All Chapters of Sold to the Prince of Hell: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
108 Chapters
Untold secrets.
Juzarh Leiya“Could you help me with these?”I looked up from the book I was reading to notice Lyle passed me a tray with carrots and a knife lying beside them. I gently closed the book, placing it on the table before pulling the tray closer to myself.“What…what should I do with them?” I stuttered as I looked at them with puzzling eyes. “What do you mean what should you do with them?” he turned sharply to me. “Chop them up,” he informed me.When I didn't respond, my eyes juggling between him and the tray before me, his eyes widened in realization.“You…” he paused, looking at me, waiting for me to interrupt him, but I didn't.His face then became more serious. “You don't know how to chop carrots?”He asked quietly, as if no one else needed to hear it even though it was just the two of us.“No I don't.” I murmured, a little ashamed that he thought I could and I let him down.He walked closer to the table, standing across from me but
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Hanging in the air.
Juzarh Leiya“Where are we going?”I asked impatiently, avoiding the broken sticks and animal faeces as we walked through the small forest outside the house. “We're almost there Leiya.”He replied with a chuckle. I wasn't sure what time of day it was so I couldn't call it breakfast or dinner, however, after we ate, he asked me to go for a walk with him. When I asked him where, he told me it was a surprise. After minutes of walking through the trees and bushes, I kept asking where he was taking me and his response was that I should trust him. “Here.”He announced. I looked up from the ground to notice there was a beautiful spring of water before us. The clarity of the water, as well as the bright blue color stunned me to silence. The closer we got to it, it started to look strange. “Why does it look that way?”I asked when I was certain it didn't look normal.“It flows backwards.”He replied, lowering himself onto a small tree trunk on
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Necessary changes.
JuzarhLeiya“Not like that!” he yelled, causing me to freeze on the chair.“You're going to hurt yourself if you hold it like that.”He added in a calmer tone. He placed his hand over mine that was holding the knife. Walking behind me, he placed his second hand over the one that held an onion. “Hold the knife like this.” He whispered, gripping my hand firmly, but gently holding the end of the knife. He brought it to the onion, slowly bringing it down on the vegetable and cutting a piece out of it. He repeated the action a few more times, firmly but gently holding both my hands as he did so. “Like this.” He uttered softly. He was so gentle, standing so close behind me, I rested on him. I let go of my hands, letting him guide them through the process. Quietly watching the vegetable cut into smaller bits. “Aren't you supposed to let me do it now?”I asked when the onion was cut halfway.“Shh.” I heard him say. A cute giggle escaped
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Traveling with a host.
JuzarhLeiyaI walked into the living area to meet Lyles excited eyes. “Now, who do we have here?” A rhetorical question with a wide grin spread across his face. I had on one of his long shirts, with a big pair of pants underneath. The smallest pair he could find, but it was still big on me. “I look like a boy in his father's clothes.”I looked down at the clothes on my body as I walked towards him. “A very pretty boy, if I might add.”I shot him a sarcastic look and he burst into a small laugh. “No one else but me is going to be seeing you dressed like that," He spoke softly after he was done laughing. I walked to the chair beside him, quietly taking my seat.“And you look just as beautiful.” He added. Keeping his eyes on mine, he reached for my hand. I let him. He tugged lightly on my arm, pulling me closer to him. I got out of the chair and let myself move closer to him. “And maybe,” he whispered as he pulled me closer.
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Secrets in a book.
JuzarhLeiyaLyle had fallen asleep after our meal, leaving me by myself. Whenever one of us was asleep, the other had to find something to occupy ourselves with. He was probably used to it, but I wasn't. I was completely bored, left with my own unfriendly thoughts. I browsed through the books he had stacked on the shelves. They were a lot. I had picked up and returned a number of them. Ranging from romance novels to murder, to books about demons and angels. Even though I was casually looking through for something that would interest me, I was hoping to find a book on magic and spells. I was on the second shelf when a small paper that looked like it was hastily pushed into a book, caught my attention. I tried to take out the paper but for some reason, I couldn't. I took out the entire book with ease, and attempted to pull out the paper. I still had no luck with it. Baffled by how a small piece of paper was hanging tightly to the pages of the book, I examined the en
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A show of trust.
