All Chapters of Sold to the Prince of Hell: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
108 Chapters
Making promises.
Hepthan Leiya“What do you mean you married her off?!” I screamed in shock and fury. He slowly placed another ball of grape into his mouth, chewing it even more slowly. He was being intentionally difficult and it upset every single nerve I owned. “Well, I had no use for her,” he began casually. “Just like I had no use for you.” My fists tightened. My fingers buried into the skin of my palm. as the words left his mouth. “So I gave her away.” He added with a shrug. He spoke like he was talking about an item. The way you give out a dress you find no use for anymore.“And you gave her to who?”I was furious, furious enough to try and attack him, but it would be useless to do so. I had to endure my raging anger if I was going to be successful.“King Raslin of Valinor, his son Xerian.”The moment he said the words, my memory was faint but I could remember that I escorted Helion to a place called Valinor for business. “The king with th
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Thinking or overthinking.
ValinorLeiyaIt took another two days to journey from Hepthan to Valinor. Within those two days, I read, slept and worried tirelessly about the whereabouts of my sister. I wondered where she was, if she was safe. I feared if she married someone kind or a monster like Lyle. Most of all, I hoped she was alive somewhere.The reception at Valinor was different than at Hepthan. We were asked to wait outside the big gates of the castle until the king agreed to receive us. When he finally sent for us, we were let in. The rider for my horses walked behind me while we were led to the courtroom. When the doors opened, we met the king and his queen seated on a high table.“Your majesties,” I briefly bent my knees and lowered my head in exoneration. “I remember you,” the king muttered when I straightened up. “You're Helion's queen.”I instantly choked on my own breath at the sound of his words. For some reason, I was flattered that he remembered me that way b
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Stories untold.
Valinor LeiyaThe queen didn't look convinced by my response, but that was all she was going to get. I didn't have the time to explain everything I had been through and frankly, I knew she didn't want to listen. She was too worried about her son to care. “So now what?” I turned to the king when I heard him speak. “She is not here, neither is my son.”I was about to speak when the big doors opened and a little girl ran in. She headed straight for the queen, which made me assume she was her daughter. She was the cutest princess I had ever set my eyes on. “We don't know where they are or what happened, all we know is that both of them are nowhere to be found.”The king went on, dragging my attention away from his adorable daughter who sat on her mother's thighs.“We have searched all the nearby towns but nobody remembers even seeing them.”He spoke in such a dejected tone, it was obvious he was greatly disturbed. Of course he would be, his only heir
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The journey ahead.
ValinorLeiyaThe three of us fell silent, watching the little girl fondle the little doll she was holding. She had no idea about the gravity of the information she just told us. It shed a whole new light on the disappearance. They willfully left. In search of me.“Your majesty,” I uttered hastily, breaking the lingering silence. "I came here from Kaltain and I can assure you they are not there.”If they were still alive, they were probably on the wrong route or may have taken a longer route. “So what do we do?” For the first time since my arrival, the queen had a small spark in her voice. The little hope she had left was sparked up. “I have a strong feeling that they took a wrong route or a longer one,” The King nodded his head in agreement. Embarking on a journey without knowing the correct routes was an unsafe thing to do, but it seems they were fueled by determination. “Now that we know their destination, we should send guards t
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Hidden in a cloak.
The first town LeiyaKing Raslin sent two of his guards to come along with me, while he sent five to search each town on the west route to Kaltain. He was so close to coming himself, but he wasn't going to leave official duties for an unknown amount of time. After making the same promise I made to the queen to him, I embarked on my way, armed with more food and water for the journey. We traveled only during the day. By night time, the guards, along with my rider, had to stop for some rest. They took turns to sleep and watch until it was sunrise. They all looked exhausted from not sleeping enough, but they didn't stop moving. Their resilience was really commendable.Before nightfall on the third day, we arrived at the first town. It was a strange looking town. The buildings looked almost empty, there were little to no people moving around and everyone moved sluggishly without speaking to each other. The guards walked cautiously before me, until we got to a tavern wh
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Memories and letters.
