All Chapters of Sold to the Prince of Hell: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
108 Chapters
Leiya's revenge.
Juzarh LeiyaMy eyes slowly opened. I was laid on my back in a familiar looking room. I scanned the room where I was. Soon enough I realized I was back at the small house, and I was in Lyle's bed. I lifted my arm to confirm if I had actually slit it, or I had been dreaming. There was a faint cut which meant I wasn't dreaming. I felt myself coming to tears. I had no control over anything happening. I couldn't even successfully take my own life. I dreaded walking out to meet him, I dreaded what he would do to me. I wanted to just lie on the bed until I died. As my thoughts forced tears down my face, I heard loud bickering. He was at it again, talking with the invisible person as last time.I forced myself out of bed. Whatever he was going to do to me, I was ready for it. If he was going to kill me, I would very much appreciate it. The moment I stood on my feet, I struggled to stay up. I felt so weak, my head pounded and my vision was also blurry. I had lost a lot of
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A whole new experience.
RastokNaylaXerian went back with Zen and Venah after she had applied the healing paste on my ankle. I was feeling a lot better and offered to go along with them. I wanted to make sure Venah was comfortable at Zen's as well as see the blush on her face when we left the two of them for the night. However Xerian refused.They all backed him up, refusing I walk, and insisting I rest. Outnumbered and with no choice, I reluctantly agreed. I resorted to hugging Venah, bidding Zen goodnight, then they left. I walked around the room for a few moments. Limping subtly with little to no pains. In a few days, I will be able to walk just fine. When I was satisfied with the exercise for my ankle, I took off my undergarments and sat in bed. I wanted to stay up until Xerian returned, but my tired body was winning the war with my heart. I occupied myself with thoughts of Venah and Zen. They looked like they were going to get along just fine. Maybe he would take her mind away from X
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Back to the way it was.
JuzarhLeiya“You will regret this.” Lyle hissed. His eyes that once looked at me softly looked at me with hate. The same hate I had for him. “She will not regret anything because you will not touch her, Lyle.”Helion's delivery of a stern warning gave me more courage. I wanted to hit Lyle again. “I'm not scared of you.” Lyle expressed with disgust. I heard a scornful laugh from behind me and suddenly Lyle got to his feet. “Go on Lyle,” I heard Helion's deep tone. "You're free now. Touch her.”Free as he was, I didn't feel a hint of fear as I looked into his eyes. I knew he wouldn't dare to touch me, he was scared of his brother and he was too much of a coward to admit it. We stared at each other for a few more minutes. The silence in the room was deafening. The anger, rage and hate emitting from the both of us could be felt in the air. “Just what I thought,” Helion's scornful voice broke the silence.“Now sit.” He growled. Lyle
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A sigh of relief.
Kaltain LeiyaThe familiar arrangement of my room at Kaltain brought tears to my eyes. The moment Helion told me to consider my wishes done, we vanished. Everything was just like I left it, as if I never left. Helion instructed the maids to bathe me properly, bring me clean clothes and feed me whatever I asked for. He whispered to me he would be there for a while, but I was just happy to be back home. The moment he left, the maids got to work. I requested that I eat before taking a bath. I was still very weak from losing so much blood. I was taken to the dinner table. I didn't wait long before I was served dishes of all sorts. My mouth started to water as I watched them place the plates before me. I wasn't able to wait for them to leave before I dug in. I started slurping down the soup like my life depended on it. Taking pieces of bread and pieces of meat at the same time. In a short time, half of the plates on the table were empty. I took a moment to breathe
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Taking all.
Kaltain LeiyaI didn't know when I appeared in Helion's room with water dripping down my naked body. Not breaking our kiss, he picked me off my feet. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him. His hands firmly held up my butt cheeks as he carefully made his way to bed. Not minding our wet bodies, he gently lowered me onto the soft surface, climbing on top of me while I backed into the bed. The more we kissed, the more passion I felt. The more I wanted him. With my eyes closed, I felt his hands cup my left breast. The feeling was nothing like anything I had ever felt. While his tongue danced around mine, his fingers twirled around my nipple. I could feel my lips working up a swell but I didn't care, I wanted to kiss him until they bled. He softly began to massage my breast, gently pinching on my nipple sending sparks flying throughout my entire body. He took his lips off mine and I instantly missed them. He didn't make me wait, taking them to the breast he ha
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Forever is the deal.
