All Chapters of Alpha Tedros : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 Chapters
TEDROS“What the fuck are you doing here?” Cole exclaimed as soon as he saw me. He jumped off his office chair, his eyes wide with disbelief, and hurried in front of me. “Shouldn’t you be with your wife or something? This should be your honeymoon. You should be preparing for your honeymoon, or rather, making kids.”I felt a knot tighten in my stomach at the mention of having a kid. I tried to hide my discomfort, but my jaw clenched involuntarily. Having kids was off my list; I never wanted them, not anymore. Ducky hadn’t said anything about planning a honeymoon, and I wasn’t interested in that either. She must have headed to work by now or might be hanging out with that dude who walked her down the aisle—the dude who shot me with a tranquilizer.“Isn’t this the last day of the loan?” I asked, steering the conversation away from my personal life.Cole rolled his eyes dramatically. “Yes, it is. We told you about that yesterday. You said you were going to help but came back saying you we
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ELODIE“I had forgotten that we currently have another Mrs. Vinters,” Cole muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I thought you were my mother for a second.”Raising the mug to my lips, I took a sip of the tea Cole had offered me. As soon as I asked if I could come in, Cole pushed me in, while Tedros had his eye on me the whole time I spoke to his brother. I was already used to requesting tea or coffee if the person I visited tried to offer something. I wasn’t surprised when he claimed to have mistaken me for his mother; after all, my marriage with his brother was a flash marriage.“I understand,” I responded, my lips curling into a smile. Cole returned the smile before finally sitting down. I was in the middle of the brothers again, and my eyes darted to Tedros. He was reading a magazine, but I was sure that if I asked him what he was reading, he wouldn't be able to tell me a thing. “What brought you here, sister-in-law?” Cole asked.Turning my gaze to him, I murmured. “Just
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ELODIE It was more said than done. After driving off from Vinter’s Company Limited, I drove straight home to get ready for the plans to get Tedros to fall in love with me. However, it was harder than I thought.The internet was the first place I turned to, and I managed to gather some ideas on the topic. The ideas I gathered were quite useful; at least they looked useful to me. The ideas on the list were:Buy him a gift, compliment him, do his favorite activity, flirt with him, befriend your partner, dress up for him, find common interests, plan a date, show your love, and most importantly, be yourself.There were more ideas, but the ones I wrote down were the ones I was sure that I was able to do. All I had to do was follow the list until he fell in love with me. I spent time writing in my journal and planning for the next day, and by the time I was done writing everything, it was already 9 p.m. Tedros wasn’t home yet. Rising to my feet, I headed for the window and closed all th
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TEDROSPacing back and forth, I waited for the doctor to come out and tell me about Ducky’s condition. She hadn’t said a word to me since I found her sitting on the floor with the front door wide open. I had taken her to the hospital because of how terrified she looked. The terrified look she had on her face was still fresh in my memory. I couldn't think of what she had seen that made her so terrified that she backed away from me earlier. My thoughts were running wild. Had anyone visited while I was away?Finally, after a long time of waiting, the door finally opened, and I turned my head to look at the doctor. “How is she doing?” I questioned her, walking over to her. “Has she said a word to you?” I recognized the doctor from the last time I came to the hospital, and I also knew how close she was to Ducky. It was more like an aunt-and-niece relationship. She also possessed the aura of an Alpha; it wasn’t hard to notice, but it wasn’t intimidating because I was a fellow Alpha.Alp
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Chapter 14_Elodie
ELODIEIgnoring the question he asked, I could only focus on the name he had called me. Had he just added Vinters to my name? Does that mean he has finally acknowledged me as his wife?Waving my head, I brushed off the thoughts. Definitely not.“Who visited while I was away?” He asked with a serious look on his face.I averted my eyes, avoiding his gaze. How could I tell him about what I saw? I don’t even know what I saw. It was more like a hallucination, but the mark on my neck was proof that what I saw was real.Was that a reciprocal of Tedros, or was it him? I thought about it hard, but I couldn’t think of anything. I had heard the sound of his footsteps approaching while he choked me. No, while the reciprocal strangled me.There was no way that it was him. And I can't tell him that he was the one who made me like that. I am not even sure it was him. “It was my ex.” I lied before I could stop myself. That was the only excuse I could come up with. “You have an ex?” He asked, sound
