All Chapters of The Billionaire's Borrowed bride: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
20 Chapters
CHAPTER 1: A Birthday Surprise
Two years.Two fucking years, that’s how much time I wasted on that asshole Charlie, and the fact that I didn’t figure him out sooner makes me feel so stupid.To me, he was the perfect package, a man sent directly from God with a heart of gold.Little did I know that he was just a fantastic actor, because how else can you explain the fact that I never even suspected him? Not once, and not because I didn’t have reasons to, but I just trusted him too much, and that was my first mistake.Our entire relationship had been a lie.All the promises, the whispers we shared in the dark, the undying love he said he had for me, the dreams about our future, all blatant lies.It was his birthday last Tuesday and after proposing to me two weeks before that, I thought that there was no better way to celebrate his special day than to give him some wonderful news, news that we were expecting a baby. I thought that it was the perfect birthday present but apparently, he had other ideas.I had only just f
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CHAPTER 2: The Wrong Fox
I couldn’t sleep.I was having a literal panic attack in the hours leading up to the interview because if I didn’t get this job, I didn’t know when next I was going to get a similar opportunity. It was a miracle that I even got an interview in the first place, and I just knew that I could not mess this up. I couldn’t afford to. Not with my rent being due in a few weeks, and a baby on the way.It wasn’t just about me anymore, and the meager salary I was earning at the laundry shop wasn’t going to cut it. This had to work, there was no other way around it.Still, I decided not to let my anxiety get the better of me. Instead, I put on my big girl pants and dressed up in my most presentable outfit. I took one last glance at my reflection in the mirror, and subconsciously, I found my hand going up to my belly, caressing it and feeling for any signs of life. It hadn’t started to swell yet, but I knew a little human was growing in there and I just couldn’t get used to that.I booked an uber
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CHAPTER 3: The Contract
“He’s my twin brother.” Those were the only words that kept echoing in my mind as I followed meekly behind Russell as he led me out of the office and towards a nearby coffee shop. After his big revelation, I was stunned to silence and I half expected him to call the cops immediately and have me dragged out in cuffs. But he did no such thing. Instead, he asked me to follow him to a place where we could speak comfortably. I couldn’t understand what he wanted to speak about that couldn’t be said in his office. Granted, I had already made a massive mess of the place but still, I’m sure we could have concluded our business in there because walking out into the lobby of the company felt like a literal walk of shame and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. “Stupid, stupid Charlie.” I groaned in my mind. How could he never bother to mention that he had a twin brother who had exactly the same face, build, and voice as him? Now I had gone and made a fool out of myself. Final
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CHAPTER 4: The biggest boss
To say that my day had taken an unexpected turn was nothing if not the biggest understatement of the century. One moment, I was depressing over being rejected by the father of my child and the next moment, I was signing documents that validated me as an auditor at NNT cooperation.When Russell had said the position had already been occupied, I couldn’t hide my disappointment because I thought I had done really well during the interview, but apparently, there was someone who had done much better than me. Still, that did not mean that they needed the job more than me because God knows I needed that job, and that person whoever he or she was had gone and stolen it from me.I wanted to mind my business and keep my thoughts to myself. Besides, I knew that it went against some sort of policy to disclose the information of employees except when extremely necessary but honestly, curiosity was gnawing at my insides, and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I blurted out the question which I knew t
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RUSSEL'S POV.”One expresso martini, on the rocks please.” I said to the petite looking bartender who batted her eyelashes at me in an attempt to look seductive, but she just came off looking like she had a concoction. She wasn’t bad looking, far from it actually. In fact, she was way over the average looking girl and if I was still as young and immature as I was in high school and my first year of college then I might have offered her a second glance. Unfortunately, at this stage of my life, my priorities had become entirely different and trust me when I say that wasn’t entirely a good thing.I should be used to these advances by now, given that women had been throwing themselves at me at every slight opportunity, from a very young age, simply because I had money and a handsome face, but I just couldn’t get used to it no matter how hard I tried.When I was younger, I reveled in the attention because apparently being famous in high school was an ultimate requirement for having the best
