All Chapters of The Hybrid's Hunted Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 Chapters
Hanzo's POV“Come on let’s go lay down upstairs,” I suggest, holding Tori’s door open after parking in the driveway. “Can we go out on the deck, I need fresh air?” She requests and I nod seeing that she is still feeling upset over how our shopping trip went.“Yeah, you really like it out here, don’t you?” I ask, watching Tori blush as she gets out of the truck. “I do, I feel like I can relax out here,” she answers, following me around the side of the house through the gate.“Good, I’m glad,” I smile proudly as she walks by me towards the deck, I close the gate behind us. “It’s hot,” she mentions, looking over her shoulder at me and I nod then look up at the sun.‘You better mark her soon,’ Valko eagerly tries pushing forward as I follow her up onto the deck. ‘I will mark her when she is ready,’ I push him back and shake my head at how badly he wants to complete our bond.“The bed will be shaded and we can close the canopy,” I suggest as she already walks towards the bed. I bite my lip
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Tori's POV“Shit,” Hanzo groans when we hear two car doors, I roll over to my stomach and pull a blanket around me. “Come on, head up and take a bath, I’ll bring you up some clothes and a towel,” Hanzo suggests, getting up and grabs a pair of swim trunks that were hanging off the bottom of the bed.“Don’t worry, you don’t have to see either of them,” Hanzo reassures watching me pull the blanket all the way around me, I quickly follow him into the house. When he approaches the door, I quickly run up the stairs and into the bathroom. I hear voices when Hanzo opens the front door, so I start running my bath water.Pulling my bra off, I slowly get into the tub of still running water and enjoy the hot water kissing my already sensitive skin. I look down at my thighs and see blood, my heart races as I grab the sponge and quickly wash it away. I feel sore and it did hurt at first, but I didn’t expect blood.I shut the water off with my foot and close my eyes remembering everywhere Hanzo kiss
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Tori's POVAfter a long restless night’s sleep, I find myself in the kitchen making breakfast with Hanzo. “You smell funny,” I mention when he steps close and I notice he smells like a different person.“Must be something I ate,” he answers with a shrug and I shake my head. “It’s more than that, you smell like another person,” I explain making him look over at me before he looks down at what he’s doing. “I’m not sure, I haven’t been around anyone else,” he admits.“Oh, Jackson called to check on you,” Hanzo speaks, looking down at me. I look away not wanting to talk about my supposed father.“He didn’t want me in the first place, why does he care now?” I ask, looking up at Hanzo with tears in my eyes. I never imagined having a father let alone one who didn’t want me, I always imagine he was killed or found love with another woman.‘Yeah, what did he want? To make sure we didn’t run away to become someone else’s problem,’ Reika rolls her eyes, my heart sinks at the thought of him check
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Good Man
Tori's POV“What do you mean?” I ask looking back at Hanzo who grows tense and growls as he pulls my seat out.“Hanzo has always been a good man, better than our father to say the least. He was never enough and when he got into trouble for helping or protecting someone, he’d get the shit beat out of him,” Hana explains, I look up at Hanzo who is glaring daggers at his sister. He shakes his head before walking out the back door onto the deck, slamming the door.“What?” I question looking to the door as my heart races from his anger. “He also got beat a lot from protecting me from other men,” Hana answers with a sad look. I hesitate to get up to see what I can do to help him.“Go, he needs you,” She watches me debate whether to go out or not. I nod and walk out on to the deck where Hanzo is sitting on the bed looking out on the lake. I quietly walk over and crawl onto the bed behind Hanzo while standing up on my knees, Reika urging me to comfort him.“Hanzo,” I whisper, making him growl
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Tori's POV“What do you feel like doing?” I ask staring into his beautiful green eyes. “Hunting,” he answers. ‘Yes, lets hunt, please,’ Reika begs as she bounces around in my head. ‘We will,’ I laugh at how eager she is to go hunt with our mate.“Then let’s hunt, Reika is very eager. Turn around,” I stand up on the bed and begin to undress once he is facing away. I step down from the bed then focus on shifting into my black wolf. I turn to watch Hanzo pull his shirt off as he smiles down at me.“You’re beautiful,” he smiles reaching out and running his fingers through my fur. Hanzo chuckles a little as he pulls his pants off then shifts into a bigger white wolf. I can’t take my eyes away as he approaches me then rub his head against mine, making me whimper.“What’s wrong?” He questions through the link as he stands beside me. “I’m just not used to affection when in this from. My mother was distant. How are we able to communicate?” I explain through the link and he nods. “Well, you can
