All Chapters of The REJECTED Wolf Turn Mighty Luna : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
185 Chapters
Chapter 91: External Help
As I lay on the bed, wondering what I was going to do. I did not want to hurt Sylvester now that I have known the truth behind his actions against my parents, I also could not be unfair to him by accepting to be with him when my heart belongs to another. Why was fate treating me so shabbily? Would it not have been better if Sylvester had married Cathania and I echoed Christopher's Luna? It would have been far simpler that way. But life is never as simple and straight forward as that. Else, my parents would not now be history for a crime they never committed!If Cathania had been alive, I would have maneuvered their marriage and made Sylvester agree to it but she just had to die and leave me in this dilemma!I thought of Christopher and the witch that was taking him away from me and I cried silently. I felt so lonely. I tried again to get through to Christopher through mind link. I knew he could not hear me due to the spell that witch kept using on him but I will not stop trying.'Chr
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Chapter 92: External Help (2)
When I got to the throne house of the Moonlight pack, I was led to the reception room where Alpha Sylvester was addressing Luna Selina Blake. He nodded in response to my mouthed greeting as others bowed in respect to me.'Selina, you are fortunate, because Millicent here, the Luna of the Moon Ville Pack decided that we forgive your husband his wrong and reinstate your family on the throne!' he said looking at me and I smiled my consent. 'I had wanted to add it to my territory but I have to obey her because she means a lot to me and of course to the whole of the Moon Ville Pack!' Then looking at me, he asked, 'Luna, do you have anything to add?' I nodded.'Your son will become the Alpha once he comes of age but any rebellious attitude' from you will spell doom for you all because you shall all lose what is supposed to be your inheritance!' I said.After the meeting, and some documents signed, Sylvester insisted we went back home but I still had not achieved the main aim for which I ha
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Chapter 93: An Alpha's Word
Third Person POV It was almost dusk when Millicent got back to the Moon Ville Pack. She was beyond exhausted and wanted only to have a quick shower, then a quick bite and collapse on her bed.When they got to the coven of Lilibeth, the witch, Mum Cara had taken her to, Lilibeth was not around and someone advised them to come back in a couple of weeks since that was when Lilibeth would come back.While Millicent was gone, Wendy had been busy. She had brought out her monitoring mirror and seen Christopher meet with her. She had been shocked at first thinking that they were going to mate but had been relieved when Christopher couldn't remember mating with Millicent and hence told Millicent, she couldn't be pregnant with his pups.'That fool, Millicent, is spoiling my months of hardwork' she thought. 'She must be thought a lesson before she causes Christopher to regain his memories completely and go back to her while living me in the cold!'Whenever Christopher goes out jogging, Wendy go
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Chapter 94: Be Gone Already!
'Wendy', Christopher called, getting up and wondering how long he had been standing at the door. Did she hear everything ? 'You're back!'Yes', she replied looking around suspiciously. 'How come you're back from your jog this early and what is the family gathering all about?'Christopher decided she had heard nothing. 'Well, as the Alpha, I was asking my brother to take better care of his fiancee and stop foisting her on me. Therefore, I've made my decision that I'll not accept her as my mate' he said. 'That's the decision you heard me speak about but of what consequence is it to you?''Just checking that you are all not plotting a coup against me', she said laughing merrily.'Welcome. Did you find the herbs?' he asked, changing the subject, expertly.'Wendy', Millicent called harshly and Christopher was sure she was going to commit a blunder. 'Maybe, you should stay home and stop picking these herbs for I can not see it's effect on Christopher. Your treatment is not working anymore.
