All Chapters of Gold Rush: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 Chapters
Ryu ties her Converse, staring at the grass beneath her feet, the due over the soft greenery and the fresh smell that envelopes her senses. There's a backpack hanging from her shoulders. Once the lace of the shoes is tied tightly into a bow, she leans back up from her crouching position.She takes her surroundings. She's sitting in a garden, on a bench. It looks strangely familiar. It stretches too far to be a garden but at the same time–Ah.It's his home.This is the area beneath Minjun's apartment, the garden that stretches too wide. Strange, there are kids playing soccer at very far of the land.Is it her campus ground? No, it can't be. This is Minjun's home, she can remember it as vividly as possible. She looks behind her to see the building that Minjun owns, his home. It's there, standing proud in all its might.She doesn't understand why people from her college are playing at Minjun's home. It's stupid, it makes her laugh.It's peaceful.Nothing hurts.Ryu leans back on her arm
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Chapter 1
For the longest time Ryu can remember, she has lived a life dissociated from reality. Failing to look at things how they are and from the usual perspective, she gave everything her own custom meaning. Her conspiracy theories along with her giftedness to slap poetics made a singer out of her.Or at least, a wannabe.After countless nights spent jotting down lyrics that would keep her awake, melodies buzzing in her mind and a burning passion to do something, she came to Seoul to study music in the biggest university in South Korea.However, when our story begins to unfold, Ryu wasn't in her best form, or let's rather say, as ambitious as she's been portrayed. In fact, she was sloshed by the edge of the Han River, ranting about the atrocities middle-class people have to face to her best friend with a bottle of soju in her hand."It's absolutely ridiculous how everything works. I took debts to pay this stupid university's fees before I even turned eighteen with no security whatsoever. Wha
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Chapter 2
Ryu's week goes by in her drowning in a shit load of assignment completion. She has two units to make a report on in the history of music, Korean and global separately.On Wednesday, she cries on her study table, tears streaming steadily down her cheeks and smearing all the ink of the paper she had just half finished. Not even the electronic cigarette helps. And she didn't even get the time to go to the salon.On Thursday though, she takes out a full of two hours for herself, buys her average overpriced coffee and goes to the salon.The next day she gets up earlier than her usual time and skips college to go and meet Park Minjun. Takes a two-hour-long shower with every exfoliating scrub she has ever owned and empties half of her body wash and shampoo bottles.She spends the entire morning getting ready, to the point that Irang decides to skip class as well. Sitting on the floor in front of her full-body mirror, her makeup products spread across the floor."I'm gonna piss myself in fro
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Chapter 3
When Ryu enters her apartment, she's weak in her fucking knees.The door swings open to Irang already jumping on her, asking so many questions at once that it loses its coherence."Let me fucking breathe!" Ryu says, taking off her boots and walking inside the apartment, she once again plops herself on the plush couch and is hit by a wave of Deja vu. She still can't believe the events that had taken place in the last few hours. Still can't believe she had seen Park Minjun in all his glory, talked with him for hours and..."Tell me everything. Every. Little. Detail."The girl demands and Ryu is happy to oblige. She bites her lip and smiles."It was... a date."Screams as feral as a creature of hell erupt throughout the whole apartment and Ryu has to close Irang's mouth with her hand in order to shush her so that they don't piss the neighbours off."I told you! I told you!" She says. "Park Minjun likes you."Ryu's heart skips a beat, something akin to fear settling in her chest. "I- No,
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Chapter 5
Park Minjun is a dream to many.Ryu never considered herself any different.When she wakes up the next morning, she feels the way she felt when she had her first kiss. She slept lightly the previous night, a place between sleep and awake. Where she was kind of aware that she was sleeping because her mind was too active with what had taken place just hours ago. It was running frantically with flashes of caramel eyes fluttering shut before the soft press...As she wakes up from her slumber, Minjun is the first thing on her mind and her body is already jittery. She feels her heart bubble up when she realizes it's all real and not just a fragment of her imagination, for every night before sleeping she wishes that when she wakes up this all doesn't wither away because it was all just a dream.Pumped full of dopamine, she makes her way to the bathroom, brushing her teeth before taking off her clothes and stepping into the shower. She usually gets up early for University so she can get ready
