All Chapters of The REJECTED Wolf Turn Mighty Luna : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
185 Chapters
Chapter 101: A Life for Two
'Where is Lilibeth?' Millicent asked looking around.'Who is Lilibeth?' he asked, puzzled but looking around as well. 'Oh, you mean the other witch?''I am here, Luna', Lilibeth said, coming to sit close to Millicent. 'You have questions, I am sure!''You bet!' Millicent said, sitting up. 'What did Wendy mean when she said that I shall lose my son's for Christopher? And that...' she furrowed her brows in thought, trying to recall Wendy's exact words, 'and that I still might not have Christopher?''I shall tell you all that you want to know but you must ask the others to leave the room!''Everyone, except the Alphas should leave right now!' Millicent ordered!After they had left the reception hall, Millicent faced Lilibeth. ' Yes?''The blood of your sons was used to bring Christopher back to life. So, they shall die at birth!' she said, pausing and the people in the room gasped. 'And it is not certain that Christopher himself will remain alive, because Wendy couldn't get him to fall
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Chapter 102: I've Made My Decision
'No! Sylvester, you cannot do this for me!' Alpha Christopher insisted. 'I shall do it. I have to do this! I was the one who was supposed to remain dead and that's how it's going to be! Moreover, I was the one raised to life with their blood, therefore for it to be effective, it to sy blood that has to be shed'. he said. 'You may have made a mistake in the past, so what's new? Who hasn't? You should not keep beating yourself up or despising yourself for it. Just ensure you are a better person from the lessons you have learnt from those mistakes, otherwise, what's the use?' he asked patting his brother on the shoulder.'It is going to be harder losing you this time, Christopher. You have everything to live for. Your pups, Millicent, your Pack and even me, though I am not worthy of your love!', Alpha Sylvester said. 'I can imagine how it would be for Millicent. You do not know how it was with her the first time!''She'll have you to care for her!' Christopher said confidently.'And she
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Chapter 103: You Deserve Better
Millicent's POV A couple of days later, I was able to get Alpha Sylvester alone after he and Alpha Christopher had just come out from a meeting with the chief and council of elders.They had invited me to join in the meeting and I had been joining in previous meetings with them but this time, I felt tired and wanted to spend a little time with Samantha. Since the saga with Wendy and Lilibeth, I had not really had time to speak at length with her about my fears.'Sylvester, I need to see you alone!' I said, as soon as they came out.if Sylvester was surprised, he did not let on.' Okay. Come into the throne room!' he said.Christopher looked at me, smiling indulgently. 'Am I invited?' he asked.'Did you not hear that I wanted to speak alone with him?' I asked him playfully.'That's okay!' he said, shrugging as he ascended the stairs to his room.'What do you have in mind?' Sylvester asked as soon as we were seated.'What do you think of Samantha?' I asked, going straight to the point. S
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Chapter 104: My Love, My Obsession, My Mate
Sylvester's POVWe just got out from a meeting with the chief and the council of elders, when Christopher and I bumped into Millicent who had declined our invitation to the meeting.What was she doing out here when she should be inside resting, didn't she excuse herself from the meeting because she was not feeling up to it?'Sylvester, I need to see you alone!' she said.'Okay. Come into the throne room!' I said, hiding my surprise.Christopher asked if he was invited'Did you not hear that I wanted to speak alone with him?' she asked him playfully.'That's okay!' he said, shrugging and went up the stairs to his room.'What do you have in mind?' I asked as soon as we got into the room. I was curious to know what she wanted to talk to me about.'What do you think of Samantha?' she asked, bluntly. I could not hide my surprise this time. I hadn't been expecting such a question. 'She's a great gal!' I replied. 'Why did you ask?''You are right, Sylvester. She's really a great female and
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Chapter 105: Your Happiness Means The World to Me
Millicent's POVI was in high spirits as I ascended the stairs up to my room. I did not have any thing definite to tell Samantha but there was hope.I entered my room and found Christopher lying in my bed. These days, he was always so close to me, as though afraid to leave me on my own or to make up for lost time. He was always touching my stomach. I got the impression, he was bonding with his son's even before they were born. It was almost as though he could not wait for them to be born. And it made me so happy to see him so happy to be a father.'What are you doing here, Alpha Christopher?' I asked with mock seriousness.'I'm sorry, Luna', he said, bowing 'I must have missed my way. I really thought this was my bedroom! Please forgive me. It will not happen again!' he concluded leaving the room.'Well, since you have shown remorse and the mistake have been committed already, I will forgive you on one condition', I said, feigning deep thought.'What condition is that?' he asked eagerl
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Chapter 106: A Visit to The Crescent Pack
The next day, as he had promised, Alpha Christopher dressed up to follow me to the pack and so did Alpha Sylvester when he was informed and Samantha did not want to be left behind and we set off for the Crescent pack.Both Alphas felt they had to be there, to support me, so, Beta Daniel was asked to be in charge for the few hours we would be away.'Distinguished members of the Crescent Pack', I started. 'I am privileged to be standing before you this day. I thank you once more for choosing to help rebuild this pack - your pack and fostering peace within the pack. I am grateful for the support you are giving Hugh, your young Alpha and for the fierce way you are protecting your pack, the Crescent Pack!'The clap was thunderous. I waited till the applause and murmuring died down, then continued. 'I did tell you that I was going to come visit with one or both the twin Alphas of the Moon Ville Pack, so they can address you. I therefore present to you, Alphas, Christopher and Sylvester!Anot
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Chapter 107: You're the Best!