Kaltain LeiyaThe chirping sound of birds singing outside the window penetrated the walls of my sleep. I tossed to the other side with my back to the light. I didn't know why I thought that was going to help with the noise, but it didn't. I painstakingly turned again, facing the window before turning to lie on my back with my eyes wide open. Being woken up by birds is the most annoying thing ever. I wondered how fairytales make it sound romantic. “Want me to make them go away?”I heard a deep voice from beside me. I knew he was also woken up by their noise. “Without sucking the life out of them, yes please.”He instantly let out a croaky chuckle. "I'm not that terrible Leiya.”I sheepishly smiled to myself. It didn't take a second before the birds flew away from the window. Sometimes I just couldn't believe how powerful he was. I also couldn't believe a powerful man such as himself wanted me. Just me. That alone made me feel very powerful. "How ar
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Happening again.
Kaltain Leiya Helion and I had another short session of a display of passion. This time he didn't have a hard erection or try to penetrate me with it. It was a soft session. His fingers and lips explored every inch of my skin. The movement of our naked bodies made the room hotter, the air tighter and the sheets wetter. He ended the session with a long kiss before climbing off me. “Breakfast?” He mumbled with his back to me, pulling a shirt over his head. I laid up on my side, using my hand to support my head while I watched him drag his trouser to cover his productive organ. It looked smaller than when he had an erection which was a little strange to me. I didn't know it grew, and his basically doubled in size. It was so big when it was hard, maybe that's why it didn't fit in me. “Leiya,”At the sound of his voice my eyes moved from his crotch to his face. He was now completely dressed while I was still completely naked, drooling over him. “I'd rath
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Two separate halves.
RastokNaylaHand in hand, Xerian and I made our way back to Zen's home. He and Venah also walked together, they couldn't stop chatting and giggling. On our way back, we noticed a lot of people gathered around a man on an elevated platform. He was boxes beside him on his elevated platform. He was yelling and gesturing with his hands to the people. “What's going on there?” I asked no one in particular."That's Egorh,” Zen replied. “He's a magician.”"Really?” I screeched as I turned to him. He gave me a small nod. "Can we go see him?” I gently tugged on Xerian's arm. "I've never seen a magician perform." I added when he looked at me. "You haven't ever?” He asked in a high tone to show he was surprised. I slowly shook my head. My father believed every magician was evil and never let them into the kingdom. Other kingdoms used magicians to help them protect their walls, but my father believed in the strength of his army. Maybe if he had allowed
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Bowl of letters.
Kaltain LeiyaAs promised, Helion provided me with a proper carriage, stacked with food, water and other things I would need for the journey, along with a rider and two horses. I also insisted on leaving as soon as the carriage was put together.We hadn't said any words to each other after the fight. I was still very furious at him and for some reason, he was furious with me as well. After a breakfast that we had in silence, except for the screams of the men he was devouring, I retired to my room. There I was until a maid came to tell me that the carriage was ready. I picked a few books to occupy myself with since I was alone before making my way out the door. I made my way towards the exit of the castle. To my surprise, Helion stood outside the large doors. I walked towards the doors with the plans of just passing by him without saying a word. If I knew my way to Hepthan, I would have gone without any of his provisions, but I didn't. As much as I was furious, I co
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Distressing news.
HepthanLeiyaThe journey to Hepthan was faster than I thought. The horses were in good shape and the driver didn't slack on the journey. Not once did he slow them down. Once he requested we stop so that the horses could drink from a stream, but afterwards we didn't stop until we reached our destination. Before nightfall of the next day, we had arrived at the gates of the big kingdom. To my surprise, the guards didn't stop us when we approached the gates. The moment the driver mentioned I was their King's guest from King Helion, we were let to pass. Helion definitely sent word to Degar to expect my arrival. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I was grateful we were led straight to his castle without any problems. The moment my carriage stopped, I was welcomed with a warm reception. The same people who spat on my sister and I a few years ago, lowered their heads to welcome me. All because I was sent from Helion and they feared him. They all disgusted me. They wer
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