All Chapters of My Ex's Uncle Became My Husband: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 31: David and George Fight Over Charlotte
After Sebastian left, the room became quiet. Charlotte stood up and went to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the flush of passion on her face. Her body was covered in love bites—this domineering CEO liked leaving his mark on her. She recalled Sebastian's passionate demeanour, which differed from the CEO she knew at work.But at that moment, she didn't want to stay in the room and wait for him to return. She had her own life and places she wanted to visit. Since her task of accompanying him on his business trip to Feia was finished, she wanted to explore on her own. Feia, located in the Mediterranean region, was a place of scenic beauty.Charlotte dressed in a beautiful skirt, applied delicate makeup, and went to the seaside. The sea breeze was gentle, the sun was bright, and Charlotte felt a sense of freedom and relaxation she hadn't experienced before. She walked along the shoreline, enjoying the soft sand and the calm sea waves lapping at her ankles.After
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Chapter 32: Sebastian Intervenes in the Fight
Sebastian walked steadily to Charlotte's side, gently patting her shoulder before turning to George and David. His presence made the two men stop, and they stood there panting heavily."What do you think you're doing?" Sebastian's voice was calm and authoritative, imbued with an undeniable power.George wiped the sweat from his face, a mix of anger and confusion on his features."Uncle, he's interfering with my relationship with Charlotte."David, equally agitated, said, "I just want Charlotte to know that someone will cherish her more."Sebastian gave them a cold look, a hint of displeasure in his eyes. "George, David, your actions only make things difficult for Charlotte. Relationships should be pursued with sincerity, not with fists." He thought it might be best if they continued fighting, allowing him to benefit from their conflict. He wouldn't have intervened if it weren't for his concern that Charlotte might accidentally get hurt. Yes, the domineering CEO was quite cunning.Geo
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Chapter 33:Charlotte agrees to marry Sebastian for three years
“Mom, look, a couple is sitting on Sophie and Alex’s bench,” a little boy said, peering through the window at Charlotte and Sebastian.“Yes, Sophie would be pleased,” his mother replied, glancing at the silhouettes on the bench before returning to her kitchen work.Charlotte sat quietly, watching the sunset. She felt an unusual sense of calm. Leaning back, she felt something against her back. She turned and saw a small brass plaque attached to the bench. The plaque read:Sophie & AlexMay 20, 2019My hand in yours, may we grow old together.I love you to the moon and back.The inscription brought a warm smile to her face. She traced the words with her fingers, feeling the depth of the love shared on this bench. It was a love that seemed timeless and unending, echoing through the years.Sebastian noticed her interest in the plaque and leaned closer, reading the words over her shoulder. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he said softly.Charlotte nodded. “Their love is still here, watching ove
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Chapter 34 Sebastian added a clause to the contract
"Nathan, help me draft an agreement incorporating the terms I mentioned last time, plus one more: after three years, either party has the right to decide whether to renew the contract. If we have a child, the contract will automatically renew."Sebastian made the call to Nathan. In Sebastian's view, if Charlotte ended up pregnant and had a child, it would mean that he had accepted her, and naturally, he would want to continue their relationship."Understood, boss. Congratulations in advance." Nathan genuinely liked Charlotte as the president's wife; she was well-educated and talented."Oh, by the way, boss, I contacted the master art restorer you asked me to reach out to. The master has retired, but he recommended his top disciple. This disciple is very mysterious; I couldn't find out their gender, age, or nationality, but the works they've restored are excellent," Nathan reported truthfully."See if you can get this top disciple to help us restore the artefact. This piece is crucial
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Chapter 35: Charlotte and Sebastian officially signed
The dinner progressed in a pleasant atmosphere. Sebastian and Charlotte talked about many topics, not just work but also their interests and future plans. Unknowingly, the distance between them seemed to diminish."Charlotte, I appreciate your support and understanding all this time," Sebastian said, looking at her with deep emotion. "I've prepared a contract for you to review."Charlotte smiled slightly. This romantic evening was all about signing a contract, so she took the contract and began to read it carefully."Sebastian, is there any clause I need to pay special attention to?" Charlotte asked as she perused the contract."Hmm, the contract is mostly standard. Just take your time to read through it," Sebastian replied, sipping his wine nonchalantly.Charlotte read the contract attentively, line by line. Suddenly, she noticed a particular clause: "If we have a child, the contract will automatically renew. What does this mean?"Sebastian put down his wine glass and looked at Charl