The feeling of unease concerning Lilibeth and her payment persisted but I soon got over it as I prepared for the birth of my pups. Christopher himself made sure I was not stressed and would not even hear of me being anxious about anything. I waved my fears aside as one symptom of pregnancy blues and Mum Cara's words as the rantings of an old woman being over cautious.'I am very proud of you', Christopher told me one night when we were lying in bed together.'What about?' I asked, smiling up at him.'You have made a name for yourself!' he said wonderingly. 'From being a maid, you have not only risen to be the Luna of the greatest pack, but the Alpha of your birth pack!''I thought you were going to say something like I now owned the whole world!' I teased, flattered that he was proud of me and felt I had accomplished something.'Jokes aside', he continued. 'Some people would just be content with remaining a maid. Or trying to be the mistress or the sex slave of their captors but you h
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Chapter 108: Waiting in Anxiety
Christopher's POVWhile I was mating with Millicent, she screamed with pain and I instinctively knew it was not from pleasure and neither was it as a result of our mating.'What is it?' I asked.'It's nothing! Don't stop!', she said moving her body beneath me. 'Continue!' and I had no option but to comply.I do not know why but this mating was somehow different. Our mating was always exceptional but this was extraordinary. It was as though I was giving her my all and taking her all from her. I could not explain it. At the end, I was very shaken. But before I could try to understand it, she screamed again.'What's wrong?' I asked. 'And this time, don't tell me it's nothing'.'I'm not sure but I feel a searing pain in my stomach', she said slipping from the bed.Then, she looked at a lump of blood on the floor and before I could voice my fears at the appearance of such from her body, she said, 'It would seem that our pups have decided to make their appearance into the world!'I felt hu
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Chapter 109: The Sacrifice
Sylvester's POVChristopher had come to inform me that Millicent was in the verge of giving birth before he howled for the midwives.I quickly made myself decent and came to be with him, my heart thumping because I knew what that meant to us all.When I got there, I saw the way Christopher was pacing at the entrance of the delivery room and pulled him away into the study where I poured drinks for both of us to calm our nerves . I could imagine how he must be feeling because I was feeling that same way. I was scared for Millicent, praying she goes through the birthing ordeal unscratched and apprehensive about what was going to happen afterwards.Christopher must have noticed that I was not as composed as I tried to pretend for he said, 'You are scared too, aren't you?'And I replied, 'We have to be strong for her, keep faith....'. I knew other women had gone through this and come out alive and if anyone could make it, it was the fighter Millicent. 'She is very strong and stubborn', I c
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Chapter 110: The Birth and Sacrifice
Millicent's POVI had thought that I was going to give birth as soon as I got to the delivery room but it was not so. I remained in labour for about two hours.'Call, my Alpha', he needs to be here with me', I said as the pain wracked through my body as though, I was being torn apart.'We sent him away', the head midwife said. 'It is not really ideal for him to see you this way. He must keep remembering you as his strong Luna, with no blemishes'. The way they explained it to me made sense. I realised in as much as I wanted the comfort of his arms around me at this time, to soothe my pains, I also did not want him feeling I was anything less than perfect for him.Samantha was there in any case, rubbing my back and waist anytime the contraction started. Her massages really went a long way to relieving the pain.Then I felt a strong urge to push and screamed to the midwives that I felt like pushing.'Wait, let's make sure!' they said and quickly checked on me, then made me lie on my bac
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