All Chapters of Alpha Tedros : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 Chapters
ELODIEThe sun hit my face, prompting me to move into bed. Touching the side of the bed, I tried touching Tedros, but the side of the bed was empty.Opening my eyes, I glanced at the bed, but he wasn’t in sight. Just as I had felt, the bed was empty. I slowly sat up, my back aching as I moved. The memories of what happened yesterday flashed through my head. I barely remember what happened after he thrust in because, after a while, I fell asleep and awoke to find him still there. Pulling the blanket over my body, I got out of bed only to crash to the floor. My whole body ached so much that I could barely stand, but the ache was more in between my legs. I knew he was huge, but I had no idea he was that huge to make me unable to walk. Just how long had he done it? I was sure that I had woken up tons of times and found him on top of me.I wondered where Tedros was; had he already gone to work? I held onto the bed and slowly stood, my legs shaking as I climbed back into the bed. Laying
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ELODIEHe did everything okay, but he struggled to help me wash my hair. It took every ounce of self-control not to laugh as he struggled to detangle the loose waves of my chestnut hair that were always down on my back.I was afraid that he might pull out my hair, but he was so patient that I kept trying until he got it right. Moments later, he was helping me dry my hair after he had helped me put on some clothes. I had no idea that he could be so soft and careful. He went ahead and styled them after drying them.“All done.” He announced, raising my hair and dropping it. “How is it?”I stared at my reflection; he had added a butterfly hair clip to my hair, holding a few parts up in the middle. The hair clip color matched my eyes, as did the necklace that I wore.“It’s pretty; I look stunning,” I muttered, honestly. He also picked up clothes that I could wear to the office—broken white and sage green. I rose to my feet and spun around in the mirror. I noticed that my body didn’t ache
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ELODIEStunned, I stared at him, hoping that I had heard wrong.“I shouldn’t have done it.” He responded. “I went into the room to tell you I couldn’t do it, but I guess I forgot about it.”What was he talking about? He didn’t act like that the previous night. “Let’s just forget it ever happened, okay?” He raised his brows at me, waiting for a response. Looking away from him, I tried not to snap at him and asked him what he meant by that. It was clear that he didn’t want me, and he even regretted sleeping with me.“It’s alright,” I mumbled, lying. “Aren’t you heading to work? You should get going.”I bit my lips, suppressing the tears threatening to drop from my eyes. I couldn’t bear to look at him, knowing fully well that I was going to cry if I looked at him.“Okay.” He replied.“Was the money in my card enough?” I asked, changing the topic.“It is enough.” He answered.“Okay.”He didn’t move for a few minutes, but when he did, I stared at my reflection in the coffee, and the tear
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TEDROS  Signing the document in front of me, I crooked my head to the side. That was the document for the meeting I had just finished. There was still one more meeting I had to attend before closing.  My eyes trailed to the card that was on the table; it was a black card, Ducky’s card. Seeing the card made me think of her—had she really gone to the office? I rubbed my forehead as the picture of her shocked face filled my head. I had been a jerk; how could I tell her that I made a mistake sleeping with her when she was glad that I did a great job? ‘Let’s forget it ever happened, okay?’  What the hell did I mean when I said that?  Although she hadn’t complained or snapped at me for suggesting that, She had just avoided my gaze; it was more like she didn’t blame me
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“We brought the money for the payment of the loan,” I announced this as soon as I stepped into the base of the loan sharks. The building was luxurious, with bright lights that showed around the place. Seven men were in the living room, two sitting and the rest standing. Each of them had a cigarette on their lips.However, the biggest man in the middle of them all caught my attention. He had a scar on his left eye and down to his upper lips. From one look and the scent I had perceived from them, they were werewolves. The biggest man was a beta, and the rest of them were omegas. Yet each of them had a terrifying aura that distinguished them from all the other omegas I had met. Perhaps it was because they didn’t belong to a pack. They were rogues.“Welcome.” The one with the scar said, “So, you are Tedros, the brother of Cole?”Ignoring his question, I gestured for one of the men who had come with us from Elod’s security. He approached me with the briefcase.“We are here to pay back t
