All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
156 Chapters
Leila's POVWhile waiting for the old lady to proceed out of the house with the kids, I had moved away a bit from the old man who happened to be Marcus's chief gardener.“What is going on here, father?” I asked him once we were a few feet away from the old man.“I arrived at the mansion, recalling that there was something I forgot to include in the letter. I came here to Marcus's wing in search of you, only to be drawn to a strong magical force in the garden,” My father replied and took a brief pause.I thought back to a few minutes ago, when Smithson, Maureen, and I stumbled on the servants clustering at the door.After Smithson had asked them what was going on, a servant replied that my father had come to see me but got distracted by two kids playing in the garden.I tried to know who the kids belonged to, but they did not know. “Of what use are you then standing by the door,” I barked at them.“Do you mind if I teach them a lesson for you?” Smithson had asked. He looked hungry for
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Marcus's POVI hadn't spent so much energy but I was depleted of any. I roamed the dark room in search of some light. I felt suffocated in the dark room because of the musty odor that it had.Where the hell was I?One minute I was in Lily's bed and another minute in a dark room. Finally, I noticed a streak of light coming in from a distance towards my left.I began walking slowly in that direction. As I got closer to the light, I felt heaviness over me. I was supposed to feel the opposite but I didn't.I was not scared, but I was feeling anxious. As I got where the light came from, I saw several servants from my wing. They all had this faint light glowing from them.“What are you doing here?” I asked them with a frown.“There is something that binds us all in the land of the living and something that binds us all in the land of the dead,” They chorused at the same time.What could have bound them in the land of the living and still bind them in the land… of… the dead…My thoughts got
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Lily's POVI turned around in a slow spin, taking in my surroundings. Leila's hand was suspended in the air, while her father was just a step away from putting his hands on her shoulder.She was angry and the way her brown hair flew with her brown eyes widened in fury. Her father looked more frightened than he was intimidating.“Mother,” Raymond tugged at my hands.Tears flowed down my eyes. “What did you do?” I asked him.“It wasn't me, mother,” He replied and turned towards Fiona.I turned and noticed Fiona lying on the ground weak and in tears. I ran towards her and held her up. “Fiona,” I called out slowly.I looked at Raymond and he had this fear in his eyes. I pulled him closer. “Nothing is going to happen to your sister alright, we just need to get her home,” I said to him as I kissed his forehead and held him close.“Can we go home now,” Fiona muttered slowly.“Fiona!” I screamed out of excitement. “Oh my baby, I'm so glad you are alright,” I said amidst tears that fell ceasel
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Shawn's POV“What did you just say?” Shadowvale asked.He did not look surprised nor did he look angry. He was expressionless and indifferent. Almost unfeeling, but his question gave him away.“My sister is my mother,” Martin repeated his words in more clear terms.“How did you get that information?” Shadowvale asked with a tone of indifference.“She told me herself. My spell is broken,” Martin replied boastfully.It felt like he was trying to get Shadowvale angry on purpose. He was clearly poking at Shadowvale's old wounds.He was heartbroken when his bride left him and the only hold he had over her turned out to be his son.Shadowvale suddenly burst out laughing. “Is that a new trick you learned in Mistwood Creek?” He asked amidst his laughter.This doesn't look good.“Shadowvale, or should I call you Father?” Martin replied. “I don't know how you feel, but turns out I'm half wolf and half witch and they must have been scared of my capabilities and spellbound me,”“That's enough Mar
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Leila's POV“What happened?” I asked.Before making a direct accusation, I needed to be sure he was the one. I could see something else in Smithson's eyes. Alongside the hatred, I could sense fear and jealousy.“He walked in just as we were about to leave your room,” Maureen said.I turned to look at her. She was a witch and was more powerful than Smithson was, I could not read through her and she knew that.“Why do I feel you both are hiding something from me?” I asked.“You can trust that we are not hiding anything,” Maureen replied again.She looked me in the face and I watched her eyes for any sign of deception but there was none.I sighed. “Let's go. I need to get changed and see my Father,” I said.They nodded and we made our way up to the balcony leading back into my room. Just as our feet landed on the balcony, I saw Marcus standing at the doorway leading down the hallway where my room was.“What are you still doing here?” He asked.“Why are you insulting me, Marcus? Am I not