The forestLeiyaThe riders didn't slow their horse's down until we were safely away from the strange town. I struggled to get the gruesome image out of my head, but I had never seen anything like it before. I took up a book to distract myself. In moments, I had fallen into the hands of sleep. My eyes gradually opened when I heard whispering and chatting. After a few more blinks, I realized the carriage had stopped moving. Night had fallen. The three riders sat across from the carriage with a big fire lit in between them. They were holding sticks over the fire. On a closer look, they had fishes thrusted into each stick, cooking it over the fire.I climbed out of my carriage and made my way towards the. They instantly got up when they noticed my presence. Their heads lowered with their eyes plastered to the ground. “Settle down gentleman.” I announced with a light chuckle, lowering myself onto a small log near the fire. "Take your seats.”They quie
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Helion's point of view.
Kaltain HelionThe days had gone back to the way they were before. The empty feeling of the castle even when it was flooded with guards and maids. The heavy silence in the air even when the castle was noisy. There was something about Leiya that I didn't understand. I couldn't understand why. I hated that I couldn't control myself. I hated that I always wanted her around. I hated that I couldn't concentrate on anything when she wasn't around me. Knowing that she was out there without me scared me, and I was never afraid.There was only so much I could take. Everyday since she had left, I yearned after her. The fact that she was furious at me when she left gave me sleepless nights. I kept on hurting her even when I didn't mean to. I wanted to stay away from her, let her be so I don't hurt her anymore, but I couldn't. I was too selfish to let her be. My soul painfully begged for her. The taste of her lips was none like any other. The feeling of her fingers digging into my
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Do you remember?
The second townLeiyaAfter another exhausting two days in the forest, we made it into the second town. I was tired of eating fish or bread, and I couldn't wait to lay my tongue on something hot and spicy. Raslin's men walked on each side of my carriage as we walked into the rowdy town. Unlike the first strange place, there was a healthy number of people in the streets and in the buildings. Men, women and children went about their daily activities. As we made our way through the buildings, I wondered how I was going to begin or where I was going to start asking from. I was going to worry about that later. The first thing I needed to do was eat. I stuck my head out of my carriage, peeking the attention of the guard on my left. “Let's stop for some food.” I yelled at him. He nodded before yelling the same thing to the others. We moved for a few more minutes before coming to a stop, only to resume again. I assumed they were asking the people for directions.
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Gruesome ending.
The second town Leiya The name Willis sounded strange to me, but I was too uninterested to care. “Thank you for your kind offer,” I said calmly, picking up the fifth bowl of broth. "But I do not need your gesture.” I handed it back to the friendly server that still stood by our table. She reluctantly took it from me, looking at him for a moment before returning her gaze to me. “I apologize if I may have offended you with my kindness, my lady.” He tried a subtle tone with me, emphasizing on the word ‘kindness’, hoping I would feel guilty. It only irritated me even more. "Listen, Willis,” I called in a square tone. I had had enough of him. "My men and I, have traveled a very far distance, searching for my sister and her husband,” I leaned into the table, saying each word slowly. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the server was also listening very intently. “So if you
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Lessons and leaving.
The second town Leiya I noticed the expression in Willis's eyes when he called out her name. It was one of disgust, even hate. “Yes,” I muttered. “That's my sister, and her husband Xerian.” I wasn't sure but it looked like I caught him rolling his eyes. “And you said they left that same night?” I kept my eyes on Willis while I asked the pretty server. “Yes,” she replied casually. "I helped take her husband to Willis's home.” The high tone she used to narrate the memory showed she was also surprised. “By sunrise, I went to check if they were okay, but they were gone.” I looked long and hard at the young man sitting across from me. He had his eyes on the table. Whatever was the reason behind Nayla and a sick Xerian leaving in the thick of night, I knew he had something to do with it. “Willis,” I called. He immediately looked up at me. He wasn't expecting his name to be
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