All Chapters of My Ex's Uncle Became My Husband: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
Chapter 41: Charlotte and Sebastian video call
In the break room, the weight of those words crashed into Charlotte like a tidal wave. Her ears were filled with a deafening disbelief as she rushed back to her desk, her hands trembling uncontrollably. She fumbled to open her laptop, desperate for any shred of information that could confirm or deny what she had just heard.A few pictures of Sebastian and an elegant Parisian socialite having dinner together appeared on the screen. They looked intimate, almost like a couple. A wave of heartache and betrayal crashed over Charlotte, making her feel like the whole world was mocking her.At that moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness and overwhelming helplessness. She knew she had to find a chance to talk to Sebastian, but for now, she needed to calm down and sort out her thoughts.As night fell, Charlotte returned home to an empty house. She stood by the window, gazing at the night outside, her mind in turmoil.She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She couldn't
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Chapter 42: Claire knocks on Sebastian's door
Charlotte's heart tightened; the image before her seemed to freeze in time. The woman leaned affectionately against Sebastian, a sweet smile on her face. Sebastian looked surprised but didn't push her away."Claire?" Sebastian's voice carried a hint of annoyance."Sebastian, I wanted to surprise you," Claire laughed softly. "My father agreed to discuss the project with you. Do you have time?""Now?" Sebastian hesitated. The purpose of this trip was to meet Claire's father. Claire's father was a business tycoon who was extremely low-key and rarely met people. Claire facilitated this crucial connection, and he didn't want to miss it."Didn't you tell me to inform you immediately once my father agreed? So here I am," Claire said happily."Or are you busy?" Claire noticed the computer screen facing the door, which seemed to show a figure, a woman, though it was at a distance."No, it's fine. Just wait a moment," Sebastian said, not wanting to explain too much. "I'll go change."Sebastian
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Chapter 43: Claire's I*******m Account
At this moment, Charlotte finally understood how Sebastian must have felt when her master was sick, and he wanted to talk, but she didn't clear up their misunderstanding in time. Now, it was her turn. She realized that a diamond bachelor like Sebastian would naturally attract many pursuers, adding to her heavy heart.In the quiet of the night, Charlotte found herself unable to sleep. Her mind kept replaying the unmistakable voice of that girl—Claire. And there was the critical project Nathan had mentioned, with all clues pointing to this woman. She decided to follow the trail and try to find more information on social media.After some searching, Charlotte finally found Claire's account on Instagram. She saw Claire's latest post: a photo of her and Sebastian having dinner together. Claire wore a sexy outfit with bright red lips and looked extremely happy. Sebastian's eyes were fixed on her, and many comments below praised them as a golden couple. The image of the two smiling together
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Chapter 44: Family Disputes
Charlotte anxiously awaited Sebastian's response at home. As the minutes ticked by, her mood grew heavier. The phone screen remained dark, with no message from Sebastian. She couldn't help but wonder if Sebastian truly cared about her feelings and if he was willing to explain.Just then, her phone rang. Charlotte quickly picked it up, her heart filled with anticipation, only to see that the caller ID showed her father's name. Her heart sank."Charlotte, come home. We need to talk," her father's voice sounded stern.After hanging up, Charlotte took a deep breath, knowing this trip home wouldn't be easy. She put on her coat and left her apartment, her mind a whirl of complex emotions.When she arrived home, she saw her stepmother and stepsister Ava smiling in the living room. Her father sat on the couch, his expression serious, waiting for her."Dad, what's going on?" Charlotte asked, trying to stay calm."Charlotte, we need to discuss the art
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Chapter 45 :Charlotte becomes a frequent visitor to Claire's I*******m
Charlotte was torn, unsure whether to tell Sebastian about the art gallery. They were currently in a cold war, and if she brought it up, Sebastian might think she was only interested in him because of the gallery, despite him initiating their marriage agreement. She didn't want to deepen their misunderstanding.Pacing in her office, Charlotte's mind was in turmoil. She knew that if she didn't address the gallery issue, her stepmother and stepsister Eva would undoubtedly take away her mother's legacy. But she also feared that talking to Sebastian about it now might worsen things.Just as she was deep in thought, Nathan walked in. "Charlotte, I've just received the news. Sebastian is extending his business trip. He mentioned that the project negotiations are a bit tricky and require more time," Nathan said, looking at Charlotte with concern.Charlotte nodded, her mood growing heavier. Every time she checked Claire's Instagram, she saw them dining at upscale restaurants or attending thea
