Semua Bab SHE STRIKES BACK! : Bab 31 - Bab 40
43 Bab
Chapter 31: Sweet Step-Mother
Kira's POV“How was that?!” I asked excitedly when I saw Noel a few minutes later. He had rushed to the restroom after the race, clearly shaken. Watching him now, I couldn't help but smirk. How can a man be such a pussy? And to think he wants to fuck me was laughable. If I put a dagger on his throat when we are fucking, he’d probably pass out and might charged me for attempted murder.Noel was pacing, his eyes wide with a mix of relief and terror. “I'm alive, I'm so alive. I had a near encounter with death but I survived it. I'm gonna give testimony in church tomorrow because this is insanity! Do you have a death wish?” He asked, his voice a high-pitched squeak.I looked at him with an amused expression. “Stop exaggerating shit. That was nothing. Be a man for once, Noel, or go chop off that baby finger between your legs.” I scoffed, stretching my muscles. It was far into the night, but the arena was still buzzing with activity.Noel opened his mouth to retort but then closed it, shaki
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Chapter 32: Just For Tonight.
Kira's POV. "You can't seem to stop thinking about me, huh?" He chuckled and sighed before letting go of his erection, seeing him made my body went on high alert and all I wanted to do was have that beautiful steady erection inside me, fucking me senseless and driving him to madness. "What brought you here? Your fuck boy couldn't satisfy you?" He asked and I chuckled."Looks like someone had been spying on me. Was that the reason you are jerking off here with my name? Can't bear the thought of another man fucking me, huh?" The question got him grinning and he stretched, the way he moves his body seems to be calling me but I decided to resist a little longer. One thing was certain tonight, I'm not leaving this room without having that hot throbbing d.i.c.k. "I don't care who you fvck Kira, you're your own woman and a woman like you doesn't belong to just a man, I doubt if you can stay faithful to one." "Very smart and accurate, Ashton." I laughed, licking my lips sexily and that a
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Chapter 33: Another Pawn.
Kira's POV. My eyes fluttered open, and it took me a moment to recognize where I was, upon realization, I cussed and smiled. This was insanity and I know I wasn't supposed to be doing this but I was still doing it anyway. I love good things and I'll always go for it even if it's with my worst enemy. Today is Monday and I have so much to take care of but here I was, still sleeping beside a man I badly want to end his life but haven't gotten a good reason to. I slipped out of the duvet and looked around for my clothes but upon sighting them in ruin, I bit back a loud cuss that wanted to erupt from my mouth.I picked up the tattered nightgown and it was in a terrible state; sweet courtesy to the wild night I shared with the man that wants to ruin me, kinda excited to see the ways he's gonna ruin me, I see him as a worthy opponent. "Morning, sexy naked feisty bitch!" His deep, sleepy voice pierced through the silence, making my ears tingle and my patience wear thin. I sighed and clenc
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Chapter 34: Early Morning Drama.
Kira's POV. "And how do I look, Bella?" I asked, as I twirled around the mirror, observing the stylish black coat, asymmetrical skirt and a double-breasted design featuring decorative buttons. The coat has long sleeves and a slight V-neck and it ended just above my knees. Bella had selected over-the-knee black boots with high heels, giving me an overall look of dramatic flair. "You look divine and dangerously beautiful, just as always." She complimented and I grinned. I know... I'm beautiful and I can never forget that. "You're late today, I've packed your breakfast and also..." She paused and I turned to look at her, "What's wrong, Bella?" "Well, the family... They're saying silly bad things about you and it's really annoying." She mumbled and I chuckled cause I understood where she's heading."Don't worry Bella, I'm used to such gossip, you don't have to let that bother you." I assured her before grabbing my bag but she was still looking bothered and I wish I could explain to h
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Chapter 35: The Ultimate Voice.
Kira's POV. Work. Work. Work. It's just Wednesday and I'm already at the verge of losing it, it's all paperwork and zero action. My enemies can't just keep quiet like that, there's no fun in that, I want a great challenge, someone who will make my heart go thud! I'm beginning to doubt if I'm in some fucking mafia or just some playground... A playground where I'm playing with papers instead of guns! Wow! I will need to set a lazy day for myself, apart from weekends of course. The meeting I was in seemed boring to me, I wanted to do something exciting but all they're all talking about is boring bullshit."Ma'am, we're losing control over our clubs and businesses in Orange City. The leaders there are being rebellious and I think they have the backing of some of the family members." One of the men stated and that definitely got my attention, it looks like there'll be some action today after all. "That's interesting, tell me more about this, I'm very much interested in showing people w
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Chapter 36: Dark Angel.
