on time. I knew why she wasn't worried about any of the logistics of this wedding. It was never going to happen.I'd grown more and m
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Chapter 35 : Contingency Plan
*Rowan*As I left Genevieve in the nook, my mind was racing. I tried to play it cool around her. She had enough to worry about already. I couldn't stop thinking about that first line in her note.'Aurora is suspicious.'Over and over and over again. It played like a warning message. I couldn't shake the thought free. If Aurora was suspicious of Genevieve, then we were living on borrowed time. I had to get Genevieve out of danger.I could send her away. I could have her removed from her post and sent home. I could send her on a mission. It might be a diplomatic nightmare, but I could find a way to send Genevieve out of harm's way. I wanted to come up with any excuse to get her as far away from here as possible, but I knew Genevieve.Wherever there was a fight, she was running headlong into it. The woman took a bullet for me, of course, she would want to stay and be a part of whatever happened next. I would never be able to stop her.That was something I loved about her. She
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Chapter 36 : The Beach Hut
I hurried down to the hut. I wasn't supposed to be meeting Genevieve here until late tonight, but I was anxious to get out of the palace. Things only seemed to get more cramped and crowded every time I had to answer another question about the wedding plans.Thinking about the wedding made me sweaty. I knew it wasn't happening. I knew it was nothing but an expensive distraction at this point. I hated it. The constant hemorrhage of money was making my head hurt. I didn't know how to call it all off without raising suspicions, so I just watched the treasury bleed out.The hut stood like a lone soldier keeping watch over a glassy sea. It was becoming a sanctuary, a place where Genevieve and I could be together without fear of discovery or judgment."You're early," Genevieve said, flinching as I entered the hut."So are you," I noted. "Did I scare you?""Yeah, sorry." She laughed. "I thought I'd be alone for a while.""Want to tell me why you're hiding out here?" I asked, lookin
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Chapter 37 : The Meeting
*Genevieve*Rowan went to the door while I smoothed my hair back into place. While Budge and Tony both knew that Rowan and I were together, they definitely didn't need all the gory details.I'd come down here early because I had listened to as much of the wedding planning as I could stand. I hadn't expected to fall in love here. I realized I didn't know if I was expecting to fall in love ever. I never had the luxury of imagining a lavish wedding, or even spending much time at all thinking about what my dream wedding would look like.Before Rowan, I had never imagined a wedding at all.I thought I was a simple kind of girl. I thought I was the kind of woman who would be happy getting married at the courthouse and moving on with my life if I ever got married at all. Marriage seemed so pointless when someone could always just walk out.My mother had left my father as soon as she'd been able to. They never actually got a divorce, she just managed to drop off the face of the plane
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Chapter 38 : Press Release
*Rowan*"Word is that several members of different European royal families are going to be coming," the reporter started, holding up a tape recorder. "What are your thoughts on that?""I'll be thrilled to draw more attention to our home. We have a beautiful place, with lots of fascinating history, especially between both of our islands. I think it would be beneficial to get the rest of the world thinking about our country and seeing what we have to offer," I tried to answer thoughtfully and truthfully.I was a man about to be married. It was okay if I finally started to show that I cared about the people I governed. If my father wanted to kill me, it was clear he realized I had been faking not caring all this time. I couldn't be sure when he figured it out, but I supposed it didn't matter. He knew now."And your thoughts, Duchess?" the reporter asked, turning to hold the tape recorder out closer to Aurora."I believe Rowan is right, it's time that the world discovered what a
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Chapter 39 : Siege Tactics
*Jonah*"He turned me down," Aurora reported, standing in front of my desk looking like a scolded dog."The playboy prince himself turned you down?" I scoffed. "If I hadn't seen exactly what you had to offer myself, I'd say you weren't trying hard enough."It didn't make sense. I hadn't known Rowan to ever turn down a woman. And Aurora was one hell of a woman. She might be a few cows short of a herd in the brains department, but she was the sort of beautiful that men went to war for. I still couldn't believe she'd been interested in getting to know me after our initial meeting.It was what drove me to make sure she stayed kicked down a peg. If she got too confident, she'd realize I was out of her league. Or maybe she wasn't. I would be king soon. I would go to war to conquer nations, stringing together an empire of islands. She should be honored to be offered the chance to rule at my side.If I offered her that chance.I was still considering letting her take the fall for a
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Chapter 40 : Sowing Seeds
*Genevieve*What the hell was that? I was confused by Jonah's strange display, and more than a little unimpressed. I knew better than to believe he felt any real attraction to me. More than likely, he was trying to distract me from something. I couldn't really be bothered to consider what that might be because, at this point, the plan was laid out.Unless they'd made some massive change to their plot, we would have the three of them in custody in a matter of days. Just in time, perhaps.I waited a few moments to ensure Jonah was fully out of the hall before I swept to Rowan's room. I didn't even bother knocking, I just barged in.Rowan's head snapped up to see who was comfortable enough to just force their way into his room this way.He was standing in the doorway to the bathroom. His towel was wrapped loosely around his waist, his hair dripping tiny crystal drops of water to the floor. His eyes flared with surprise, before heating with recognition."Well, if you wanted me,
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