Juzarh LeiyaAfter the book incident, I had been weary of Lyle. I knew he was hiding something but I wasn't sure what. Whatever he was hiding, he was hiding it pretty well. He was clueless as to how I felt about him. Just as he was doing a perfect job keeping his secret, I was doing a perfect job at pretending. “Leiya,” he called my attention away from the fantasy novel I was engrossed in. “Yes Lyle?” I looked up, watching him walk towards where I sat.“Do you know how to swim?”His out of the blue question amused me. I closed the book to pay full attention to him. “No I don't.” “Great,” he gleefully threw his hands in the air. ”Another thing I need to teach you.” he sounded more excited than I was. It made me giggle a little bit.“I think I would rather finish up this book.”I mumbled, picking up the book with its pages opened. I was still trying to find where I was when the book suddenly flew out of my hand. “Leiya, I've been
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Giving reasons.
JuzarhLeiya I wanted to pull my hand about his way throughout the entire journey to the small spring, but he was holding me tightly. Not the firm yet soft way he used to, a more aggressive way. He was unconsciously projecting his anger onto me. We finally got to the water and he let me go. At so many points along the way, I wanted to speak on how tightly his grip was but for some reason, I was scared. He was obviously angry about something and I didn't know how he was when he was angry. I also didn't want to find out. “Isn't it beautiful?”He was talking about the water. I walked a little away from him to also observe the beauty. It truly was beautiful. It looked so clean, crystal clear, but it was still strangely flowing backwards. “It is beautiful.” I whispered, more to myself than to him.“Not as beautiful as you.”I looked up to meet his gaze, a small smile on his lips. I wanted to be flattered, I wanted to blush inwardly and project a little
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Reunited at the town.
JuzarhLeiyaI quietly made my way back to the small house. My injured wrist held to my chest by the other hand, while I forced my crying to a stop. I could hear him walking behind me. He had tried calling as he followed, but after a number of tries to which I did not respond, he fell silent and just walked behind me. The subtle fear I had for Lyle wasn't subtle anymore. I was very afraid of being alone with him. I was afraid of being near him. How was I going to spend the rest of my life in this place with him? I needed to find a way out of this place. The second I turned my back to him, I knew I needed to leave. If there was no way out, I would rather take my own life. Either way, living the rest of my life with him was a nightmare I didn't want to live in. I walked into the small cottage, he followed behind me. I walked to the kitchen corner for a small bowl of water. I made my way outside, pouring the cold water over my inflated wrist. I quietly winced in pain.
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Expressed feelings.
JuzarhLeiyaI haven't been able to sleep properly in the past few days. Being alone with Lyle, in the same house, in an unknown town with no other residents was very distressing. I couldn't look him in the eye, my heart raced every time he was close to me, I always forced a kaigh at his jokes. Nothing was the same. The pain in my wrist had also cleared up. The mark, however, still remained. A red band around my wrist to remind me of how monstrous he could get. I also couldn't believe he didn't notice anything different about me, I wondered if he was just clueless or I was very good at pretending. Either way, he had been very much the same way as he was in the beginning. “What should we do today Leiya?”His voice distracted me from the book I was reading. Reading was all I did. I let my imagination run free. I imagined being out of here, in the real world with other people. I imagined being back at Kaltain, in the warm embrace of Helion. I imagine sitting and t
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Going away.
Juzarh Leiya My life had officially become a living hell. Stuck with a man who has a behavior problem and a worrisome attitude for the rest of my life with no way of escape. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't do it. I couldn't pretend anymore. His smile that used to excite me was now sickening and repulsive. His voice that used to excite me was now horrifying.“Leiya,”He called from the other room. Anytime he called, my heart stopped for a moment. When he was around me, the air in the room wasn't enough.“You should cook for me today.” He said as he walked into the living area. I looked up from the book I was reading. It was hard to tell if he was being serious or not. “I don't know how to.”He knew this. I watched him walk towards the table, waiting for what condescending thing he was going to say next. “It's a woman's job to cook for her husband.”I wasn't sure what part of his statement disgusted me the most, but I was to choose,
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