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ELODIEIt was already dark, and Tedros wasn’t home yet. I haven’t gotten any calls from him either. I wanted to give him a call, but I guessed he must be busy. I was lying on the sofa with a book in my hand, and I was almost done, with ten pages left to go. Sighing, I rolled over, laid on my back, and stared up at the book.Just then, the doorbell rang, catching my attention. I glanced at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, and there was no one. Tedros would use the doorbell when he knew the passcode.I had given him the passcode at the hospital the other day, hadn’t I? Sitting up on the sofa, I was about to head for the door when I came to an abrupt pause. What was the time? Reaching out for my phone, I checked the time; it was 9 p.m. The doorbell had rang the previous day.Was it another letter? Or were the events of the previous day going to repeat themselves? I shook my head, brushing off the thoughts that wouldn’t be possible. I hadn’t tried to think much about it, but I could
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ELODIE Huh? What was he interested in? My look hadn't given away the fact that something had happened. “What are you talking about?” I questioned, getting nervous. “Nothing really happened.” He frowned at me before taking his seat next to me. “You don't have to lie to me, Ducky; from the look on your face, I can tell something happened.” I gulped. I didn't see his look alike this time, so there is a probability that he wouldn't show up again. “Nothing happened.” He gave me this serious gaze that made me feel like I wouldn't be able to lie to him anymore. “I–” “Was he here?” He questioned. Blinking, I stared at him, confused. “Huh?” “Don't give me that gaze; was he here?” I looked away from him. Did he know about his lookalike? I haven't even told him about the illness he has, but has he met anyone else? “Talk to me, Ducky; what did he say this time?” He demanded. “Huh?” I asked; he hadn't said anything to me the other time. Turning my head to look a
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ELODIE“I was not terrified,” I grumbled. I didn't want him to place the camera and see his look-alike. I still don't know the cause of his look-alike appearance. I didn't have an idea if it was him too. There was no way I could let him see his lookalike without getting all the information I could get about it.“Saying that won't change my mind about installing the cam. I understand that you don't want me to know who comes here, but that doesn't mean I can't find out.’’“Tedros—” “Don't try to change my mind, Ducky. This is for your safety. I could tell from the look on your face that you were terrified.” He leaned down closer to draw lines on my face with his finger. “You looked so terrified yesterday, and now you are upset.” I just let him draw the invisible lines on my face. His touch was both rough and soothing, and his large hands made my face look small.“I am really fine.” I insisted, my eyes closed, trying to resist the urge to grab his hand and sniff it. “You don't look
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ELODIEAfter Tedros retired to his room, I spent a few more minutes making coffee, which I ended up not drinking because it turned cold from me staring at it. Heading to my room afterward, I had a cold shower, changed into my night dress, and hopped on my bed, trying to sleep.I tossed around the bed, unable to sleep. I stayed that way for a few hours before rising from the bed in a sitting position. I have to head to work tomorrow, and I need to sleep. Laying back on the bed, I pulled the pillow to my ears and covered them. In a few minutes, the sound of footsteps reached my ears, and for a second, I thought it was Tedros, but listening carefully, I could tell it wasn’t him. The footsteps were coming from outside, from my window.Then, the sound of a rock hitting the window caught my attention. I checked the time, and it read 11:59 p.m. Getting out of bed, I headed for the window. The only person who could visit at this time was none other than Lucas. I wondered what he wanted this
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ELODIETedros raised his head from the book to look at me. For a second, his eyes widened, his gaze moving down to my chest and all the way down. He gulped, then turned his gaze away.Giving him a questioning look, I wondered why he was looking at me like that instead of answering.“Can I stay here for the night?” I inquired once more. “I won’t be a bother, I can sleep on the sofa.”“No,” he replied bluntly. “Why can’t you sleep in your room?”I stepped closer to him, standing next to him and glancing around the room to find a spot to sleep that wasn’t the bed. The room still looked like it had when I arranged it for him.“Aren’t you going to say why you have to sleep here?” he questioned.Spinning around to look at him, his hands were folded, and he had a straight look on his face. He looked like he didn’t want me there. After all, I was the one who had provoked him earlier.“Does it matter?” I asked before I could stop myself.I still couldn’t tell him that there was another him dow
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