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ELODIE “Have you eaten dinner?” I questioned. “No.” He laid me on the couch and slipped out of his suit jacket. Placing the jacket over my body, he loosened his tie. We were in the little house I made in my large house. The first place in my home that he had coffee with me. The scent of his jacket hit my nostrils, and I slowly pulled it up to sniff it. He smelled of a heady mix of musk, woodsmoke, and the forest after rain. It was as though the very essence of nature had taken human form—intoxicating and irresistible.I rubbed the jacket on my cheek, a smile tugging on my lips as I kept on inhaling. “You seem to like my jacket very much,” Tedros said. Noticing that I had been doing that in front of him, I almost jumped off the sofa. “No!” I denied. “I was only sniffing to see what perfume you used.” “I don't wear perfume.” Oh, yes, he doesn't.“I don't know about that,” I muttered, lying. “You do.” He arched his brows, turning around. “You didn't give me perfume when you b
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ELODIETedros' eyes widened immediately, and the words left my lips. He pulled back his hand as fast as he could, moving them to his side. He left them there.“What?” He questioned, a frown appearing on his face. “What the hell are you talking about, Ducky?”I had anticipated that response, so I was prepared for it. “I know what I am talking about,” I replied, taking a step closer to him while he hastily took a step back. “We have to make consummate remember?”Before I could blink, he had already moved so fast that he was halfway towards the door. My face fell. Was he that hesitant to sleep with me? But there was no way I was letting him get away so easily.I then remembered the pills; I should have given them to him. Digging my hand into my skirt pocket, I pulled out the pills and tossed them into the glass of milk he had already made. I just needed time for them to dissolve and make him drink it. “Forget I said that,” I called out, making him halt. “Aren’t we going to have dinner
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ELODIE His jaw dropped and closed, and then he gulped. The sides of his ears turned bright crimson. He averted his eyes, hesitation flashing on his face. “Ducky—” I repeated my question; I wouldn’t let him leave without answering that.  “I haven’t thought about it.” He responded. “Then think about it,” I said, leaning in so my lips would be close to his. “Can I get an honest answer now?” “One time.” He mumbled. Arching my brows at him, I questioned. “One time?” “Yeah.” “When?” “I thought about what you looked like without clothes once,” he admitted. “It’s not such a big deal. After all, you were different then.” “I was different.” I teased.
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TEDROS “Think about it. I will go up now; you can come over to my room if you are ready.” She dashed away before I could respond. Damn it. I could tell that she was going to prepare whatever she wanted in the room. It had been three years since I had a woman, and she was making it seem so easy, but it wasn’t. She had given me an option, and I was allowed to choose if I wanted it or not, but I don’t think she was expecting a no. She was probably in her room, making arrangements for how the room was going to look. My thoughts were all messed up, and I was still worried about what happened to her earlier, even though she had brushed it off. Doing anything to keep myself busy, I picked up the plates and placed them in the sink. I washed them and then proceeded to check if the doors were locked. Glancing around, I tried to find something else to do. 
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TEDROSWhat was I doing? I couldn’t tell, but all I knew at that moment was that I wanted to kiss her. She had initiated the kiss; that was permission for me to go on. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, hesitant yet demanding. She pushed me back against the bed, her hand still wrapped around my neck and at the same time pressing against me. Although I had kissed her back, I still had that hesitation to deepen the kiss. That intoxicating scent that I had felt earlier filled me again. After the kiss at the church, I still had the feeling of her kiss against my lips, and I wanted to feel it again.Now I already have the chance to have another taste of her.She raised her head, peeling her lips from mine. Her hand slid off her neck, and she peered down at me; her eyes were dark with arousal. Her lips parted, making me throb even harder.Unbuttoning two buttons on my shirt, she slid her hand into it and ran my hand through it. Suddenly, the reason why I came into her room in the first pla
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