All Chapters of The Hybrid's Hunted Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Tori's POVI was alone for only a few short moments when Hanzo is brought to my cell as four guards stay outside the door.“Are you ok what happened?” Hanzo instantly asks rushing to my side and kisses me fervently. “I don’t know, better now that you’re here. Hanzo I couldn’t shift and I still can’t feel Reika,” I admit looking up at him as he smiles with concern hidden in his expression.“Hana said you need to feed more?” Hanzo questions sitting with me in his arms as one of the guars clears his throat. “Something about not being fed properly before. I didn’t instruct you to watch, if you want to complain then complain to someone who cares,” I snap at the guard who is acting impatient, he walks away mumbling under his breath.“Tori, stop just feed,” Hanzo speaks and pulls me back down to his lap. He presses the side of his head to mine. I turn to face him and take in his scent relaxing in his grip. “Sorry,” I apologize before biting his shoulder where I marked him.“Don’t be, it’ll b
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Tori's POVI begin to hyperventilate scared of dying. I pull my wrist as hard as I can the moment, only I see Aaron’s body fall to the floor beside me. “This has gone far enough! Fucking sociopath! Everyone on this council already knows what Hanzo is, and who is mother is. He has been allowed to live as well as your inquisitor Aaron,” Jackson yells as he looks to a very shocked council.“I will not stand by and watch you execute my daughter, the only one left of Aurelia’s family line, thanks to this council.” Jackson adds making me flinch at the idea of being the last of my mother’s family. The council begins to whisper back and forth as I finally pull my wrist apart breaking my restraints. Everyone gasps and steps back as I move to hold my stomach and close my eyes knowing I can’t get away if I try to run.“Please let us go, I’ve never hurt anyone other than the man who killed my mother,” I beg watching them, seeing the sad expressions on their faces. I look to Hanzo who stares at
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Check Up
Hanzo's POV“Oh my god,” Tori cries as her entire body shudders under the hot water. I grab her hand and rub her back in attempt to comfort her. “Hey, I’m right here,” I whisper pulling her into my arms and hold her as close as I can.“I’m sorry you have to leave your home,” Tori apologizes looking up towards the shower head with her eyes closed, I grab a sponge and begin to wash her, my heart breaks seeing the condition of her bruised body.“This is just a house, we will build a new home together and we’ll have our family,” I reassure as my hand stops over her navel, I try to imagine what it will feel like for our baby to grow and kick.“Do you want this?” She questions holding my hand as I pull her back against me and hold her tight. “I never thought I’d get this chance, you?” I ask pulling her chin up to look me in the eye, wanting to know if it’s something she wants. “I was always told I couldn’t get pregnant like a regular woman. I don’t even know if I’m capable of being a mom a
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Meeting Mom
Tori's POV“Where are we going to move to?” I question after resting outside for a few hours. “I’m not sure, maybe back home the pack, it should be safe enough for you,” Hanzo answers with a shrug. “Are you sure, I know you and your stepfather aren’t on good terms?” I look over at him wondering how it would go to return to his home pack.“They are on bad terms it wouldn’t be a great greeting, but Hanzo is right there is no place you would be safer that the council would agree to,” Hana comes out with a tray of food and stops at the table. “I’ll deal with him however I have to,” Hanzo sits up and grabs my hand then pulls me towards the table.“I know the pack would stand behind you,” Hana admits as Jackson comes out with a bottle of wine to go with the steak dinner Hana has made us. “I hope you’re right; we need to be somewhere safe for our little one,” I look down at my stomach and do my best to imagine what it will be like to be a mother.“We will make sure you and your baby are safe
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Epilogue 1
Tori's POV“You ready?” Hanzo pulls we pull up to the hotel in Hawaii. Packing was easy since I only had a little bit of clothes. I know Hanzo had a little bit of a hard time, but once things got moving along the trip over was easy going.“Yeah, sorry I’m just tired,” I admit following him inside the main lobby where Hana, Jackson, and Aiko wait for us. “Don’t be sorry it’s been a long trip,” Hanzo reassures placing his hand on the small of my back as I yawn.“Fuck,” Hanzo groans, I look past him to see a man approach Aiko and pull her into his arms. “Is that?” I start to ask as Hanzo nods his head and pulls me close. “Greyson, just stick really close to me and we’ll be ok,” Hanzo reassures before kissing the top of my head then leads out way towards our family.“Hanzo, I didn’t think I’d ever see you back in my territory again,” Greyson speaks as he stands in front of Hanzo and reaches out to shake his hand. “Greyson, I know you don’t want me here, but I didn’t have a choice I had to
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Epilogue 2
Hanzo's POVI got the job; I got the position on the council. It was a monumental moment for hybrids and myself, now I have a position to keep not only myself and my mate safe, but future generations of hybrids who have control. “Congratulations,” Hana speaks from her set next to mine as I just got off the phone hearing from the council about my position. “Thank you I know Tori will be even more excited,” I look up and down the hall of the hospital where we wait for her last check-up.“I’m ready,” I hear her call out, Hana opens the door and leads out way into the exam room where my small mate lays on the exam table, barely able to look over her belly.“Sorry I had to step out for the phone call,” I apologize, grabbing her hand I walk over and kiss her forehead. “I know you’ve been expecting this call, hopefully it was good news,” she smiles up at me as she rubs her oversized belly.“It was great news, I got the job, I’m now a council member,” I answer, she looks up at me with side e
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Epilogue 3
Hanzo's POV“Did you just get in?” I wake Tori up when I sit down on the bed to kick off my shoes. “Yeah, I was busy going over council matters, they don’t seem to understand the difference in time zone, or they don’t care,” I admit, pulling my shirt off then lay back with my head on Tori’s chest.“I missed you last night,” Tori whispers, running her fingers through my hair then kisses me. “I missed you too, how is Nimue? Did she sleep through the night?” I question, looking around the room for Nimue expecting her in the bed. “She needed to be changed once last night and two feedings, she’s in her basinet over here,” she points to the edge of the bed.“What does the council want over here?” Tori questions as I sit up and start pulling my socks off. “They actually want to build an office over here for official business, since we’re here and the wolf population in Hawaii is has grown over the years. It’ll be a good thing, means less travel for meetings, I’ll have an official office here
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