All Chapters of The Hybrid's Hunted Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
Tori's POV “You did a really good job hiding by the way, I only got lucky finding you,” Hana mentions as I take the clean clothes upstairs to change. “My mother taught me how to hide my scent and trail,” I admit before closing the door and start changing.‘Are we going back?’ Reika asks in a hopeful tone. ‘Yes, we’re going back,’ I answer after stripping off the dirty clothes. It feels good to pull on fresh clothes that I haven’t been wearing for days. I grab my dirty clothes from upstairs then make my way back down where Hana is patiently waiting.“My jeep is about a mile away near the river, do you want to drive the long way round or go straight to Hanzo’s?” Hana gets up and goes to the kitchen to retrieve the blood bags. “I think I’m ready to go home,” I admit realizing that no matter how mad I am at him, Hanzo is my home.“Ok home it is, I know Hanzo will be excited to see you,” Hana stands by me with her bag open. I look at her confused, she nods to the dirty clothes in my hand
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Tori's POV“Mom!” I cry out sitting straight up in bed from a dead sleep. I find myself reaching out and drenched in sweat as I feel freezing cold. “Tori,” Hanzo rolls over and sits up. I pull the blanket close feeling afraid and angry. “No,” I cry seeing my mother’s body hit the ground like she is right in front of me.“Hey, Tori I’m right here,” Hanzo sits behind me and presses his chest to my back as my breathing is ragged and uneven. “I’m sorry,” I cry, covering my face I curl up into Hanzo’s arms letting him comfort me, I can still see my mother’s face. “You’re ok, you’re safe,” Hanzo reassures recognizing I wasn’t all the way awake. “I couldn’t save here, I was too afraid I only killed the man in blind rage,” I sigh breathing deeply and crying into Hanzo’s arms, looking up I see his eyes are full of tears.‘We’re ok, Tori it’s over, you did what you had to,’ Reika tries comforting me through our bond as I feel Hanzo’s worry. ‘It wasn’t enough though,’ I cry into my connection w
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Hanzo's POVThank God my mate came home, I spent the entire night awake watching over her finding it hard to believe she’s here. Valko has been hyper vigilant staying forward watching over her all night and day since she’s been back.“What exactly is the council?” Tori asks as she sits on the counter and watches me cook. “Our governing body, they make and enforce our laws, enforce borders, and handle conflict between humans and supernaturals,” I explain the council the best I can.“Are there just werewolves on the council or are there vampires too?” She questions as Jackson comes in to grab plates to help set the table. “Both are on the council, it helps them govern issues with hybrids, which aren’t supposed to happen,” Jackson answers for me and I nod.“Sounds like a delightful bunch… what do they usually do about hybrids?” Tori asks causing me to exchanged looks with Jackson. “They take them, interview them, then most of the time they kill them,” I answer before she thinks I’m tryin
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Tori's POV“You seem more relaxed,” Hanzo mentions. I lay in his lap feeling more relaxed than I have in a long time. I don’t know if it’s because I marked him so I feel more drawn to him, or if it’s because I can finally feel him and know he’s being honest with me. All I do know is I feel a lot of comfort in his touch and presence, he makes me feel safe and loved.“I feel more relaxed,” I admit grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers. “Good,” he chuckles watching me with an adorable smile. Hanzo reaches down and pulls me to his lap where I’m straddling him.“What are you thinking?” Hanzo asks brushing my hair back out of my face, I blush as I stare at the mark on nis neck. “I think I want to complete the bond. I like being able to feel you and I want you to be able to feel me,” I explain as butterflies flutter in my stomach and Reika paces in the back of my head nervous about his response.“You want me to mark you?” Hanzo seems taken aback by my words and I nod. “It feels like
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Tori's POVWalking out front to take the garbage out I’m surprised to find Bo approaching the house. “What are you doing out here?” I question after tossing the garbage in the can. “I came to reassure you that my sister will never bother you again,” Bo answers stepping closer, making me take a step back away from him.“Thank you I appreciate it, I’m sorry about your loss,” I apologize knowing that if his sister is alive their relationship would never be the same. “Don’t I’m sorry for your mother and for you having to be alone and scared on the run for so long,” he apologizes watching me in a way I don’t feel comfortable with.“Do you need anything else?” I question looking towards the door knowing all I have to do is scream and Hana will be out to help me. “No, I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to worry about my pack. And I came to check in with Hanzo to see how he is,” he answers watching me as I slowly move towards the front door of the house.“You’ll have to catch h
