All Chapters of SHE STRIKES BACK! : Chapter 41 - Chapter 43
43 Chapters
Chapter 41:Guests
Kira's POVAfter lunch, I walked around the mansion, and Bella decided to join me. I haven’t really spent time doing this since Jones died. We used to do this on my request, we would take a stroll and talk and laugh. The man really had a way of making me feel wanted and loved except that I knew his plans, I knew what was driving him to do all that he was doing.“Ma’am Kira, can I ask you a question?” Bella finally spoke up. I knew she had something on her mind ever since I was eating,“What is it?” I asked.“It’s about the man you were with… sir Ashton”“Hm” I plucked one of the flowers and began to cut off the petals. “Sir Ashton kept speaking about how he wishes to end you, why do you keep letting them stay?” Her voice filled with concern and I smiled. “Good reasons, Bella. Good reasons” I answered. I saw the looks on her face when Ashton said those words to me. I am sure she was expecting me to bury a bullet in his head. I walked ahead of her, there were some people who were ma
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Chapter 42: An Ultimatum.
Kira's POV.“Where were we?” I asked after taking a sip. “How we don't think a woman can rule the empire”The smile on my face never faltered, though a cold fire burned in my eyes. "Is that so?" I said softly, swirling the wine in my glass. "And why is that? Because I lack the necessary anatomy? Or because you think I’m incapable of the ruthlessness required? Huh, Mr...""Larry, Larry Enzo.""Great, now tell me more Mr Larry." I urged, looking at him with a smirk.The caftan-wearing man, Larry, leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "It's not about anatomy, Kira. It’s about strength, control, and respect. Can you command the same fear and loyalty that Jones did? Do you know how many years it took Jones to create this dreaded mafia?"I walked around slowly, my hips swaying seductively and I could see their lustful eyes gazing at me. I'm a mistress of seduction and I know that, I'm fucking confident that whatever I want, I get. "Fear? Loyalty? Oh, Mr. Larry, you underestimate me. Fear is
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Chapter 43: Calm Demoness
Kira's POV. I paced the room, feeling restless and my brain suddenly seems to have deserted me because no matter how hard I try to think, nothing was coming forth, it was like someone had robbed me of my brain and no matter how hard I fucking try to think, nothing was working for me and it's killing me! "Fuck! What am I gonna do?" I mumbled and ripped my fragile top away from my body because I was suddenly feeling hot due to the tight position I've been thrown into. I knew this was coming, I knew but I never knew it would be this bad. This was the main problem I was expecting and not those little shitty problems that had been coming my way ever since I took over the empire.The powerful five, I can't fight them; if I wanna win this and reign supreme ruler, I need them by my side and I need to get them no matter what. Without their votes, heading the empire would be hard but not impossible.I can decide to challenge them and I can but that would cause a war and that would definitely
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