Kira's POVThe ride to Orange City was smooth and uneventful, giving me time to go over the plan in my head. As we approached the city, the sun had set, and the lights of the city glimmered in the distance. The adrenaline coursed through me, sharpening my focus and the excitement I was feeling threatened to burst through me but I kept my cool. "So... Boss, what's the plan?" Cathy asked and I just smiled, "Well, I'm thinking of using this opportunity to have fun before we use the gun, what do you think?" I asked, looking at her with nothing but mischief.She was confused by my answer, "What do you mean boss?" I sighed, "we'll go there, have fun before we start any action. I want to use the opportunity to have fun first, Lucas is currently at the club because according to the information we got, today is his birthday and he's celebrating in style. Let's help him celebrate and then we'll take him. What do you think?" Upon getting my message, she smiled, "I love the way you operate, b
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Chapter 37: Bloody Sweet Erotic Night.
Kira's POV. With a signal to my team, the club erupted into chaos. Cathy and the others sprang into action, disarming Lucas’s men with precision and speed. I kept the knife at Lucas’s throat, my eyes never leaving his as my men did their work. The men could not shoot much because they didn't know who was who. A bullet actually pierced my shoulder blade but it didn't bother me, the wound was almost painless and it would heal slowly. "You made a big mistake crossing me, Lucas," I said, my voice deadly calm. "And now, you're going to pay dearly, your biggest mistake was actually underestimating me and that's really sad."Lucas's eyes were filled with fear as he realized the extent of his miscalculation. His pride had gotten him to this, I never knew it would be too easy to take him down, he's a bigger fool than I thought. "Please," he begged, his voice trembling. "Don't kill me, please don't."I leaned in close, my lips curling into a cruel smile as I sniffed in his fear. "Oh, I’m not
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Kira's POVBy the time I got to the hotel room where I had planned to spend the night, it was already 1 am. My heels clicked against the tiled ground as I made my way into the room. Without wasting time, I began to strip because I needed a warm bath immediately. After stripping myself naked, I took a knife and tore open the part in my shoulder where that motherfucker had shot me. The place had closed up and healed but the bullet was still inside, I sunk my fingers into the open wound and searched for the bullet. Clenching my teeth, I tried to swallow the scream that threatened to erupt. I hated that it healed before I could even think of taking the bullet out. “!” I cuss as I throw the bullet to the ground in anger. I breathed in and out with my eyes closed. Because tonight is a good night, I will resist the temptation of going back to that club and destroying every one of Lucas's supporters whether they have learned their lesson or not. Strolling into the bathroom naked, I f
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Chapter 39: Back from Orange City
Kira's POVA car parked roughly in front of me caused me to step back a little as I positioned myself for another fight only to find Cathy coming down from the car along with some other men. They had worried looks on their faces as they asked. I scoffed at them before walking past them into the car. My body was aching and I was tired. I wanted to sleep and my back, which had been scattered with bullets, still hurt even though the wounds were gradually closing up. The force at which I had landed on the pool also added to the pain. That son of a bitch, Anthony Reign, I'll make sure to end his reign. Thank goddess they hadn't come with silver bullets, these bullets were nothing compared to those. I can bear this pain for a little while longer. “Call Jonas” I instructed and saw Cathy bring her phone out to make the call. The car was already on the road before we knew it. I felt the sharp pain in my elbow, I checked it out to find a glass stuck to my flesh. I gritted my teeth in anger
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Kira’s POVThe next time I woke up, it was already past 2 pm. The room was quiet and slightly dark. I toss from one side of the bed to the other before finally sitting up. I felt relieved and strengthened. The pains were all gone but I still had to listen to Jonas advice. Taking two days off from everything Although he said a week, I don't think I can take a week off and the whole world will still be intact. I just need to take a few days off and my strength will return. I took my bath and dressed up in jean shorts and a V-neck top. Picking up my phone, I made my way out of the room towards the living room. I was starving. “Bella!” I called as I made my way to the dining. The place was unusually quiet, making me wonder what's been going on all morning. “Bella…” This time she came out of the kitchen,“You’re awake, ma’am Kira,” “Hm, get me something to eat,” I ordered as I sat on the dining chair, “Where is everybody?” I asked Bella before she could disappear into the Kitchen.“I
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