All Chapters of My Ex's Uncle Became My Husband: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
Chapter 11: Sebastian sees George and Charlotte meeting
When George and Charlotte stand face to face in a sleek, modern art gallery, the atmosphere becomes tense.George, wearing a well-tailored suit, leaned casually against a polished marble column, while Charlotte stood a few feet away, her enthusiasm barely concealed beneath her calm exterior, her gaze firm and firm."You didn't come here today because of the cancellation of the engagement ceremony."Charlotte spoke."No, of course not. I want to talk to you today about your art works. You know that I have always cared about your career. Although we have canceled our engagement, we can still be friends." George wanted to find another way to talk about your career. Get started with what Charlotte cares about most."I've been thinking, Charlotte," George began, his voice steady but with a hint of urgency, "about your artistic career. There's no doubt it's booming, but I believe there's still something untapped potential, opportunities we have yet to explore.Charlotte raised an eyebrow, a
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Chapter 12: Unexpected Arrangements
"Charlotte, Mr. Edwin wants to see you at his place," the assistant to the Goliath Group's big boss interrupted, catching Charlotte and George off guard as they exited the exhibition hall."Is everything alright?" Charlotte asked, her curiosity piqued."Yeah, he mentioned something about discussing the future of your studio," the assistant explained.Charlotte's interest was immediately piqued. "Alright, lead the way."As they approached Edwin's house, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. What could Edwin possibly want to discuss with her?Upon arrival, they found Edwin engrossed in conversation with Sebastian."Dad, I've been planning this business venture for a while now. It's crucial for me," Sebastian insisted, his tone firm.Edwin listened intently before responding, "I understand your enthusiasm, but it's essential to explore all options before making a decision."Just then, Charlotte's presence caught their attention.Sebastian's eyes lit u
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Chapter 13: Charlotte Agrees to Become Sebastian's Secretary
"Charlotte, you're more than welcome to stay for dinner. I'd like to have a word with Sebastian," Edwin stated firmly, leaving no room for argument."Of course, Grandpa," Charlotte replied obediently."Johnson, please go upstairs and inform Sebastian that dinner is served," Edwin instructed the butler.As the three of them sat down at the elegant dining table, the atmosphere grew tense with anticipation. Beneath their polite smiles, each harbored suspicions and hidden agendas.Edwin, the discerning patriarch, observed the interplay between his son and Charlotte with keen interest. He sensed there was more to their relationship than met the eye and was determined to uncover the truth."So, Sebastian, what prompted the change of heart about joining us for dinner?" Edwin's tone was casual, but his gaze held a hint of skepticism.Sebastian shrugged casually, feigning innocence. "Just felt like joining you tonight, Dad. Nothing out of the ordinary."Charlotte studied Sebastian closely, not
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Chapter 14: Charlotte's First Day as Secretary
Monday morning.Charlotte, dressed professionally, walked into the Goliath Group's lobby. Her emotions were a mix of excitement and nervousness as today marked her first day as a newcomer to this prestigious company. She knew that Goliath Group held high standards for its employees, and everyone was eager to prove their worth.As she entered the office building, the atmosphere became lively. Colleagues paused their work, curious about the new face entering their midst. Charlotte felt the weight of their gazes, causing a sense of unease within her."Have you heard? They said there's a recruit coming in today.""Yeah, I heard about it. Not sure who it is, but I heard she's supposed to be Sebastian's secretary.""Wow, that's no easy feat. To be Sebastian's secretary, she must have exceptional abilities.""Yeah, I've heard Goliath Group has high standards. They wouldn't let an unqualified person in easily.""I heard she's Emily Roberts' daughter.""Really? Then she must be even more extra
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Chapter 15: A Lunch with Sebastian
Reluctantly, Charlotte handed Nathan her lunch and followed Sebastian out of the office, feeling the weight of scrutiny from the women in the secretary's office. Their suspicious and disdainful looks lingered in her mind, reminding her of the uphill battle she faced in gaining acceptance in her new role.Walking beside Sebastian, Charlotte couldn't shake off her apprehension and curiosity about the upcoming lunch. This was the first time Sebastian had extended such an invitation as CEO, and Charlotte couldn't shake the feeling that it held more significance than just a simple meal.As they arrived at the cafeteria downstairs, Charlotte noticed the envious glances from other employees, surprised to see Sebastian dining with his secretary. Ignoring the stares, Charlotte focused on maintaining her composure and professionalism in Sebastian's presence.Sebastian, seemingly unaffected by the attention, led Charlotte to a secluded table and gestured for her to sit down."Please, have a seat
