All Chapters of SHE STRIKES BACK! : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
Chapter 21: Psycho Unleashed
Kira's POV. The grand doors were just ahead, a symbol of authority and justice. But today, I was the real authority, and my justice would be painful, slow and merciless. As I approached the entrance, the press swarmed, their cameras flashing and questions coming from different directions but my guards did a great job in keeping them away. I hate the media. The courthouse was crowded with anticipation. Reporters and onlookers whispered amongst themselves, their eyes fixed on me. I could hear some of their conversations...words like “murder,” “trial,” and “power” went through my ears and I just smiled because they had no idea just how cruel I could be. They don't know who I am… yet. Denver stepped up beside me, his presence was a reminder of the Jones family's ever-growing list of enemies. But today wasn’t about him; it was about Richard and his futile attempt to challenge me. The courtroom doors swung open, and I walked in, my heels clicking sharply against the polished floor. T
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Chapter 22: Richard Strike.
Kira's POV. "Congratulations, hottie, you did great and you are exactly what they say you are," Denver complimented immediately as I stepped out of the car.Creasing my brow, I asked, "Were you waiting for me all this while?"He just shrugged, and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag from the car seat. I had ditched him back at the courthouse because I had some pressing issues to attend to. I was hoping he would get angry and leave me alone, but he was waiting for me."How was your day?" he asked."Fine, thank you," I mumbled before walking in. It had been a hectic day, and I was so hungry. I didn't have time to eat because I was so busy. All I wanted to do now was take a bath and eat to my full. No work again today; I was super exhausted."If you don't mind, would you like me to take you to dinner tonight?" he asked, falling in step with me."No. Not interested. I just wanna eat at home and sleep," I replied snappily and hastened my steps.Annabella rushed to meet me, took my bag, and
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Chapter 23: Something Far Dangerous.
Kira's POV. "Why are you not killing her?" I heard a distant voice ask and I tried to open my eyes but they seemed too heavy for me to open."I don't want to kill her now, I'm gonna deal with her, I'll make her death painful, you don't think I would let her go after what she had done to us, do you?" Another asked... A familiar voice but my brain seems too foggy to remember whose voice it is.“You’re making a huge mistake, Richard,” the first voice, a man, insisted. “Shoot her now while she’s down. She might do something dangerous once she’s awake.”A woman added, “He’s right. This isn’t the time for arrogance. We’ve seen what she’s capable of.”Richard laughed, the sound grating on my ears. “The drug in her system will keep her unconscious for twenty-four hours. If I kill her now, our property would be gone. She needs to sign everything back to me before I send her to meet Dad.”"You're a fool, this woman is unpredictable Richard, she's like an untouchable force, you managed to knock
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Chapter 24: Desert At Last
Kira's POV. Grabbing my favorite dagger from my collection, I took a look at myself one last time in the mirror before heading out of the room. I knew everyone must have gathered in the lounge by now; it had already been two hours and counting. I didn't intend to delay the whole process, but I kept thinking of the best way to end Richard.I'm pissed, and thinking always becomes a hard job for me when I'm angry. Fvck that i.d.i.o.t for making me so angry. The poison had worn off, and the funniest and yet scariest thing about my body was the fact that I don't even know the effects of poison. It was after I discovered the different ways my exes had tried to kill me that I realized I've survived many attempts on my life. Poison was the very least of the things they might have done to me, my body had become poison itself. I'm thrilled about making an example of Richard in front of the whole family, and I'm super happy that I finally got my baby her dessert though it's during dinner time
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Chapter 25: A new plan
Ashton's POV“What have you found?” I asked the private detective I had hired to dig deep into Kira. This was the fifth detective I was hiring for this job. I just hope this one can come up with something more reasonable. Something I can hold on to. I didn't need to go for the court case to know that Kira would win the case. Someone like Kira shouldn't be dealt with legally, she would find a way out of it. After all, that was what she did with Jones also. Those properties, I doubt Jones actually willed them to her. Kira is a tricky cunning lady, legal means weren't the right means at all. “I'm sorry, Mr Ashton—”“That's not the reply I want to hear, Detective Bernard. You told me you could handle this one, you said it wasn't a difficult one for you so what do you mean by ‘You’re sorry’?” My words spilled out through gritted teeth. He better have something, anything! My frustration was at his peak and if he doesn't say something useful, I might just drain him of his fucking blood ri
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Chapter 26:Threat and Tease
Kira's POVUsing the stairs, I marched down wearing a white sleeveless button-less shirt with a low-cut neck, gray joggers, and trainers. It was a beautiful weekend and I could not be more excited to go jogging. “Good morning Madam Kira,” Annabella smiled at me the moment she saw me. The spark in her eyes as she looked at me made me wonder why she wasn't scared of me. The living room was covered with fear, I could smell it but she wasn't afraid of me. Not like the rest of them at least. There is a saying that it is when one's hand isn't clean and heart isn't pure that he fears for an unnecessary reason. I nodded to Annabella as I swept my gaze through the living room, there were families there. The moment they saw me, some had gotten up and were making their way towards the elevator. Beautiful, just how I wanted it and all I had to do was show them an example. Richard, the perfect example. With a smile, I began to stroll out of the living room when I heard an angry voice, “Do no
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Chapter 27: Innocent Facade.
