All Chapters of Alpha Prince’s Mute Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
21: A decided fate
Killian’s POV In the grand chamber adorned with ornate tapestries and polished marble floors, the cabinet members, a collection of esteemed elders and ministers, gathered in solemn deliberation. They heard what happened and want to be present. Their voices murmured like a distant storm, each opinion carrying weight in the hallowed halls of power. I am used to having them all around my life but right now with the weight on my shoulders and no way to place it, I feel tired. Some argued for swift and decisive action, their voices sharp with the urgency of justice. Most of them are ones my brother Logan doesn’t like discussing his decisions with. He likes to go ahead to talk to our mother who helps him decide mostly everything. I can see the reason why he doesn’t value their support. “She must be held accountable for her crimes," one minister declared, his tone resolute as he pounded his fist against the table for emphasis. "There can be no leniency for one who has committed such hei
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22: Wild self care
Elaine’s POV The days passed, they blurred into a monotonous cycle of sleep, food, and idle conversation with Damon. Each morning, I would awaken to the same sterile surroundings, the stark white walls of my room offering no solace or reprieve from the relentless march of time. But there is always breakfast waiting. Damon's visits became the only semblance of normalcy in my isolated existence, his presence providing a fleeting sense of companionship amidst the suffocating silence of my confinement. Yet, even his attempts at conversation failed to penetrate the heavy fog of despair that hung over me like a shroud. It’s been two days since I last saw Killian and I’m sure my family don’t even care whether I am alive or not. Despite my attempts to maintain a facade of indifference, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that gripped me with each passing moment. The absence of any developments in my situation only served to heighten my anxiety, leaving me feeling increasingly po
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23: Leah’s plans
Third person POVRestless and agitated, Leah found herself unable to shake off the persistent feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides, like a relentless shadow cast over her thoughts. She hasn’t been able to sleep well. Two days had passed since she last laid eyes on Killian, her supposed mate, and the absence of his commanding presence weighed heavily on her mind, haunting her every waking moment and infiltrating her restless dreams. As she paced the lavish corridors of the palace, her steps echoing in the empty spaces, Leah's mind buzzed with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by a sense of betrayal and indignation at being kept in the dark. Yet, intertwined with her anger was an undercurrent of fear—a fear of losing her grip on the power she so desperately craved, and a fear of being overshadowed by the enigmatic presence of Elaine, whose presence lingered like a stubborn stain on the fabric of her ambitions.Leah's frustration m
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24: First betrayal
Third person POVLeah summoned one of her trusted maids and issued a command with a steely determination in her gaze. She has been using her powers to get whatever she wanted lately and all she could say is, she loves being powerful. "Find out who prepares Elaine's meals," she instructed, her voice edged with urgency. "Bring them to me immediately."Moments later, the cook stood before Leah, a mixture of confusion and apprehension clouding her features. With a raised eyebrow, she listened as Leah outlined her directive, the implications sinking in with each word. “I need you to add a substantial amount of grapes to Elaine's meals," Leah explained, her tone laced with calculated intent. "Make it seem innocent, but ensure she consumes them."The cook hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend the motives behind Leah's request. Leah is slowly not liking the cook and she might dismiss her later for questioning her. Maids or servants aren’t supposed to q
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25: Why guilt?