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Chapter 16: Office Gossip
 The unexpected display of intimacy between Charlotte and Sebastian at the cafeteria sparked a frenzy of gossip among the employees, particularly in the secretary's office. "Did you guys see that? The CEO actually wiped cheese off the new secretary's cheek! Who knew he had that side to him?" "I saw it too! I can't believe it. I've been working under him for so long, and I never knew he could be so... gentle, especially with a woman." "I wish I were the new secretary. What's her name again? I wonder what her background is." "I heard Nathan arranged for her to go on a business trip with the CEO n
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Chapter 17: Unexpected Attention
Just as the office was abuzz with gossip and speculation, Charlotte's phone suddenly rang, shattering the tense atmosphere. A co-worker picked up the phone and transferred the call to her desk."The call is from the big boss for you," said Andy, handing Charlotte the receiver. He seemed surprised to hear the big boss's voice. It had been a while since the big boss had called the office, and he specifically asked for Charlotte."Thank you," Charlotte replied, taking the phone and bringing it to her ear. "Hello?""Charlotte, it's me, Grandpa. I heard you started a new job today. How are you doing?" came the voice from the other end of the line.Charlotte's heart skipped a beat when she recognized her grandfather Edwin's voice. She hadn't expected him to call her at work, especially on her first day."Everything went well, Grandpa," Charlotte replied, trying to sound calm despite her surprise. "Thank you for calling. Is everything okay?"Andy was very surprised to hear Charlotte call the
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Chapter 18: Business Trip with Sebastian
Charlotte caught up in the preparations for the business trip with Sebastian. She diligently studied the relevant information Nathan had sent, striving to demonstrate her professional competence and determined to excel in her work.In the days before the trip, Charlotte often found herself reflecting on the lunch she shared with Sebastian. His unexpected intimate gestures lingered in her mind, sparking curiosity and uncertainty about the nature of their relationship.On the morning of the trip, Charlotte arrived at the office and found Sebastian waiting with a briefcase. Despite his usual composure, Charlotte couldn't forget the scene from their lunch and their brief moments of connection."Good morning, Charlotte. Are you ready for our trip?" Sebastian greeted politely, noticing how fresh and suitable Charlotte looked for the journey, adding to her radiant aura."Yes, Mr. Sebastian. I've reviewed all the details and made necessary arrangements," Charlotte replied; though she still ha
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Chapter 19: Charlotte Attends the Dinner as Sebastian’s Female Companion
Sebastian's question hung in the air, his eyes fixed on Charlotte, a hint of challenge in his tone.Charlotte felt the weight of Sebastian's gaze, sensing an unspoken expectation. She knew that if she said yes, Sebastian might kiss her then and there. Gathering her composure, she searched for the right words."Well..." Charlotte hesitated, feeling the intensity of Sebastian's presence.Suddenly, Nathan's appearance broke the tension, providing a welcome distraction for Charlotte."Mr. President, your call," Nathan interjected, handing Sebastian his phone and relieving the awkward atmosphere.Sebastian took the phone, his demeanour shifting back to his usual composed self."Thank you, Nathan. I'll return the call later," Sebastian said, pocketing the phone and restoring a sense of normalcy.Charlotte breathed a quiet sigh of relief, grateful for Nathan's timely interruption.As they settled into the quiet of the plane, Sebastian and Charlotte focused on their work, occasionally exchang
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Chapter 20: A Dance of Connection
Chapter 20As Sebastian and Charlotte glided across the dance floor, their movements synchronized and elegant, they seemed enveloped in their own world. With each step, Charlotte felt the connection with Sebastian deepening, a sense of friendship that transcended their professional relationship.As they danced, Charlotte couldn't help but marvel at Sebastian's grace and charm. Despite his reserved demeanor, there was an undeniable allure about him, drawing people in, including herself.Sebastian, too, found himself captivated by Charlotte's presence. Her calmness and confidence stood in stark contrast to his cautious nature, yet somehow, they complemented each other perfectly.With the music playing, the dance floor crowded with couples, Sebastian and Charlotte seemed to meld into one, lost in the rhythm of the music and their close connection.Unbeknownst to them, Sebastian's colleagues and partners didn't overlook their dance; they watched with interest from the sidelines."Sebastia
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