All Chapters of Alpha Prince’s Mute Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
86 Chapters
31: Chosen one
Killian’s POVAs the sun began its ascent, casting a soft golden glow over the landscape, I made my decision. The weight of my impending coronation pressed heavily upon me, a constant reminder of the responsibilities that awaited me.I knew I could no longer hide in the shadows, avoiding my fate. The time had come to face my demons head-on, to confront the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering resolve.With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, I made my way back to the palace. The journey was long and arduous, each second a painful reminder of the trials that awaited me.I approached the palace gates and felt a sense of dread wash over me. The familiar sight of the grand structure filled me with a sense of foreboding, a reminder of the dangers that lurked within its walls.But I pushed aside my fears, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead. I knew that I could not falter now, not when so much was at stake. I need to take over and be like my brother. As I entered the
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32: Divine realm
Elaine’s POV Consciousness slowly returned to me and I found myself caught in a disorienting haze, the world around me shrouded in a fog of confusion and uncertainty. It was as though I was suspended in a liminal space, neither fully awake nor entirely asleep, existing in a realm that seemed to defy the boundaries of reality.Amidst the muffled voices and indistinct sounds that echoed in the recesses of my mind, a sense of urgency pulsed through me, propelling me forward with an inexplicable sense of purpose. It was as though someone—or something—was urging me onward, their desperate cries for help echoing in the chambers of my consciousness. I can't tell who that was but my mind is screaming the name beneath my chest. So weird. That organ never works.With each passing moment, the urgency intensified, the distant cries growing louder and more insistent until they seemed to reverberate within the very core of my being. And then, as suddenly as they had begun, the voices fell silent,
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33: Grave mistake
Elaine’s POV The weight of her words settled upon me like a leaden cloak, I struggled to comprehend the true extent of the agreement into which I had unwittingly been drawn."What... What do you mean by a pact?" I implored, my voice quivering with a mixture of fear and disbelief. "What have I agreed to?"The Moon Goddess regarded me with a serene yet inscrutable expression, her ethereal features softened by the gentle glow of her celestial aura."You have sought my aid in a time of great need," she replied, her voice imbued with a timeless wisdom that resonated deep within my soul. "And in return, you have offered me something of great value."My heart sank like a stone within my chest as the gravity of her words washed over me, filling me with a sense of profound unease. What is this divine being talking about?"What... What have I offered you that I can’t remember?" I ventured, my voice barely more than a whisper.The Moon Goddess smiled knowingly, her luminous eyes sparkling with
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34: Victory dance
Third Person POV The next morning, Leah's lips curled into a wicked smile as she surveyed the kingdom from her balcony. The sun cast its golden rays across the landscape, illuminating the lush greenery that surrounded the palace grounds.With a satisfied smirk, Leah recalled the events of the previous night, the careful orchestration of Elaine's demise, the hasty administration of the poison that would soon claim her life. It was a plan days in the making, fueled by jealousy and resentment, and now, at last, it was nearing its fruition.She gazed out at the kingdom below, Leah's heart thrummed with anticipation. Soon, she knew, word would spread of Elaine's untimely demise, and the palace would be thrown into chaos. Not exactly chaos since no one wants her anyway. Not even her family. With Elaine out of the way, there would be nothing standing between Leah and her ascension to the throne—not even Killian, whose absence in recent days had not gone unnoticed. She is the real queen aft
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35: Even in death
Killian’s POV I stood at the threshold of the infirmary, my gaze fixated on Elaine's lifeless form lying upon the sterile hospital bed, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions churned within me. Confusion mingled with doubt, and beneath it all, an undeniable sense of unease gnawed at my insides.Elaine lay before me, her once vibrant spirit now extinguished. In her stillness, there was a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked within our kingdom. Something is very very wrong here and I don’t know what that is. For the first time in my life and I hate not knowing. Questions swirled in my mind, had justice truly been served, or had I allowed my own biases to cloud my judgment? Was Elaine truly guilty, or had she been a mere pawn in a larger game? Why was she killed in the first place? Poisoned?For a moment, I felt adrift in a sea of uncertainty. But as I looked upon Elaine's lifeless form, a steely resolve began to take hold. Despite my doubts, one thing remained clear—I would stop
