All Chapters of The REJECTED Wolf Turn Mighty Luna : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
185 Chapters
Chapter 111: Get a Hold on Yourself
A delegation from the Crescent Pack came to pay me a condolence visit. Mum Cara came with them.After saying their piece, much of which I didn't even hear, because my mind kept wandering and I kept wondering how I had everything in my grasp and still managed to lose the most important part of my existence, Mum Cara took me into an inner room.'Millicent', she called. 'Millicent!' she repeated and I looked at her with eyes dull from weeping. 'I know this is very painful for you. I have seen the both of you together and I know how much the both of you loved each other and how close you were. But he is gone now and is never coming back. Take heart!' Then placing both hands on my shoulders and shaking me violently to get my attention, she continued. 'I am like a mother to you and I won't give you the wrong advice. Forget what has happened or at least try for the sake of your pups. They need you now more than ever. You need to suckle them, care for them, so that you do not end up losing th
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Chapter 112: You Are Selfish
'For how long will you carry on like this?' Samantha asked. 'You do not suckle these pups the way you ought. You need to keep bonding with them or they will get closer to their nanny than with you. Of course, some Luna's like that because of their official engagements and all but I thought that you were the few who wouldn't want official duties interfere with your maternal ones!''Please don't start, Samantha!' I snapped. 'You have said enough. Don't you get tired? Do you know what it is like to be without the father of your pups? To feel that your beloved pups might just be responsible?''How will I know how it feels like to lose one's beloved mate? I didn't lose mine before you asked me over to this pack. So I couldn't possibly know the hurt, the anger, the regret, the recriminations, the pain, the loneliness, the....''I'm sorry, Samantha. I spoke out of turn!''Oh you didn't, my dear Luna!' she said really furious. I had never seen Samantha as furious as this before.'Samantha, I
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Chapter 113: Getting a Hold
I carried Devin and smiled him through my tears, 'I am sorry', I said looking at him and then at Kevin who Samantha had carried. 'I love you both. I have loved you right from the moment I knew you were growing in my womb!' I bent and kissed each of them. 'If I allowedyself to be over ome by guilt and grief, then I am sorry. You are supposed to bey consolation prize, a gift from the goddess to me and I nearly lost you both too out of my foolishness. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?' I asked. 'Do you think we can start over? Like an ideal mother and pups? Like it was meant to be?' They had been quiet looking at me, including Kevin who was in Samantha's arms and when I asked that we start over, they smiled simultaneously at me and I knew then that we were going to be alright.'Thanks!' I whispered and kissed them again and then I sat down in a comfortable chair and, collected Kevin from Samantha. She and the nanny stared at me, wondering what I was up to. Without paying any at
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Chapter 114: The Mating Ceremony
After the burial of the great Alpha Christopher, in agreement with Alpha Sylvester, I commissioned someone to mold a life- sized portrait of the Great and Mighty Alpha Christopher was mounted on a strong pillar infront of the palace, in his honour.After that, I occupied myself with caring for my pups. They were a continual reminder of the precious moments I shared with Christopher and I vowed to treasure them for as long as I have breath in me.The mood in the mansion was a sorrowful one for a long time because of the fallen hero but thank goodness, Devin and Kevin brought laughter to alot of faces.As they grew, my sorrow became lighter, I would fill my heart contrast with love anytime I saw their toothless smile. They looked so cute.'Your father sacrificed himself to ensure that you live your lives to the fullest', I would whisper to them. 'You must both be great Alphas. Alpha's that would be known the world over. Alphas who other Alphas will emulate. Kind, considerate, brave and
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Chapter 115: The Mating Ceremony (2)
Sylvester's POV The mating ceremony was in full swing. I had invited alot of people and the turn out was indeed amazing. I looked around but could not find a special friend of mine whom I had invited. Charles Wolfe.I looked all around and found wolves bonding in one way or the other, some took their mates out to have discussions, some were kissing, those who just met each other were imprinting, the music was on and there were couples dancing, their bodies pressed tightly together leaving no doubt in the observers mind of what the intent is.I felt very lonely. Millicent had been here some time ago with Samanthabut was no where to be found. I didn't need a fortune teller to make me realise she had gone up to check on the pups who should not be awake at this time of the night. It was almost nine O'clock pm, and the party was just starting.Millicent was indeed a great hostess. The way she had welcomed the guest along side me had made me proud and increased the longing in my heart. If