Elaine’s POV In the dead of night, I jolted awake, my body drenched in a cold sweat, heart hammering against my chest like a caged bird desperate for escape. Just that it wouldn’t escape even though I wanted it to at that moment. The remnants of the nightmare clung to my consciousness like a shroud of darkness, leaving me trembling and disoriented in the dimly lit room. I was all alone. Imprisoned. I lay there, my breath coming in ragged gasps, I struggled to shake off the tendrils of fear that still gripped me tightly in their icy embrace. The echoes of the nightmare lingered in the recesses of my mind, twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes that danced just beyond the edges of my vision.With trembling hands, I reached out to clutch the sheets, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of the bed that had once been a sanctuary but now felt like a prison. Because I shouldn’t have made it a sanctuary from the beginning. It is a prison as intended. Every creak of the floorboard
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26: Ally and friend
Elaine’s POV Damon's gaze met mine, I detected a flicker of guilt shadowing his features, a subtle shift from his usual demeanour of ease and camaraderie. His shoulders look really bunched with so much tension I don’t understand. The air between us seemed heavy with unspoken words, his usual affable banter conspicuously absent in the tense silence that enveloped the chamber. I don’t like this especially not after that freaking nightmare I had. I furrowed my brow in confusion, my mind grappling to make sense of the palpable unease that emanated from Damon's hesitant demeanour. He looks like he doesn’t want to be anywhere around me. It hurts even though I knew it was just a matter of time. His usual jovial mannerisms were noticeably subdued, replaced by an uncharacteristic solemnity that left me feeling unsettled and uncertain. I didn’t say anything, have nothing to say since he is the one that usually fills in the silence. The absence of his customary jokes and lighthearted conver
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27: Runaway alpha king
Killian’s POV I lay in bed on the fifth day since Elaine's imprisonment and my family’s tragic deaths. I couldn't shake the weight of the immense responsibility that now rested squarely on my shoulders. A responsibility I didn’t want to have. The events of the past few days had left me emotionally drained and mentally exhausted, and I found solace in the quiet solitude of my chambers. Not one to dwell on his emotions, it is making things hard for me. With a heavy heart, I gazed up at the ceiling, my mind swirling with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I couldn't fathom how everything had unravelled so quickly, leaving me grappling with the consequences of my newfound role as the alpha king. The loss of my parents, coupled with Elaine's unjust imprisonment, weighed heavily on my soul, casting a dark shadow over my once bright future. I don’t want her suffering when the criminal is out there roaming about freely. In the silence of my chamber, I allowed myself a moment of vulner
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28: You matter
Elaine’s POV Each passing day brought with it a new struggle, a relentless battle against the gnawing hunger that clawed at my insides. It always left me feeling weightless and tired, maybe even depressed being in such a place. Despite Damon's warnings, I couldn't bring myself to touch the food that arrived like clockwork, a silent reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. They clearly aren’t in the shadows anymore. I could smell the grapes in all the meals. With each meal left untouched, the hunger intensified, a constant companion that whispered promises of relief in exchange for compliance. But I refused to yield, stubbornly clinging to my resolve even as my body weakened and my limbs grew heavy with fatigue.The water offered scant solace, its cool embrace a meagre substitute for the sustenance my body craved. But even as my stomach protested, I remained steadfast in my refusal, determined to thwart whatever sinister machinations lay concealed within the confines of m
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29: Devious plan ahead
Third person POVLeah's frustration continued to mount as she paced the expanse of her chambers, her steps echoing in the silence that enveloped her. Days had passed since Elaine's imprisonment, yet there had been no word of her deteriorating condition. Each passing moment only served to fuel Leah's mounting anger, a simmering rage that threatened to spill over at any moment. She has reached her peak because she expected the news days before. It is getting too late. Turning sharply on her heel, Leah fixed her gaze upon the twins who stood before her, their expressions wrought with apprehension. She summoned them by sending guards to their doorstep so now they look frightened. “Are you sure about this?" she demanded, her voice edged with impatience. "About Elaine's allergy to grapes?"Halle and Hailey exchanged a hesitant glance before nodding in unison. They look more like the twins they are at that time. Almost innocent looking with furrowed brows and a dent between them. “Yes, L
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30: The end of me
Elaine’s POV Restlessness gripped me like a vice as hunger gnawed at my insides, yet I remained resolute in my defiance. Despite the tantalizing aroma wafting from the plate of food nearby, I refused to succumb to its temptation. The thought of Leah reveling in my weakness spurred me to cling to my resolve with unwavering determination. I refuse to fail. Not this time around. With each toss and turn, sleep eluded me, my mind consumed by the relentless ache of hunger. The sight of the untouched meal taunted me, its appeal dulled by the bitter taste of defiance that lingered on my tongue. Though my stomach growled in protest, I remained steadfast in my refusal to yield, determined to withstand Leah's cruel machinations at any cost.In the dim light of the room, I lay restless and vigilant, my hunger a constant reminder of the battle raging within me. But as the night stretched on, I found solace in the knowledge that my defiance was a testament to my strength—a silent declaration t
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