Semua Bab Let Me In: Bab 61 - Bab 70
137 Bab
XanderI stood in the living room, looking around to make sure there wasn’t any dirty socks, trash, or anything else. I was probably being ridiculous, acting like a little old lady expecting company, but I wasn’t used to visitors.I rarely got visitors. If I was being honest with myself, I got zero visitors. Charlie didn’t count. I supposed I could count Evie. Two. Exactly two visitors.After assuring myself the room was ready for company, I checked the kitchen. I was just moving the bowl of fresh fruit to a new spot on the counter when I heard the doorbell. I quickly made my way to the front door.“Hi,” I greeted.Kade grinned and launched himself at me. He wrapped me in his arms, giving me a bro hug. I patted his back before he released me.“Damn, did you get taller?” he teased.I laughed. “I think you got shorter. All those years packing around a heavy ruck will do that to you.”I opened the door and gestured for him to come inside. He picked up the small duffel sitting next to his
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XanderI rolled my eyes, groaning at the memory. “How could I forget? He would get us up when it was still dark outside. Mom used to get so pissed at him.”“Lance, they are little boys. You can’t get them out of bed that early. They are going to need a nap!” He said it in a falsetto voice, imitating my mother.“They are going to learn to be tough,” I said in a deep voice, pretending to be my father.Kade shook his head. “I think I was three the first time he taught me to do pushups.”“And running the mile, I think I was six the first time he started timing me.”“Mom always tried to get him to lighten up. Remember when I fell during the obstacle course?”I couldn’t help but laugh. “How could I forget? I thought Mom was going to beat Dad with a two by four. She was so pissed. She picked you up, hauled you to the car to take you to the emergency room, and left me and Dad standing there.”“The whole way to the hospital, I kept telling her I was okay. She wasn’t having it. She was so pisse
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Meeting the Brother
EvieI finished pulling my hair up into a messy bun that would keep the heavy strands off my neck. It was going to be a warm one.I sat down on the foot of my bed and put on my tennis shoes before standing up and checking my reflection in the mirror. I wasn’t really all that concerned with my appearance. I was going for an extra-long walk today. I needed to walk off the frustration of the week.I headed for the kitchen and filled my water bottle that I carried when I knew I was going to go farther than my usual spot in the park. Despite my declaration I wasn’t going to work today, I needed to check my email. One peek.When my phone started ringing, I slowly shook my head. “No. No way. I’m off.”I glanced over at the screen, unable to keep my curiosity from checking to see who it was. I smiled and grabbed the phone. “Hey there!” I answered.“Hi,” Xander’s rich baritone came through. “What are you doing?”“Uh, getting ready to go for a hike. What are you doing? Are you with your brother
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A Jealous Man
Evie“You could have mowed the fucking lawn,” he shot back.Kade chuckled. “But that was your job.”The two bantered back and forth. Kade revealed more about Xander than I had ever known before. Their relationship made me a little sad. I never had a sister or a brother to have that fun banter with. I didn’t have a person in this world that knew me like that. There was no one who had shared my childhood.We made it to the lookout, each of us a little out of breath.“I need to take a leak,” Xander said, looking around.I laughed. “There are no bathrooms up here.”Kade nudged me with his shoulder. “Sweetie, he isn’t looking for a bathroom.”Xander walked off, disappearing into the trees.I was a little shocked. “Oh. Okay. Wow.”“He likes you,” he said.“What?”“My brother likes you. I’ve never seen him like that.”“Like what?” I pressed. I didn’t want to interrogate him, but I was going to pump him for as much information as possible.“He’s possessive of you.”“That’s just how he is,” I
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He's Gone
XanderI jogged downstairs. I had canceled my meetings for the day and was going to hang out with Kade until it was time for him to catch his flight back to Oregon.I was going to make him breakfast. Something nice and greasy and completely unhealthy. I spoke to Alexa and asked her to turn on the morning news station.While I was apprised of the events happening in the country and the city, I fried bacon and cooked hash browns. I cheated a bit and opened a jar of gravy and popped open a can of biscuits. The final touch was the scrambled eggs, a little on the wet side, just like Kade liked them.I had thought he would be down by now. Neither of us was prone to sleeping in. Years of living on a military base and living with a military man stole away the whole sleeping in thing.I went upstairs and knocked on the door to the room he was sleeping in. “Kade! Wakey, wakey, little brother.”There was no answer. I opened the door and immediately noticed the bed was neatly made. I didn’t have
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Making Plans