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Chapter 116: The Mating Ceremony (3)
Stacia turned out to be a great company and I found myself laughing at her jokes. Once, I looked up and saw Millicent looking at me in surprise and something else which I couldn't decipher but before I could determine what it was, she looked away, took a glass of juice from one of the servants moving around with trays of drink.Then my eyes were drawn to the entrance where someone had just come through. 'Ah!' I thought. Charles Wolfe had finally made his entrance.I tried to beckon on him through the crowd.'Who is that?' Stacia asked, her eyes following my eyes and gesture.'A friend', I said, not taking my eyes from Charles. 'We grew up together before he travelled for some form of training and decided he preferred to remain there, rather than come home'.Charles sighted me and I waved him over. He started walking towards me and smiling. Suddenly, his steps faltered as his attention became diverted. I followed his eyes only to find who had diverted his attention.'Millicent?' I th
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Chapter 117: The Mating Ceremony (4)
'What do I mean?' she asked, looking daggers at me. 'You want to take advantage of me and you act as though you do not know what I was referring to?'I was shocked to the marrow by her words. Okay, maybe I had come on too strong but she hadn't been totally unwilling. 'I didn't hear you complaining earlier', I said, getting furious with her childish attitude. 'You were enjoying it as much as I. Why pretend now? Take advantage of you indeed!''That was a mistake. which will never be repeated. I didn't know what I was thinking!' she said.'I do!' I said. 'Let me enlighten you', I swallowed as I tried to control my fury. Millicent could really be infuriating. 'We are holding a mating ceremony in the Pack and you realise you are feeling lonely especially as you look around and find almost everyone pairing up. You want a mate to mate with but you keep lying to yourself!' She looked away but I held her jaw and made her look at me. 'Your loneliness tripled when Samantha met her second chance
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Chapter 118: Unbridled Desire
Millicent's POVSurprisingly, I had been enjoying the mating ceremony, when I happened to look in Sylvester's direction and saw him speaking with a young beautiful female. He seemed to be enjoying her company because he kept laughing at what she said. I was shocked as his laughter evoked some strange feelings in me. I hadn't heard him laugh that way before.Sylvester looked in my direction and I felt embarrassed to have been caught staring and I looked hastily away, taking a glass of juice from a servant passing by with cups in f drinks in a tray. I recalled one party like this, long ago when I had been serving the party like that servant. It all seemed so long ago at Sylvester's engagement party to Cathania. I sighed. I wonder why I was recalling it now. 'So that you will be focused!' I told myself. 'What is this soft spot you seem to be developing for Sylvester?'I was still considering this when my eyes were drawn to the entrance door of the hall and I saw a handsome male come thr
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Chapter 119: Simmering Jealousy
At as the light exploded, I stiffened as I came back to my senses. What was I doing? How could I allow Sylvester touch me so intimately this way? I was filled with disgust at my wanton behaviour. 'Sylvester', I said, 'what are you doing?' I pushed him away with much force, that he fell backwards but I couldn't care less.'What do you mean?' he asked puzzled.'What do I mean?' I asked, looking at him furiously. 'You want to take advantage of me and you act as though you do not know what I was referring to?''I didn't hear you complaining earlier', he said, sounding really angry. 'You were enjoying it as much as I. Why pretend now? Take advantage of you indeed!''That was a mistake that will never be repeated. I didn't know what I was thinking!' I said.'I do!' he said. 'Let me enlighten you', 'We are holding a mating ceremony in the Pack and you realised you are feeling lonely especially as you look around and find almost everyone pairing up. You want a mate to mate with but you kee
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Chapter 120: Simmering Jealousy (2)
'Dear Luna', Martins started. 'I am surprised, no male has chosen you as their mate yet. Though I am sure it is not from, not trying!''What do you mean?' I asked as we walked.'You must have broken alot of hearts by turning down proposals from the males who have tried to make you theirs!' he said. 'I wonder why your brother - in - law hasn't laid claim on you. It would be easier to get you to remain in the family for the sake of your pups'.I wondered if Sylvester had said anything to him but I had never seen him with Sylvester before today. Though that was not enough reason for him not to have been taken into Sylvester's confidence. Had Sylvester asked him to approach her? Then this was a waste of time.'Are you here on the behest of anyone?' I asked.'Oh no, no!' he said instantly. 'I am here for myself. Why would I speak for someone concerning something I want desperately for myself. I have loved you in absentia for so long. So, when Charles, my friend asked me to accompany him t
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