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Hanzo's POV“Hanzo, what are you doing?” Hana asks when I go into the house to grab my keys. “Hanzo,” she repeats when I don’t respond to her at all. “What?” I ask looking down at her hoping she realizes I’m not going to just sit and wait for my mate to be killed.“What are you doing, you can’t chase after her they will kill you,” Hana warns me as she gets in my way not letting me through the door. “I’m going after the son of a bitch that turned her in!” I scream at my sister wanting her out of my way. “Fine, I’m going with you,” Hana agrees then steps out of my way and follows me out of the house. I don’t care if she comes or stays, I just want to get the son of a bitch who turned my mate in to the council. I get into my truck and wait for Hana before peeling out of the driveway in the direction of Bo’s pack.It doesn’t take long for me to speed through their borders ignoring their patrol and driving straight to the center of town where his house is. I can’t help growling and smilin
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Tori's POV‘Reika,’ I try reaching out to my wolf as I slowly wake up. I hear nothing and I feel more alone than ever, I can’t even feel my bond to Hanzo. ‘Reika!’ I cry out hoping to find her, but hear nothing back.“Tori, are you awake?” A strange man questions, I move to find out I’m shackled to a chair. “Tori?” He questions as I open my eyes more and look around. I find that I’m in a white room with a long table where nine people including Jackson sit and watch. “Don’t try to move, you’re fully restrained. We will start asking you some questions,” the man instructs as I stare at him, afraid he is going to hurt me worse. He is tall and slender with blonde hair and gentle yet dangerous features. “I told Jackson when he brought me in, I will cooperate,” I speak watching the man hoping I can convince him I’m not a threat.“Good, first what are you?” He asks, watching me close, I look to see I’m surrounded by a council of vampires and werewolves. “I was born a wolf,” I answer looking
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Hanzo's POV“Thank you for coming,” I hear Hana answer the front door. I lay face down in bed taking in the last bit of Tori’s remaining scent from her pillow. “Hanzo!” Hana calls out from down stairs. I growl and sit up fighting my urge to yell at her.It’s been a few weeks since Tori’s been taken and I haven’t been able to find the facility and barely heard a word from Jackson. I only know she is alive and likely suffering at the hands of their inquisitors. It’s been driving me insane not being able to feel her, they must have silver on her to keep her wolf under control.“What Hana?!” I call out as Valko sulks in the back of my head being equally hurt by our mate’s absence. “Come downstairs we have company, Jackson is here,” Hana answers after coming up the stairs and stands at the foot of my bed. I instantly sit up and watch her carefully knowing there is more than one person downstairs.“Who else?” I get up and stretch while taking in the air to see if I recognize the scent. “Mom
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We're the Same
Tori's POVI was alone in that cell for God knows how long. No one came in or spoke to me, I just received food and fresh clothes through the slot in the door.“Tori,” I hear a familiar voice, my heart races as I have felt so alone and afraid through this. Not feeling Hanzo has made me feel hallow inside and not having Reika has nearly driven me crazy.“Tori, are you ok?” Jackson asks when they open the door, two guards stand behind him. “Exhausted,” I answer holding out my wrist for him to lock the shackles together, but instead he begins to pull them off making my brow furrow.“These two guards have been told to kill you on sight if you make a single wrong move. You’re to be interviewed again by Aaron and you can’t have these for this interview,” Jackson explains, standing aside for me. I walk past him and rub my wrists that are now raw.“They’re going to make me change, after watching me feed for how long now?” I question looking over at him, afraid of what is to come. “25 days,” J
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Tori's POV“Guards take him to a cell, and take lady Bushida to a separate cell,” Aaron instructs, everyone begins talking in hushed tones surprised at everything that’s happening.“Jackson?” Aaron questions watching him and I freeze. Jackson nods then comes over and unbinds me then pulls me to the center of the room. “Know if you lose control Jackson will sever your spine so fast your heart and lungs will cease to function instantly killing you, do you understand?” Aaron questions as my eyes widen, I look up at Jackson who avoids eye contact.“I do, what do you want from me?” I look at Aaron as tears stream down my cheeks. “Why are you so upset? All we want is to see you change into a wolf so we know these allegations are true,” Aaron explains, shrugging casually like none of this affects him.“You arrested the one man who has ever cared for me, after you promised his safety,” I answer watching him and wondering how he could be so cold. “He knew the risk of exposing himself, now shi
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