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RUSSEL'S POVTo me, getting married, and getting the CEO position were two totally unrelated topics, but apparently the older folks on the board of directors were nauseatingly old fashioned, because why would they chose to believe that my relationship status would somehow affect my performance in the company as soon as I become confirmed as CEO, when I’ve been doing just fine before now. When it came down to it, acting CEO and CEO were pretty much the same thing, and I had been doing just fine in that capacity even without a woman in my life so why did all these people want to make my life a living hell? I loved my grandpa a lot, and I was really fond of him even while he was alive. He was like my mentor and role model whom I looked up to but I really wasn’t sure If I wanted to forgive him for the whole marriage bomb he dropped on me right before his death.“Have you thought about hiring someone?” Sam suggested, pulling me out of my thoughts which were spiraling out of control by the
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When Russell told me that he hadn’t told anyone the details of how I had gotten the job, I was a little doubtful. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, I just thought that he was a really nice person who was probably just trying to protect my feelings, but I did not need protecting. I was a big girl and I could damn well take care of my own problems without his help. Which was why I didn’t call him even though I had so many questions about the company. In fact, his number in my pocket was burning a hole into my skin but I ignored it because I was sure he had his own problems to deal with. Being the CEO of a company as huge as NNT couldn’t be easy, and I couldn’t start bothering him simply because I was nervous. As I walked through the front door that morning for my actual first day, I braced myself for all the possibilities. I mentally prepared myself for the snares, for the whispers, for the gossip, and for all the side glances. I was prepared for literally anything they wanted to throw
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The team dinner that April had literally forced me to attend was nothing but a nightmare. Being 8 weeks gone, my belly bump hadn’t started showing yet, but the symptoms I was feeling were a little to hard to ignore and although I did my best to hide it, there were times when it was all just a little too much. Like now, the burger place had an aroma that settled right with me, but the barbecue place we went for the dinner was a whole different story. The smell of the place nauseated me to no end and since I didn’t want to leave at the risk of seeming rude and ungrateful, I decided to stick out for a little while longer. “You look like you would rather be anywhere else than here.” Jason said from beside me, earning him a kind smile. “You have no idea.” I told him truthfully. “You know you really didn’t have to do this if you didn’t want to right? They just really needed an excuse for a good time and free food. Trust me, they do it all the time.” “Tell me about it.” I muttered, just
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“Where are we going?” I asked a pissed off looking Russell who hadn’t taken his eyes from the road for even one second ever since he started driving.He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that I feared he might crack, or worse break it. Also, with the way his knuckles were turning white from the lack of blood flow, I desperately wanted to reach out and ease them back to normal, but given his current mood, I didn’t think he would appreciate the gesture very much.More so, I wanted to make him feel better, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why he was so damn pissed off.“How did you know I was here?” I asked, trying a different question since he had refused to answer my first one.“I followed you from the office.” He replied nonchalant as if that was a normal behaviour that usually occurred between staff and their employers. For a full one minute after his reply, I sat there in silence, waiting for him to elaborate because surely there had to be some sort of explanat
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The doctor cleared me for discharge that same day but Russell didn’t seem to agree with the doctor’s decision. Apparently, he seemed to think that he knew more than the professional when it came to matters of health.‘”Are you sure she doesn’t need to spend at least a night? She clearly needs to rest some more and if it’s about the money, you know I have that all under control.”“Well, I suppose she could spend the night if you want.” the doctor replied. “It would be helpful, but its not essential. You just need to make sure that she is constantly hydrated and well rested, and everything should be back to normal.”“What? I can’t do that.” I argued stubbornly. “I need to go to work tomorrow. I can’t spend the night here. I have to go home.”“If you think I’m going to let you go to work tomorrow after everything you’ve been through today, then maybe you need to be admitted for a couple more days.”“But I…”“No buts Lisa.” Russell stated firmly.”Rest well today and tomorrow, and maybe th
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