All Chapters of Alpha Tedros : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
TEDROS“Did you get to speak with the manager of the motherboard delivery?” I questioned Cole as soon as he stepped into the office. He paused halfway towards me and spun around, groaning in frustration as if regretting his decision to walk in. “Why are you still here?”“That’s because I work here,” I answered, lowering my gaze from him and looking down at the files in my hand.My gaze trailed to the heaps of paperwork that still needed to be taken care of. Not that I didn’t have a secretary who could have done it or an assistant; I insisted on doing it myself.“That's the point of it all,” Cole grunted, turning back to look at me. “If I knew you were here, I wouldn’t have bothered coming in.”I raised my head to frown at him. He was probably saying that because he didn’t want to work anymore for the day.“Have you spoken to the manager like I asked you to?” I repeated my question.“No.” He replied, walking over to me and flopping his butt on the chair in front of me, his eyes scann
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TEDROSSince that day she asked to stay in my room; she had always been reading those research papers that I had no idea what they were about.The only time I got to see her was when she was making breakfast and when she left her room in the middle of the night to go to the living room.“Just give me the keys, Cole,” I muttered. “I need them to finish or do the job yourself.” He frowned. “Well, there are tons of people that could do the job in this company. I see no reason why you would want to do it yourself.” Calculating my steps, he was in front of the window and holding the keys in his hand. I would be able to snatch the keys if I got close enough.“Mom asked me to send her invitation to you and Elodie. We are all having breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow, which is Sunday." He said, changing the topic.“What for?” “Come on. Don’t tell me you don’t want to see Mom.”“That was not the question. I asked, Why should we visit tomorrow? Is it even necessary?”“Yes. Dad is back, and
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ELODIESitting across my monitor screen in my dim office, I closed the book's last page. I scanned my eyes through the notes I had taken. For the past two months, I have been reading every book I could find about premature transformation. Now I was finally done reading everything I could about the transformation. The book hadn’t said anything about the last transformation stage. The only thing written about it was to get rid of anyone in the previous stage, but there was no way I was killing Ted.I couldn’t believe I had spent two months reading and doing research only to find nothing at the end. But I still managed to learn a few things that I knew nothing about. I was glad for that.The days had been hectic, and there were times when I had fallen asleep in front of the computer, only to wake up and continue. It had been a while since I had spoken to Tedros properly, and I missed him.He had no idea what I was doing because I was too busy to even sit down and have a discussion with
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ELODIE“Right,” I said, not wanting to argue about it. “Can I have more?”He nodded. “You can take as much as you want.”I reached out to take part of his food but stopped halfway, rising to my feet, I hurried towards the kitchen.“Where are you going?” He asked.“Hold on, I am just going to grab something. I will be back in three seconds.”I dashed into the kitchen and returned with a bigger plate. He watched me curiously as I poured all the food I could find on the table and stirred them all together.“What are you doing?” He questioned.“Mix them since I want yours,” I responded. “Are there still any more apples left?”He eyed me like he hadn’t expected me to mix them or even try to eat the mixture he made.“There are still more left.” He said, the corner of his ears turning red as he averted his eyes. “I will add it together.”“Okay.”Tedros added all of the apples he could find and soon we were eating the food. He spent most of the time staring at me while I stuffed my mouth with
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ELODIE“You have a father?!” I demanded, feeling like he had punched me in the face. How could he have a father, and I know nothing about it? Now I feel like all this time I claimed to know everything about him, I’ve just been lying to myself.“I am so sorry,” I mumbled, seeing that I had freaked out before him. “I didn’t mean to ask about your father like that. It’s just that it took me by surprise. I never knew your father was still–”“Alive?” he questioned, cutting me off.“I didn’t mean it that way!” I tried to defend myself.I didn’t want to get him mad for thinking that his father was dead when the man was still alive.“He is dead, Ducky,” Tedros murmured in a low tone.I breathed a sigh of relief. “I was right all along, so he is dead.”A smirk curled up his lips. “He is dead to us, not dead.” He revealed, shattering all the relief I felt. “How long have you thought that my father was dead?”I peered at him, reading his expression. He wasn’t mad nor was he surprised. He just ha