Xander“Hey,” I said, smiling as I took a bite of bacon. “What are you doing?”“At this moment, I am going to a coffee shop.”“Do you have a packed schedule today?”“Nope. I only have a few things. Why?”“Want to play hooky?”She softly giggled. “What do you have in mind?”“I took the day off to hang out with Kade, but he ditched me. I was thinking me and you could do something. I think I’m due for a new lesson in having fun.”“I’m in. Let me go into the office and check on a couple things. Then I can be free, say by ten?”“Awesome.”“What did you have in mind?” she asked. “Theme park? Beach?”“How about the zoo?” I blurted out, surprising even myself.“The zoo?” she questioned, sounding surprised.“Yeah, why not? I don’t think I’ve been there in forever.”“I’m excited. That sounds like a great way to spend the day. I’ll need to go home and change. Do you want me to meet you at your place?”“I can pick you up,” I offered.“I’ll text you my address.”“See you soon.”I ended the call an
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Bringing It All Up Again
EvieHe held my hand as we made our way from one animal exhibit to the next. He was saying all the right things and smiling and was acting perfectly normal. That was what bugged me.He was too normal. He wasn’t being his usual self. I could feel him trying too hard to be the normal guy. Xander was naturally reserved, but just then, he was being very—for lack of a better word—normal.“Something to drink?” he asked with a friendly smile. That was when I knew something was definitely not okay.“Yes, please.”I stood to the side while he got in line to get the sodas. I spotted a small table in the shade and took it over. When he turned to look for me, I waved my hand to get his attention. He carried the drinks and sat down. Again, I could see there was something on his mind.“Hot?” he asked.“It’s not too bad. What about you?”“Fine.”I sipped on the soda before I decided the best way to find out what was on his mind was to ask him directly. “How are you? Like really, how are you?”He fro
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Rub Me the Right Way
EvieI wrinkled my nose. “He’s a nice guy and easy on the eyes, but perfect? That’s a stretch.”“Okay, if you keep telling me how good looking my brother is, I’m going to feed you to the lions.”My smile erupted over my face. I liked his little jealous side. I liked that he wanted me all to himself. “Speaking of, let’s go. They should be getting fed about now.”We got up, both of us carrying our sodas in one hand while we held hands. “You really are worthy,” I told him.“My dad doesn’t see it that way. Him and your dad would get along very well.”That stung. “I’m sorry.”“Don’t be. I rub people the wrong way.”“You rub me in all the right ways,” I said.“Be careful,” he warned. “I am still thinking about taking you back into the penguin palace. There were plenty of dark corners.”“I’m thinking that could be a little cold. The chill might cause some performance issues.”He slowly shook his head as his eyes raked over my body. “I could never have any issues when it comes to you. I don’t
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Testing the Waters
XanderI parked my car in the massive parking lot reserved for the hundreds of dock workers. I checked my watch, wincing when I confirmed my suspicions. I was late.For the life of me, getting to where I was supposed to be on time seemed like an impossible feat. I tried and I tried but something always happened.I made my way down to the right dock and immediately spotted Charlie. He had his hands on his hips and was staring out at the massive cargo ship in the harbor. By his stance, I could see he wasn’t happy.He had called and asked me to come down and give him some ideas. Apparently, there was a ship coming in for repairs. Charlie was stumped and needed some fresh eyes on how to take care of the issue.It was my thing. The ship wasn’t one of mine, but I didn’t mind offering some advice to a friend. It wasn’t like I needed the money, so I never charged him a consultation fee. There were a few companies that I did charge because the owners or CEOs were dicks. Probably not the most p
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Xander“Just checking. You are an odd duck. I never know what gets you off and what pisses you off.”“I’m not that odd. She said I’m selfless because although I didn’t go into the Marines and go kill bad guys, I am changing the world in my own little way.”“Dude, I’ve been telling you that for years,” he said with disgust.I shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t listening. You aren’t as pretty as she is. When she said it, it meant something.”“It meant something when I said it,” he protested.“You sound like a jealous lover,” I warned him.“You are changing the world. If you can figure out this rudder problem, you will not only change the world but change my life. I’ll have weekends off. I’ll get to work a normal eight-hour day. I might even get to take a real vacation.”“I don’t want to put you out of work,” I teased.He laughed, shaking his head and pointing toward the harbor. “There are a lot of old ships out there. I’ve got enough work to last me three lifetimes.”“This is true.”“It really
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