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Chapter 36: The Hidden Master
"Nathan, I think you need to come and see the progress made by the master's disciple. His disciple has recently sent over a lot of photos. We can't view the site, but the high-resolution photos are impressive. The disciple truly lives up to being the master's top student," Nathan reported on the recent work."If he doesn't want us to disturb him, then let's respect that," Sebastian said. "Could you adjust my schedule? I'd like to take Charlotte on a vacation next week.""Sir, your schedule is fully booked," Nathan said, a bit troubled.Sebastian thought momentarily and asked, "Is there anything that can be postponed? Or can we compress the schedule?"Nathan looked at the itinerary carefully and responded, "A few meetings can be converted to phone calls, and some project progress meetings can be shortened. It won't be easy, but if we tighten things up, we should be able to free up a week.""Let's do that then," Sebastian said with satisfaction. "Thank you, Nathan."Nathan smiled slight
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Chapter 37: The Misunderstanding Between Sebastian and Charlotte
Sebastian had meticulously planned every detail of their honeymoon, eager to spend quality time with Charlotte and hoping this vacation would strengthen their bond. He felt a growing sense of excitement as the day of their departure approached. Though initially hesitant, Charlotte eventually agreed to the trip, and everything seemed perfect.One evening, as they were finishing dinner, Charlotte's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw it was George. Excusing herself, she answered the call in the living room. Sebastian, clearing the table, could hear snippets of the conversation through the door."George, what happened?" Charlotte asked, concern evident in her voice.Sebastian couldn't make out George's response, but he heard Charlotte say, "I understand. I'll be there as soon as possible."Moments later, Charlotte returned to the dining room, her expression troubled."Sebastian," she began hesitantly, "I need to talk to you. Something important has come up, and I won't be able
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Chapter 38: Escalation of Conflict
The moment Charlotte left home, she disappeared for several days. During this time, Sebastian's doubts and anger grew more intense. Every day, he wondered why Charlotte had left so suddenly. Why hadn't she told him the real reason? These questions poisoned his mind.A few days later, Nathan came to Sebastian's office to report the findings of his investigation."Sir, Charlotte has been going to the hospital daily," Nathan said."The hospital? What is she doing at the hospital?" Sebastian's frown deepened, and his unease grew stronger.Nathan hesitated momentarily before continuing, "George is staying at that same hospital."This sentence hit Sebastian like a sharp knife, stabbing directly into his heart. His eyes burned with anger. "So she's been visiting George every day? I knew it!"Sebastian's voice was filled with anger and disappointment. He couldn't accept that Charlotte had abandoned their honeymoon for George. He felt betrayed, and his frustration and suspicion made it impossi
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Chapter 39: The Cold War
Sebastian had been waiting for several days, hoping that Charlotte would come to explain everything. However, when he returned home every night, Charlotte had not yet come back. And every morning, as he prepared to leave, Charlotte was already gone. He couldn't comprehend why the person in the hospital was so important to her, important enough to neglect their newly begun married life.Their marriage was supposed to be a honeymoon period, but now it felt devoid of any sense of newlywed bliss. Sebastian felt lost and lonely, filled with questions and resentment towards Charlotte. He began to contemplate their marriage contract.Initially, he had agreed to the marriage contract because something about Charlotte fascinated him. Her independence, confidence, and talent deeply attracted him. However, now he finds that choosing a contractual relationship might have been the right decision. At least this way, he could maintain some distance and rationality in the face of uncertainty and disa
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Chapter 40: A Growing Rift
The previous night's argument left Charlotte restless, and she tossed and turned until she hardly slept. At dawn, she got up early, intending to prepare breakfast for Sebastian and use the opportunity to have a heartfelt conversation to resolve their misunderstandings.However, when she entered the kitchen, she found the dining table empty—Sebastian had already left. Her mood grew heavier, sensing the growing distance between them.In the following days, Charlotte took time off to deal with her mentor's situation. Finally, after resolving her mentor's medical issues, she returned to the office. To her surprise, Nathan was not there.Charlotte looked around and finally encountered a colleague. She asked, "Where's Nathan? Where did he go?"The colleagues, hearing her question, exchanged knowing glances. One of them, who usually didn't interact much with Charlotte, sneered, "Charlotte, aren't you the boss's favourite? How come you don't know he's on a business trip?"Charlotte was taken
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