All Chapters of Alpha Prince’s Mute Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
93 Chapters
11: Taken from dungeon
Elaine’s POV The guards seized me roughly, their grip like iron shackles as they dragged me along the cold, stone corridor. I offered no resistance, my limbs feeling leaden and useless as they hoisted me like a mere sack of grain. With each step, the weight of my helplessness bore down on me like a suffocating blanket. I didn't bother to struggle or protest; what was the use? I was nothing more than a pawn in their game, a human amongst wolves, destined to be cast aside and forgotten.They ushered me into the dank depths of the dungeon, a chill swept through me, sending shivers down my spine. The air was thick with the stench of decay and despair, a tangible reminder of the darkness that lurked within these walls.I cast a fleeting glance around the dimly lit chamber, taking in the grim surroundings with a sense of resignation. There was no escape from this prison, no reprieve from the relentless torment that awaited me at every turn.In the eyes of these creatures, I was nothing mo
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12: A celestial visit
Elaine’s POV We reached our destination, a wave of dizziness washed over me, threatening to pull me into the depths of unconsciousness. Despite my efforts to remain alert, my vision blurred and my limbs grew heavy, the strain of the day's ordeals finally taking its toll.With a barely audible gasp, I felt myself slipping away, the world around me fading into darkness as my consciousness ebbed away. The last thing I heard before succumbing to oblivion was the murmur of voices, distant and muffled, as Killian spoke to the guards in hushed tones.Though the words eluded me, their somber tones echoed in the recesses of my mind, a haunting reminder of the precarious situation in which I found myself. Darkness enveloped me, I relinquished myself to its embrace, the promise of respite from the turmoil that plagued my waking hours offering a fleeting solace amidst the chaos. I want it all quiet even just for a little while. With a commanding tone, Killian instructed the guards to secure t
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13: Alpha king to-be
Killian’s POV With a heavy heart and a resolve born of newfound determination, I returned to the grand hall, where the weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air like a shroud of sorrow. As the only living royal remaining, I knew that the burden of justice now fell squarely upon my shoulders, and I would not shirk from its weight.Stepping into the center of the hall, I addressed the assembled throng with a voice that rang out clear and unwavering, despite the turmoil that churned within me. I have done this countless times but this feels very different. "People of the realm," I began, my words echoing off the stone walls with a solemn resonance. "It grieves me deeply to stand before you today, for we have suffered a great loss."A hushed silence fell over the crowd as I recounted the tragic events that had befallen our kingdom, the treachery and betrayal that had torn apart the fabric of our once-proud dynasty. But as I spoke, a steely resolve settled over me like a mantle of
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14: New dungeon
Elaine’s POV Consciousness slowly seeps back into my weary mind, I found myself hovering in that hazy space between dreams and reality. The remnants of my slumber clung to me like cobwebs, tugging at the edges of my consciousness with a stubborn insistence.Blinking groggily, I struggled to shake off the last vestiges of sleep, my mind still shrouded in the fog of dreams. But even as I reached out to grasp hold of the fading threads of memory, one image remained stubbornly vivid, etched into the fabric of my mind like a brand.It was her—the goddess from my dream. The very embodiment of all that I despised and feared, her presence looming large in the recesses of my mind like a specter of darkness. The memory of our encounter sent a shiver down my spine, the echoes of her words ringing in my ears with a haunting clarity. That evil goddess they worship like she is their life. Well she is theirs. Anger surged within me, a fierce and primal fury that burned hot and bright in the depths
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15: No matter the cost
Killian’s POV After the hot water had washed away the physical and emotional grime of the past few days, I stepped out of the shower feeling slightly more human than I had in a long while. Not that I want to feel human when I’m not. I have their body but I am not a human. Far from it. With a towel wrapped around me, I padded across the cool tiles of the bathroom floor and made my way to the bed. My mind is in chaos but I am forcing myself to be in the present. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my limbs, dragging at my eyelids and clouding my thoughts with a thick fog of weariness. The events of the past few days had taken their toll on me, both physically and mentally, and all I wanted now was to escape into the oblivion of sleep.With a weary sigh, I sank down onto the soft mattress, the cool sheets a welcome relief against my overheated skin. I buried my face in the pillows, inhaling the faint scent of clean linen and lavender, and let myself drift into unconsciousness.For how long