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Chapter 95: A Game of Wits
Wendy laughed inwardly as she ascended the stairs with Alpha Christopher. These people thought that they had outsmarted her but they didn't know that she just pretended to be taken in by them because she needed a change of plans.She had felt odd as she searched for the herbs not really meant for Christopher but for her charms and spells. she had gone into a self induced trance, to find out why she was distressed and she saw Christopher and Sylvester with the brat Millicent, all talking. She heard everything they said. The other parts had not troubled her too much but it infuriated her that Christopher had regained his memory and had decided to keep it a secret from her, thinking he could keep deceiving her. She was going to teach them to deceive her! But for how long had he regained his memories? We hat was happening? Her charms and spells seemed not to be working on him any longer... he was not supposed to have regained his memories. But of course, Millicent was responsible. His lov
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Chapter 96: A Game Of Wits: Seducing Christopher
Wendy was making incantations on a potion. There was one she would rub on her body and the other she was going to use on Christopher. He must make her pregnant. When she brought him back to life, there had been a condition she had not revealed to his family and time was running out!'Christopher, you will pour your seed into me this night, whether you like it or not!' she muttered to herself as she made every preparation towards it.She recalled how it had been between them when he had been in the border. She had really been in love with him then and had wanted a long lasting relationship with him. Even when he had been reluctant, 'Wendy, I do not think this is a good idea, you are beautiful but I do not want to be in a relationship with you', he said. She had believed she could make him fall for her.'Well, what if I want to be with you? Will you not oblige me? That's the only thing I ask, that I be close to you!' And whether she had been able to convince him or if it was in gratitu
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Chapter 97: Seducing Christopher (2)
Christopher touched her belly.'How are my pups doing?' he asked, smiling tenderly at Millicent.'Great, now that daddy is with them!' she said, looking pointedly at him. Christopher looked at her for a long time then looked away, sighing.Millicent fearing that he was going to bring up the topic of Sylvester again, quickly changed the subject.'The way we tear each other to pieces when we mate, one would think we were animals!' she said, touching his cheek tenderly as she nestled more languorously in his arms.'But that's what we are!' he said and she giggled. Kissing him, and not wanting this moment to end.'Will you spend the night with me?' she asked, her voice full of longing'I do not think it's a good idea', Christopher said, smiling sadly. 'For obvious reasons'. Millicent nodded. 'But can we do this more often?' she pleaded. It is necessary for my well-being and that of your pups. Did I tell you, there are two of them?' she asked.'You mean twins like Sylvester and me?' he a
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Chapter 98: Seducing Christopher (3)
Christopher was already asleep when Wendy got into his room. That was not a problem, it would serve her purpose.She sprayed the portion in his room. She had already rubbed the other on her body.She approached the bed stealthily. Then she knelt by the side of the bed and eased Christopher of his boxers.He heaved a sigh as though relieved of a burdensome cloth. His cock was flaccid, Wendy thought and bit back a smile. That can be remedied, she thought again, feeling desire flare in her.She touched Christopher on his cock and nothing happened. It just moved a little. She had expected it to come alive at the first touch. At least it had been awhile since he enjoyed female companionship, from her calculation.She kept trying but Christopher would not respond. Then all of a sudden, his cock shot up like a rocket and he groaned, 'Millicent' then he came awake, rubbing his eyes, sleepily.'Millicent, is that you?'There was no response as Wendy seethed, Millicent? She was doing all she co
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Chapter 99: Crushing on Alpha Sylvester
'Samantha', Millicent called. 'How are you?''I am feeling better. It is all thanks to your expert care!' she said.'And the thought of one special someone!' Millicent teased.'Special someone?' Samantha asked, puzzled.'Before your fever broke, you were hallucinating and saying alot of revealing things!' Millicent said looking at her slyly.'Things like what?' she asked.'Well, why don't you tell me if you have any special person and I'll see how I can get them for you', she said. 'Loneliness is a language I understand. I have understood it for a long time. But now, I am believing, it will get better!' Millicent said trying to encourage her to speak.'How can you get him for me when you might get angry when you know who the person is?' she asked'Provided he is not Alpha Christopher, then you are welcome to any other!' Millicent promised.'What if it is Alpha Sylvester?' she asked. 'I mean you are mated to him too!''Is it Sylvester, then?' Millicent asked smiling.'What if it is?',
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Chapter 100: She's Done Enough Damage Already
The emergency for which Mum Cara contacted her through mind - link was because Lilibeth, the witch had come home sooner than was expected but was going away again and might take longer to get back.'So, you see, it's really an emergency', she said. 'You did say, you wanted Wendy dealt with as soon as possible!''Yes, I do', she replied, heaving a sigh of relief that Lilibeth had finally come back and Wendy would leave their lives forever. She was also grateful that the emergency was not as a result of an uprising in the Crescent Pack that had made Mum Cara summon her, like she had feared.'Please sit anywhere you find comfortable', Lilibeth said as soon as they entered, without turning.' Great Lilibeth, we are here...', Mum Cara started as soon as they found places to sit in the room that was filled with different bottles of substances that Millicent guessed must be potions. There was a big crystal ball in the centre of a big wooden table and Lilibeth was busy moving her hands in the
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