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Chapter 6
Ryu sips on her iced coffee languidly, specs on, face practically buried in her book as she reads through every line of the stupid theme she's determined to finish today. It's crazy how she's read this book at least thrice this year and still keeps finding something new as if the words multiply themselves on their own. It's good that she's done with half of her mid-term exams, god knows she's not surviving this for too long.It's been over a week since she's seen Minjun and she really shouldn't be thinking about him while studying but it's proving incredibly hard not to by every passing second because couples keep clogging up the library lanes to eat faces.She misses Minjun.It's not like they don't fact, Minjun has been calling her every other day, but she wants to see his beautiful face. Before she can shake the raging thoughts of him aside and dive into her book once again, her phone rings with his name on her screen.MinjunAs usual, her heart skips a beat. It isn't unti
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Chapter 7
'I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touchEverybody wants youEverybody wonders what it would be like to love you'Ryu knows that Mrs Song is one of the few people who have grown to know too much about her in these past few years. She knows when something is going on, and knows when something is bothering her. So it doesn't surprise her when the lady comes and sits beside her at the library desk in the after-hours."You're seeing someone, aren't you?"Ryu closes her book shut immediately and looks around to see if someone is around."Wow, it's that secret, huh?""How do you know?" Ryu hisses.The woman is in her thirties, recently got married, wears her good girl glasses and all. She shrugs."Y'know...since you weren't hanging around in the library much these days, I just predicted."Ryu shakes her head in bewilderment. "You are so unprofessional, woman.""Hey, I'm good at my job." Mrs Song defends before dissolving into a mischievous smile again, leaning closer in intere
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Chapter 8
'Walk past, quick brushI don't like slow-motion double vision in rose blush'Ryu sits in her flight seat comfortably, her headphones on as she scrolls through her phone until the flight attendant informs them they're about to take off. The seat next to her is empty, Irang said she will try to exchange her own so they can sit together, but she's still not here. It doesn't matter.She shuts her phone down and closes her eyes in peace. Oh, she loves catching flights. She loves to travel. This is gonna be a good break, she can feel it.Someone shifts her headphones from her ear and Ryu whirls around to look at the person sitting beside her.This break is gonna go to shit.The rage that shoots up in her system is so blinding, Ryu feels like she won't be able to control her actions, her fingers already curling into a fist, her breathing becoming ragged out of resistance."You," She whispers.The boy in front of her smiles cockily, Ryu wants to punch his face so badly."Hello, Ryu.""You si
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Chapter 9
'I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush'As Ryu walks out of the airport, she detaches herself from the other students discreetly so she won't catch anyone's attention. She searches for Minjun's car and spots it, parked on the other side of the road at the very end. Ryu glances back at Irang, who is already giving her a knowing look, a slight smirk on her face."I'll go...he's here." She mutters to her best friend."Damn, Ryu. Is that his car?"Ryu gulps, feeling a little feverish at the thought of him being so near. What if he's looking at her? She wouldn't know. Her heartstrings are pulling weirdly and she's feeling different. She wants to see him, but that's not it. There's something else that she can't pinpoint.At last, she nods. "Bye. I'll see you later."With that, she is making her way across the street, heart hammering, breath already scraping the back of her throat in resistance. When she reaches the car, she walks around it and opens the door to sit
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Chapter 10
'Everybody wants youBut I don't like a gold rush'Ryu slowly wakes up from her slumber, blinking her eyes open only to have her breath get stuck in her throat. Ryu thinks she never saw something so insanely beautiful before. He's sleeping. He's just sleeping and she wants to fucking bawl her eyes out by how overwhelmed it is making her. She can't believe what she is seeing.Remnants of last night bleed into her mind, stirring her insides pleasantly. The moments they shared...Ryu can't help the smile that adorns her lips.Hesitantly, she lifts her hand and reaches to touch his face softly. She grazes her fingers on his soft skin in a ghostly touch, afraid to wake him up when he's sleeping so peacefully, like a little baby unaware of the world around him. She has never adorned someone so much, she has never looked at someone and felt as if she had to hug them very tightly or squish their face.He's my baby.She gulps, trailing her finger on his eyebrow before following the straight bri
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