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16: Life in white room
Elaine’s POV After finishing my meager breakfast, I leaned back against the cool stone wall, the remnants of the meal still lingering on my lips. Damon, the guard who had brought me the food, had left, leaving me once again alone in the small, stark room.With a heavy sigh, I let my thoughts wander, the weight of my circumstances bearing down upon me like a leaden shroud. The events of the past days swirled tumultuously in my mind, a maelstrom of confusion and uncertainty.I traced the lines of the patterned tiles beneath me with weary eyes, the monotony of the floor offering little solace in the face of my mounting troubles. Each passing moment seemed to stretch on endlessly, the silence of the room echoing with the weight of my solitude.Lost in my own thoughts, I allowed myself a moment of respite, the quiet stillness of the chamber enveloping me like a comforting embrace. But even in the tranquility of the moment, the specter of my uncertain future loomed large, casting a pall ov
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17: Handsome god
Elaine’s POV The door swung open, my breath caught in my throat –without my fucking freaking consent yet again– at the sight of Killian striding into the room. He exuded a commanding presence, his form towering and powerful, every inch the epitome of strength and authority. My eyes traced the contours of his chiseled features, taking in the rugged masculinity that seemed to radiate from him in waves. His skin was bronzed and kissed by the sun, a telltale to countless hours spent beneath its unforgiving rays. Icy blue eyes, sharp and piercing, regarded me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine, their gaze holding a depth of emotion that was both unsettling and captivating.Tousled brown hair framed his face in disarray, adding to the aura of raw masculinity that surrounded him. Despite the rough edges and hardened exterior, there was an undeniable allure to him, a magnetic pull that drew me in despite my better judgment.He seemed larger than life, a force to be reckoned
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18: Cabinet meeting
Killian’s POV I stepped out of Elaine's room, her presence lingered like a haunting melody in the recesses of my mind. I don’t understand how I am able to hear her even though she doesn’t open her mouth to talk. I hear whatever she is saying. What the hell?????Though our conversation had been fraught with tension and uncertainty, her image remained etched in my memory with a clarity that bordered on obsession.Her lips, a vivid shade of crimson against the pallor of her skin, had captivated me from the moment I first laid eyes on her. I have so many things I want her to do with those lips. A lot of them. In the dim light of her punishment white room, they had seemed to glow with a radiance that defied explanation, drawing me in with an irresistible allure that I found impossible to resist. I made my way down the corridor, the memory of her lips lingered like a phantom caress against my skin, igniting a fire within me that burned with an intensity I could scarcely comprehend. Imag
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19: Another visit
Elaine’s POV Lying in bed, anger simmered within me like a coiled serpent, twisting and writhing with every thought that crossed my mind. I should have been this angry right from when I saw Killian but I want. I fucking was anything but angry. How could I have let myself succumb to such base desires in the presence of that wretched alpha king? He was nothing more than a predator, a creature to be despised and destroyed, yet here I was, feeling an unwelcome stir of arousal at the mere memory of him.My fists clenched against the sheets, knuckles white with the force of my frustration. This is all baseless because he won’t be here to receive the end of my wrath. I hate him for twisting my mind like that. How could I have let my guard down, even for a moment, in the presence of such an enemy? I should have been focused on one thing and one thing only: his demise.But instead, I found myself drawn to him, my body betraying me with every glance, every touch. It made my blood boil with r
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20: End of the tunnel
Elaine’s POV In the shimmering glow of the dream realm, the Moon Goddess appeared once more, her luminous form radiating with an otherworldly grace. Her voice, gentle yet commanding, echoed through the expanse, reaching out to me with a sense of urgency."Hello, child of the night," she spoke, her words carrying on the ethereal breeze, "you must heed my warning. There is a danger approaching, a darkness that threatens to engulf you."But I stood firm, my defiance unyielding as I faced the divine figure before me. I wanted to ignore her again but it seems like ignoring her is not going to let her stay away from me so I rolled my eyes before I answered. "I will not heed your warnings," I declared, my voice tinged with bitterness. "Any danger that comes my way is of your making, born from the chaos and turmoil of your creatures."The goddess's gaze held mine, her eyes pools of ancient wisdom. I hate that she is a divine being no matter how much I don’t want her to. Goddesses exist and t
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