All Chapters of Prince Rowan's Treasonous Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : New Mornings
*Genevieve*Even though I had barely gotten more than a few hours of sleep last night, I woke up feeling more rested than I had in weeks. My fingers and toes stung, and my arms and legs were sore from the climb, but I felt an overwhelming sense of pride at having been able to survive the climb in the first place. I was rusty, but I wasn't ruined.I rolled over as I tried to convince myself to get up for the day. Something cream-colored caught my eye.I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and reached for my pillow. There was a note left on cream linen paper, with beautifully scripted writing in black ink. I picked it up and read it, feeling my mood instantly brighten.'I enjoyed being with you last night, minus the murder stuff. When can we meet to make a plan? Leave a response note in the planter outside of your room by nine this morning.'The note was signed 'Just R'. I smiled and set it aside. Just Rowan. I should dispose of the note somewhere, destroy it so that no one would f
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Chapter 22 : Passing Time, Passing Notes
If I had to listen to one more presentation about flowers for the wedding, I would probably lose my mind. At first, I was enjoying sitting with Aurora as different florists presented their ideas for the wedding. I started to get bored after the sixth one. I had lost count at this point."How many florists are on the island?" I asked Aurora during a break."Only three. But the king and queen wanted to bring in some other options from the surrounding areas. There have been two from Spain, three from Portugal, and I don't know if you noticed, but one of those florists was Scottish. I'm not sure where most of the others were from," Aurora answered."I did notice the Scottish one. I've sort of been tuning the rest of them out. I don't know how you do it. I would go crazy if I had to be the one making the decisions."It was hard to pretend like nothing had changed between the two of us. I couldn't let her know that I knew, but I was having a hard time interacting with her as usual. I
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Chapter 23 : Getting Ready
"Listen, I'm flattered, but I'm old enough to be your dad," Budge whispered."What in the world are you talking about?" I hissed back."I mean, we both know what's going on here. You were looking for me the other day, without really having a good reason. Now, you're asking to meet me in old abandoned hallways… Really, I think you're a lovely girl, but I'm way too old for this kind of thing," Budge continued."Will you shut up for a second? I don't want to be with you," I retorted with a grimace.Budge's mouth snapped shut, his dark eyes narrowing as he waited for what I was going to say next."I need to know that your number one concern is Rowan's safety," I continued."Of course it is. Honestly, just what the hell is this about? You mope around the castle for weeks and now all of a sudden you care about something?" Budge snapped back.I looked around the dim hallway of the lower corridor, confirming that we were fully alone before answering. "First off, I haven't been mo
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Chapter 24 : Explosive Advice
*Rowan*I felt like there was some sort of countdown to the moments I had left on this earth. I found out only yesterday that Jonah and my fiancée were plotting to blow me away, literally, at the dinner table tonight. It started a clock in my head, a stopwatch to my own death.I wasn't going to die. I reminded myself of that over and over. Sergeant Duvall, Budge, Genevieve, they all were working to make sure I survived the attack. It was as simple as not being in my chair at seven tonight. That should be easy. Still, it felt too easy, as if the bomb was only a distraction and I was going to really be killed in some other horrible fashion.The clock kept ticking though, as the day went on. It was getting closer and closer to seven, and I was running out of time.What would you do if you only had hours left to live? I hated to admit that my answer would be to act like it wasn't happening. I mean, sure, the circumstances were a little different. I was going to survive this. I wasn
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Chapter 25 : Homeward Bound
*Genevieve*"I want to go home," Aurora cried.If I wasn't sure that Aurora was involved, I would genuinely feel bad for her. She seemed frazzled. I couldn't decide if this was a genuine reaction to realizing what she had done, or if she was just that good of an actress. Either way, she put on a good show."I'm sure that can be arranged," I answered calmly."Well, then we should arrange it. I want to go home. I'll come back. I'll marry whoever they tell me to marry. I just need to see my parents first," she sobbed."I'll get that arranged now," I promised.I got on my phone, sending out a handful of texts and emails. I let more of the guards, a few diplomats, and some of the Boldovan contacts I had know that Aurora wanted to go home. I told them that in light of recent events, she would be going back to Reyna a little sooner than expected. I also made sure that they knew she was safe, and that the visit would be brief at best. They helped me set up accommodations before lea