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ELODIE“Ducky… Ducky…” A soft voice called, and I felt a tap on my back as someone tried to wake me up. “We are running late already.”“Yes?” I muttered, tossing around what I thought to be the bed, but my head collided with a hard surface, jolting me awake immediately. “Ouch!” I cried out, sitting up hastily, only to bump my head into something above me.I heard Tedros groan in the background. Snapping my head in the direction of the voice, I found him holding his jaw. It was then that I realized it was his head I had bumped into earlier.“I am so sorry.” I apologized, reaching out to grab his head and look at it. “Does it hurt?”“I’m starting to think you are doing it on purpose,” he responded. “You have always taken advantage of the chances you get to hit me.”Releasing his face, I rubbed the sore spot I had hit on the wall, wondering where the wall came from. He hadn’t even tried to stop me from hitting my head. I glanced around the room to see that I was in my room. My gaze retur
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ELODIE“He hasn't been giving me a hard time, and I missed you both,” I muttered to the two who were squeezing me tight. “I can't breathe.” Cole pulled back from the hug, and Belle followed suit. She had a worried look, just like the one Tedros had when he told me about his father.It was more like she wanted me to go somewhere else than get into the house. “My father is here already,” Belle said, I could feel the resentment in her voice even though she tried to hide it. “He is in there with his family and asked of you, so I had to stay with her and wait.” “That son of a bitch.” Cole cursed through gritted teeth. “I told him not to ask after you since he never cared for his children.” “Cole,” Belle called, glancing at Cole. “You shouldn't curse in front of Elod.”I found no reason why they would want to be careful around me. I was on their side since their father had decided to treat them like that. “There is no need to be careful around me,” I muttered. “Tedros already told me a
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ELODIEHe held up his hand. “I don't mean any harm; I was just going to talk.”“Talk?” She growled, shoving me between her and Cole. Honestly, I didn't need them to protect me; I was an alpha too.By this time, the commotion has drawn the attention of everyone at the dining table. “Back off!” Cole bellowed, and I could feel his alpha aura emitting from his body. His halfbrother immediately backed away; he wasn't an alpha, and he must respect one.Also, they belonged to the same pack. “Cole!” A deep voice yelled.I turned my head to see who it was, only to find out it was their father. None of the kids looked like him, and he had the brightest green eyes I had ever seen.“How could you use that aura on your own, brother?” Their father demanded. “And don't you know there is an omega here?” “I don't give a fuck!” Cole retorted. “I don't care if your bitch is an omega or your daughter!”“And you shut the fuck off, old man!” Belle added. “You better keep your son in check too, or you
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ELODIE The cold expression on Tedros' face seemed to fade away as soon as I called out to him. I brushed past Belle and Cole before they could stop me, and in a few seconds, I was in front of him. Holding onto his hand, I stared into his eyes and shook my head. “You shouldn't do this, Tedros. I am fine; your siblings protected me enough.” I wasn't sure if he was mad because I was called an outsider or because his father supported his half-brother instead of correcting his mistake. However, I knew for a fact that I was also involved, especially since he had been hesitant to bring me along. “He just called you an outsider,” Tedros hissed. “You shouldn't try to protect him. He’s not related to anyone here.” “I know that, but you can't afford to get angry now.” I squeezed his hand, trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working.
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ELODIE If it weren’t for the fact that they told me Freddie was their father, I wouldn’t have thought they were related. Their appearances were nothing alike: blonde with green eyes, dark hair with gray eyes.  They were opposites in every way.  My eyes darted to his wife. She was blonde, too, with blue eyes, which her daughter had inherited. She had that innocent look, but unlike her son, she seemed to be hiding her true self behind that facade. “Would you start with an introduction first?” I snapped at Freddie. I wasn't going to let him speak to me like that. I wasn't going to let anyone speak to me like that. Freddie’s eyes widened in disbelief before he threw his head back in laughter. I couldn’t tell what was funny about how I spoke to him. Ignoring his laughter, I proceeded to pick out several foods to fill my plate. Tedros helpe
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