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Chapter 46: A Bold Step
 One evening, Charlotte sat in her living room, staring blankly at the TV. Her phone suddenly buzzed with a new notification. It was another photo from Claire, this time of a romantic candlelit dinner. The caption read, "An unforgettable evening with someone special."Charlotte's heart sank. She couldn't continue living like this, in a constant state of anxiety and self-doubt. The action was necessary—to uncover the truth and confront Sebastian.Her inner struggle was intense. Should she swallow her pride and reach out to Sebastian or wait for things to unfold? She knew she couldn't go on like this, yet fear of rejection and misunderstanding held her back.Taking a deep breath, she picked up her phone and messaged Sebastian. Her fingers trembled as she wrote, deleted, and rewrote her words. Finally, she sent a simple but heartfelt message: "Sebastian, we need to talk. Can we meet when you return? There are things we need to discuss."Sh
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Chapter 47: Sebastian's Misunderstanding
 Lately, Charlotte had been feeling somewhat adrift. Being with George had stirred an anxiety in her that she had never felt before. Even though George ultimately chose Eva, she didn't harbour much resentment; she ended their relationship.She stood before the mirror, gazing at her weary reflection. She realized Sebastian had influenced her emotions. Taking a deep breath, she acknowledged the need to regain her balance.Just then, the doorbell interrupted her thoughts. Opening the door, she found George standing there, looking at her with a troubled expression."George, what brings you here?" Charlotte asked a slight furrow in her brow."Charlotte, I need to talk to you," George's voice conveyed emotion.Charlotte invited George in, and they sat down to chat. George shared some recent troubles and feelings with her, and Charlotte tried to offer encouragement despite her low spirits.As they got engrossed in their conversation, C
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Chapter 48: Surprise or Shock?
Chapter 48: Surprise or Shock? "Hey, Nathan, can I ask you something? ""Sure."Has Sebastian been on this business trip longer than usual?" Charlotte asked quietly in the office. Nathan looked up, seeing the worry in Charlotte's eyes. He knew she had many questions, and as the only one aware of their relationship, he didn't want any more issues. "Actually," Nathan replied honestly, "this trip is a bit longer than usual. The project is more challenging, so it's taking more time." Charlotte nodded, feeling slightly reassured. Nathan's words made her think that Seba
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Chapter 49: Ronaldo Investigates Charlotte
 Charlotte, her heart shattered, left the hotel. The pain of George's betrayal, once deeply felt, was now compounded by witnessing another scene of potential unfaithfulness. She sought solace, leaning against a lamppost, her breaths deep and heavy, trying to calm the storm of emotions within her. Meanwhile, in a dimly lit, smoke-filled office across town, the enigmatic figure of Claire's father, Ronaldo, was receiving an update from one of his trusted men, who was tasked with the delicate job of monitoring Sebastian. "Boss, a woman came to see Sebastian," the man reported. "What kind of woman?" Ronaldo asked, his interest piqued as he sipped his drink.
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Chapter 50: Unveiling Motives
 "Nathan, drop everything and find Charlotte. I need to talk to her and explain. I can't bear the thought of her being out there alone," Sebastian pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation, as he called Nathan as soon as Charlotte left the hotel."Got it, boss. I'll take the next flight over," Nathan replied."No need. I'll send my private jet to pick you up," Sebastian insisted.He knew he had to find Charlotte and make things right, but he couldn't risk going out now."Sebastian," came Claire's voice from outside the door. Sebastian quickly changed clothes and opened the door."Sebastian, my father has agreed to meet you. Are you happy now?" Claire said as if she were taking full credit for it.Sebastian was surprised. He had stayed here for so long without getting a meeting with Claire's father, Ronaldo. There had been no news despite Claire's attempts to arrange a meeting. It was said that Ronaldo was very fond of his da
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