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Chapter 26 : Resignation
*Rowan*The palace was cacophonous. The massive halls echoed with the sound of busy footsteps. People hurried from place to place, and repairs were taking place as quickly as possible in the dining hall. I walked down the hall to the temporary area where they were serving breakfast. I got some fruit and piled a few pieces of sausage onto my plate and carried it back to my room.I wasn't feeling very social. I hadn't felt very social in a while, so it should be no surprise, but today was especially bad. Aurora and Genevieve had left early this morning for Reyna and left me behind.The palace was empty without her. Empty and torturously loud and busy. Genevieve brought a sort of peace with her that I had come to rely on. She didn't get rattled by much, and she always had a plan. That was part of what I missed. After surviving the bombing, I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder.Jonah was becoming insufferable. He felt the need to constantly check in with me. We had ne
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Chapter 27 : A Warm Welcome
*Genevieve*Bradley had confirmed what I knew I needed to do. I would do my best to keep Aurora safe, but saving Rowan's life would be my new priority. Saving his life would probably save Budge's life too, if what Jonah and the other man had said about Budge was true. I fully believed that Budge would give his own life to save Rowan. So, that was at least two people I could save by not letting Aurora get away with this.She seemed different this time around. She'd been guilty of spending money a little frivolously before, but she was carrying trunks full of things she had bought while we were back at Reyna. Aurora's comment about setting herself apart from the common people started playing on repeat in my head. In a matter of a week and a half, Jonah had convinced her to waste money the way the king and queen did. It made me sick.Rowan was waiting on the steps of the palace when we pulled up. I was thrilled to see him, but I contained my joy. Aurora barely looked up from the mag
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Chapter 28 : Romance with Rowan
“You wore it,” Rowan breathed, gesturing to the pendant around my neck.“I won’t get many opportunities to wear it for a while. I wanted to take the chance. I was really taken by your note,” I answered kindly.Rowan had me in his arms in an instant. This was different from our usual, hurried episodes. He touched my cheek gently, the tenderness almost surprising. Our eyes met, the spark between us almost palpable. I couldn’t stand the tension, and the few inches of distance between our lips felt like a canyon. I leaned into him, pressing my lips to his.It's amazing how a simple pendant and a heartfelt note can bring two people together in such a profound way. The way Rowan embraced me made it feel like time stood still. This kiss felt more intense than anything we had experienced yet. The depth and commitment made me feel like I was living out some Nicholas Sparks book.Rowan held my face to his, tongue running along my bottom lip. I breathed him in, his breath like holy incens
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Chapter 29 : Keep Trying
Waking up the next morning, I felt light as air and heavy as bricks all at once. I stretched, yawned, and rolled out of bed. Getting up and ready felt like a haze as if I were still dreaming.They had managed to get the repairs done to the dining hall while we were gone for the weekend. I was impressed with how seamless everything looked when Aurora and I got to the dining hall."Thank goodness they got this done so quickly. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to have the wedding and still have chunks of the ceiling missing," Aurora giggled as she walked to make herself a plate.That sounded so out of place for her. When we had first arrived, she had been fairly quiet, but she had seemed like she really cared about people. The more she came out of her shell, the more I started to dislike what I was seeing.Once, as a teenager, I had been in a relationship with an older man. I didn't exactly have anyone around to warn me what a terrible idea it was, and I had gotten in over my
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Chapter 30 : Honored
I hated being noticed. I had practically made a career out of staying in the background. Rowan was really pushing my buttons by making me do this. He even had Tony bring me a dress which he bought for me so that I had something new to wear for the occasion.Rowan assigned several of his own guards to watch over Aurora. It was supposed to help relieve me of my duties for the evening, but I had the feeling they were also supposed to keep an eye on her to prevent her from trying to kill him again."I should be thanking you for saving him. I don't know where I'd be if something happened to him," Aurora said as we walked to the dining hall."No problem. It's my job to keep people safe. I guess keeping him safe is an extension of keeping you safe," I dismissed. The seam along my ribs was itching. This dress was stunning, and it fit like a glove, but my nerves were making my skin crawl.It was a surprising choice, a style that I didn't realize Rowan was familiar with. It was made with
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