Kira's POV. After a refreshing jog that cleared my mind and rejuvenated my spirit, I returned to the mansion, sweat glistening on my skin. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue over everything. I felt invincible, I felt so good. As I approached the mansion, I noticed a few police cars parked out front and I knew our guests had arrived. Annabella met me at the gate, her face pale with worry. “Madam Kira, the police are here. Monica truly called them.”I smirked, running a hand through my damp hair. “Of course she did. Let’s go see what kind of mess she’d tried to create. Did you make them comfortable?” "No, Monica would not allow them to enter inside, she insisted that they must wait for you outside, she said she doesn't trust you." She replied and I chuckled, that woman doesn't seem to learn, making the same mistake her late son did. I can't wait to see how this one will end. "Here, have some shakes." Annabella handed me a protein shake as I walked into the comp
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Chapter 28: I WISH...
Kira's POV. "That would be all ma'am." One of my managers bowed and left my office with a broad smile but I wasn't not smiling. This girl ain't smiling. Weekends are supposed to be for fun but work has dragged me to the office, so many people are causing trouble for me and there will be a massacre soon if this continues. They can't keep ruining my fun all because they want to bring me down, I deserve to have fun too... I have feelings too... Mostly to get fucked actually, my body is going crazy. That's one addiction I love to hate. My imprudent, ignoramus exes are to be blamed, after having three men to myself... Addiction had become a thing but despite the crazy addiction, I don't fuck anything on trousers, if my tastes aren't met, that's an automatic disqualification. Sighing, I stood up, grabbed my bag and began to walk towards the door. Going clubbing is a great idea but my mood is off right now so home it is. Stepping out of the elevator, a childish voice shouted "Mommy!" An
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Chapter 29: Three Inches.
Kira's POV“Hello, my lady,” Noel had a wide grin as he watched me walk to him from where I had parked my car when I came in earlier. It was late at night and he was dressed to kill. Who says only a woman can dress to kill? He made a new idea pop into my mind “Noel,” I called to greet him. He was resting his back on the blue Rolls Royce, dressed in a white button-less top, black jeans, and black Nike shoes. His hair was curly and messy, he looked handsome under the streetlight. “Good evening ma'am, I thought you'd never call me after Don Jones passed,” and I rolled my eyes at him. Noel and I met one of the days I tried to escape from Jones. He was assigned by Jone to guard and look after me and I saw a clear opportunity to escape when the idiot fell asleep. Jones had taken me out of the mansion so there were not many guards around, it was a good way to escape and I could have.But when he woke up to see that I was no longer in the room, Noel came running in search of me. I hid myse
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Chapter30:Silent Slayer
Kira's POVI was sitting on the McLaren Senna GTR, and I'm loving the feeling already. I made payment almost immediately. The car was no different from the owner's; beautiful, fast, and expensive. Now, let's see what this baby girl can do. Does it also have the attribute of a winner? It should be better because that's who I am, I don't fail. “Get in, Noel!” I ordered, but the scaredy-cat was refusing to step into the car. “I don't mind watching you from here, ma'am Kira. I promise you, I'll cheer better than anyone here,” he swore “Three inches, get in now before I come, cut the three inches off” I threatened, only to see him cover his private area with both hands, causing me to burst into laughter. The flagger had gone to stand at the center of the track and all the racers were ready with their cars already in place. I frowned and yelled at Noel,“Get your fucking ass into this car now before I shoot the hell out of ya!” Before I completed my statement, Noel had slipped into the
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