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Hanzo's POV“What the hell did he mean by a lot?” She cries out when Jackson hits a bump in the road. “It’s a vampire thing, the more you feed on fresh blood the stronger you are and the faster you heal. If you feed enough, you’d be stronger than I am,” I admit staring at the blood on my hand trying to control my own urges. “I can’t and I won’t do that, I’m not like him, I’m not just a vampire. I can’t face them, the men in that pack attacked and killed my mother and tried to take me,” Tori explains, wiping her face and pulls Jackson’s jacket tighter around her body.“I don’t let anything bad happen, this was a freak accident, and your leg will heal. We’ll get you home in bed and you can rest. Hana and I will keep you safe,” I reassure brushing her hair out of her face and pull her tighter in my arms. I feel she’s still nervous in my arms as she relaxes in my grip.“It’s not going to be enough,” she cries as the truck stops in front of the house. “It will, with Jackson, we’ll be enou
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Facing Demons
Tori's POV“Jackson got angry what’s wrong?” Hana questions coming up as I continue to feed on Hanzo. I notice something taste off with his blood, he tastes different than the other times I’ve fed on him. “She wouldn’t feed without him gone, I also showed her what I am,” Hanzo explains then gently brushes my hair to the side. I tremble at his touch and blush, embarrassed Hana is seeing me like this. “Hanzo you should have warned me she was still feeding, you know she’s shy,” Hana sighs as she watches me in concern. “I know, but she needs to know to trust you incase this goes wrong,” Hanzo admits as he clenches his jaw and fist. I stare up at my mate wondering how I can trust him now that I know he’s been hiding things from me.“That’s enough,” Hanzo brushes my hair back after about feeding for what felt like forever. I struggle to pull away feeling his blood continue to call to me. “It’s ok, you didn’t hurt me,” he reassures reaching up and wipes the blood from my chin.“I still can’
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Run away
Tori's POV“Do you want to head up to bed?” Hanzo asks as he gets up from the couch. “No, I think I’m going to stay down here,” I answer from my position curled up on the couch. “Tori,” he sighs standing behind me and watches me in concern. “I’m not tired right now, I’m just going to watch TV until I fall asleep,” I answer as Reika whimpers and paces in my head wanting me to go after our mate.“You know we’re going to have to talk about things eventually,” Hanzo looks down at me in concern. “No, you don’t get to tell me when we will talk about your lying and hiding things from me!” I growl defensively, I was hoping to ignore everything for the night so I could leave in the night and leave it without a huge fight.“I’m not telling you when to talk about it. I just want to work this out, I love you you’re everything I ever wanted, and I know I screwed it up. The last thing I wanted was to hurt you and lie to you,” he explains with an exhausted expression.“I don’t feel sorry for you, I
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Hanzo's POVI wake up and roll to Tori’s side of the bed and take in her scent from the pillow. It’s hard not having her in bed with me, I only hope she got some sleep out on the couch.‘Mate shouldn’t have been on the couch in the first place, we should have been open with her from the start,’ Valko growls at me, I get up and slowly start making my way down stairs. ‘I should have, but nothing I do changes it now, I can only tell her the truth from now on,’ I agree with my wolf knowing that she would be in our bed if it weren’t for me being so afraid to tell her what I was.“Tori, do you want breakfast?” I question walking through to the kitchen to start cooking. “Tori?” I look at the back of the couch when I get no answer. I roll my eyes thinking she’s mad at me still, I approach the couch to make sure she’s away.“Tori?!” I call out when I see she is not on the couch and her scent is pretty faded. “Why are you yelling?” Hana comes out of her room rubbing her eyes. “Tori’s not on the
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Tori's POVWaking up I stretch out on the bed feeling for someone who isn’t there. I miss him, I’m angry with him, but I miss him so much more than I ever expected to. He wasn’t kidding when he said mates are connected on a much deeper level.‘We’re ok on our own, staying away keeps him safer,’ Reika reassures me as she pulls on my sadness. ‘I wish we didn’t have to be alone to survive. Everyone who loves us gets hurt,’ I confess getting up I walk to the bathroom to shower.Looking in the mirror I whimper seeing my eyes are red as my fangs ache from hunger. ‘We need to hunt and feed,’ Reika advises and I nod. ‘We do, let’s go hunt,’ I agree then begin to strip my clothes to shift in hopes of catching big enough prey to feed off of.‘We’ll figure it out, we always do,’ Reika reassures as I trot down the stairs and make my way outside. ‘I know, but my urge to feed has gotten worse,’ I admit then begin to sniff the air and ground for any signs of wild game in the area.‘I think it’s beca
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