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36: Postponed coronation
Killian’s POV I made my way back to the infirmary, the weight of responsibility heavy upon my shoulders, I found myself face to face with Leah. I haven’t seen her in days. Truthfully? I almost forgot about her existence in the past few days I had left. Her tear-stained cheeks and trembling lip spoke volumes, her distress palpable even from a distance. As I approached, her eyes met mine, and a torrent of emotion threatened to overwhelm us both."Leah," I began, my voice soft yet tinged with the gravity of our situation. "What's wrong? Why are you here?"Her response was immediate, her words choked with sorrow as she struggled to compose herself. "Killian," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's Elaine...she's...she's dead."I gave her a deadpanned look knowing she wouldn’t just cry because Elaine is dead. I mean, she hated her, didn’t she? Almost killed her with slaps the day we were supposed to be engaged. So what is this? “Yeah I know?" I echoed, my mind reeling as
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37: Renovated chamber
Killian’s POV I entered my renovated chamber, the weight of recent events hung heavy on my shoulders, the air thick with tension and uncertainty. I wanted it renovated because mine and my brother’s taste is very different. I want nothing of him where I live now. Gripping the large bottle of whiskey tightly in my hand, I made my way to the ornate wooden desk that commanded the center of the room, the rich scent of aged wood and leather filling my senses.Before I could even take a seat, the heavy oak door swung open, and my best friend Orlo strode into the room, his expression a mix of concern and determination. Beside him, my second in command Jake followed closely, his posture rigid with anticipation."Killian," Orlo began, his voice grave as he took in the sight of me standing there, the bottle of whiskey clenched tightly in my hand. "We need to talk."I nodded grimly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation as I motioned for them to take a seat. Pouring myself a generous amou
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38: Divine realm
Elaine’s POV I stood before her, my mind reeling from the revelation of her true identity, I felt a strange sense of detachment wash over me, as if I were observing myself from a distance. With each step I took, I felt myself being drawn inexorably towards her, my movements guided by a force beyond my comprehension.As we walked, the world around us seemed to blur and shift, morphing into a landscape unlike anything I had ever seen before. Vibrant colors danced before my eyes, swirling and twirling in a mesmerizing display of ethereal beauty.The moon goddess led me through her realm with an air of quiet authority, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the surreal landscape that surrounded us. She showed me places of wonder and mystery, each one more breathtaking than the last, as she unveiled the secrets of her world.I gazed in awe at the majestic temples and palaces that dotted the landscape, their towering spires reaching towards the heavens in silent tribute to the po
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39: A reborn Elaine
Elaine’s POV The moon goddess gazed at me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Her presence seemed to grow even more commanding, the air around us shimmering with a soft, silvery glow."I have reborn you, Elaine," she announced, her voice echoing with a sense of finality. "You are no longer human. You are now a werewolf—the most powerful one to ever exist since centuries ago."My breath caught in my throat. The enormity of her words was almost too much to grasp. I felt a strange, tingling sensation spreading through my body, as if every cell was being infused with new energy and strength."And," she continued, a gentle smile playing on her lips, "you are not a mute anymore. You will be able to speak with the sweetest voice to ever exist."The realisation hit me like a wave. For so long, I had been trapped in silence, my voice stolen from me. And now, this goddess had not only restored my voice but had transformed me into something extraordinary.I tried to speak, to tes
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40: Fixed coronation
Elaine’s POV I rushed to the infirmary, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. The news that Elaine was in a coma rather than dead had thrown me into a whirlpool of confusion and shock. How could she possibly have survived? The poison used was potent enough to kill a human instantly. It didn't make any sense. I don’t want Elaine dead –she is going to be the only mate given to me by Moon Goddess even though we are not going to be mated– but this is shocking. I pushed through the doors of the infirmary, the sterile smell of antiseptic assaulted my senses. My eyes darted around the room until I spotted Elaine lying on a bed, her face pale and motionless. Doctors and nurses bustled around her, their expressions a mix of disbelief and professional focus. They all hover around trying to find what is going on around but also looking very shocked too. I approached her bed, the beeping of the machines and the murmur of medical staff filling the air. My mind raced with questions. Was she ne
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