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Marcus's POVMy anger had reached its limit as I stormed out of my wing and went straight towards the northern wing.My father would not plead guilty to the release of Smithson, only he had the authority to do so.As I approached the council hall, I was met with grumbling court advisors. “Master Marcus,” they greeted.“What is going on here?” I asked coldly.No one was saying anything. They all backed away and refused to speak. I was already agitated as it was and their actions only infuriated me the more.They were mostly elders of the Twilight Ridge pack. Most of them were in their prime and had contributed to the growth of our pack, adding to how much respect we were given as a pack.But I needed answers.“Speak!” I barked at them with strength from my beast.“Master Marcus,” I heard Winston call as he hurried to my side.“About time you resume your duties,” I said coldly to him.“I… I'm sorry Master Marcus, I did not know you had returned,” He said shakily.I ignored him and retur
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Lily’s POV Sauntering along the outskirts of Mistwood Creek, we barely said a word to each other. I held Fiona in my arms, while Clara helped me with Raymond. We walked quite a distance away from the mansion before the silence that hovered above us was finally broken. “Do you think he will be alright?” Clara asked as she suddenly paused walking. “Don't worry too much about it Clara, old man Grayson will be fine,” I replied. Grayson knew he was sick and was on the brink of death, but I was choosing to believe his promise over the true state of his health. She nodded silently. I looked over at Raymond who was hanging peacefully on her shoulder and smiled warmly. “He must have been so tired to fall asleep so soon,” I said. “Yeah, I guess,” She replied. “The sun is already setting, do you think we can make it to Crimson Valley before nightfall?” Clara asked. “We don't seem to have so much of a choice here you know,” I replied. Clara squinted at me. “Do we not?” I noticed t
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Shawn’s POVWalking into the tentroom, Martin carried a bowl of hot water with some herbs in it. He walked over to me and placed the tray with the bowl on the table. “What was that about?” He asked as he walked up to me.“Pass me the bowl,” I said to him.He looked at me for a few minutes before walking back towards the table. He gave me a bowl of water and I gulped down the tangy liquid.“That was quick for something that hot,” Martin said as he took the tray out of my hands.“Thank you, Martin,” I said and eased myself under the bed covers.He dropped the tray on the table before returning his attention to me. “Is that it?” He asked as he noticed me preparing to sleep.“What do you want me to say?” I asked him with my eyes closed.“Anything,” He replied.“How about, goodnight,” I said.“Come on Shawn, that is definitely not what I meant and you know it,” He protested.I ignored him and pretended to be asleep. There was no point in repeating the same things we discussed earlier just
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Leila’s POVThe council hall was thrown into a state of utter silence at my response. It sure blew them off their feet.“What?” I asked, passing glances at them. “Can't handle my kind gesture?” I asked, fixing my eyes on Marcus.He sure was a man with much beauty, from his fine black eyes to his finely thin lips.He was well-built and had a firm chest. His black hair tousled just perfectly, enhancing his facial glow.Tsk, tsk tsk. Such a shame he would not make it as “Alpha King Marcus.”“Stop giving yourself undue credit, Leila Darkwood. You only know better than to go against my will,” Marcus bellowed.“What?!” I exclaimed.Did he really think I would have lost a case against him? I only was listening to my Father's instructions, because save that, I would have shown them that my authority overruled their Council.“Leila Darkwood, you are openly displaying acts of insubordination and contempt towards the members of this court!” The presiding elder roared.I did not want things to ge
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Marcus’s POV Leaving the council room, I was barely able to control my anger. I had stormed out of the council hall in haste, so as not to meet that sly fox with her witch. I was disgusted by her person, by what she stood for, and most importantly, disgusted at the fact that my father, King Adonis would put up with their unruly behavior and demands in exchange for some witchcraft powers, spells, and whatever else he needs from them. “What now?” Winston asked as soon as we arrived at my chambers. I turned and looked at him and for a moment I was lost for words. I had thought that in addition to breaking off the engagement, there would be a heavy punishment that would be given to Leila for all the atrocities she committed, but there was none. “There is someone I need to meet, then I will head to Crimson Valley. Something there made my glowing rune glow brighter,” I replied. If I could not get Leila permanently out of the picture, I needed to get Lily back to my side as soon as
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