All Chapters of Let Me In: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
137 Chapters
Falling for Him
EvieIt was just after five when I pulled into the shopping center. I had tried to get off work earlier, but with the day off on Monday, I was swamped. I couldn’t neglect my friends. At least, that was what Nelle had said when she demanded I take part in some retail therapy. I called her to find out where she was.I walked into the clothing store she was at and quickly spotted her. “I like it,” I said as I walked up to where she was holding up a pretty blouse.“Who are you?” she asked without looking at me. “You sound a lot like my friend Evie, but I think she fell off the face of the earth.”“Ha ha. I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.”“Not too busy for your man,” she said.“Actually, I saw him Monday and that’s it. Well and Sunday, but that doesn’t count.”“You are forgiven, with one stipulation,” she said.I groaned. “What would that be?”“Have dinner with me,” she answered.I burst into laughter. “Yes. I’m free for the rest of the night.”“Good. Now, I need a skirt to go with this.”I bega
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Deep Cuts
Evie“What are you going to do about your dad? You can’t let him get in the way of your happiness.”I slowly shook my head. “I have no idea. I tried to talk to him. He isn’t budging.”“Maybe try to explain to him Xander is important to you. He should understand love. He loved your mother.”The memory of his grief still tugged at my heart. “Yes, he did.”“What if that’s why he is so against you getting together with Xander?”“What? That makes no sense.”“He loved and lost, and it cut him deep. There could be a chance he doesn’t want you to experience that same kind of pain.”“Plausible, but not likely.”“Fine, then back to the original question. What are you going to do?”“I don’t know. He won’t talk to me. I’ve been calling him all week, and once again, he’s dodging my calls. He’s being very childish about all of this. It’s really pissing me off.”“He’s probably been busy writing his speech,” she said nonchalantly.“Speech? For me? I don’t need another speech from him. I’m good. He sa
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Giving Her a Ride
XanderCharlie thought I was crazy. I probably was. He told me to come up with a way to save his ships’ rudders and I had.Well, I hoped. Maybe I did. I wasn’t sure. I was still working out the details. Right now, it was all an image in my head. I wasn’t sure how or if it was even possible to make it work out in real life.Then again, the ship designs were once nothing more than pipe dreams. I’d made that a reality. I was sure there was a way to make the rudders stronger and more effective.Charlie didn’t say it, but I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking what Marsh had thought. What my dad thought. I was crazy.He thought I was getting ahead of myself. People had been building ships for hundreds of years, and here I was, young and dumb, thinking I could change what had always been done.I got in the car, checked the time, and figured I would see if Evie was free. I doubted it, given it was a Friday night, but I was going to try anyway. There was an elderly woman selling pretty
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Xander“It isn’t that he wasn’t nice. It was more about me being young and looking for a little reassuring. I don’t blame your dad for laughing at me. I was laughed at a lot back then. He was one of many.”“He didn’t tell me about the award,” she said, and I could hear the hurt in her voice.“You two still haven’t made up?”“No. He won’t talk to me. I found out about the award through my friend who saw it in the paper. I called him and he let it go to voicemail.”I reached for her hand. “I am really sorry he’s this upset with you about me. If you want us to stop seeing each other or being friends, I will totally understand. I don’t expect you to ruin your relationship with your father for me.”“No,” she adamantly said. “He is not going to get to ruin this, whatever this is.”“This is us having a good time,” I said, not sure what else to say about the situation.“Right. Exactly. It’s nothing for him to get his panties in a bunch about.”“Are you going to go?” I asked her.“No! Why woul
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EvieHe was standing next to the bed, looking down at me like I was on the menu. My skin felt flushed under his gaze. I could practically feel his hands on me. I closed my eyes as a wave of passion washed over me, making me squirm on his bed.“You’re ready for me, aren’t you?” he asked in a gruff voice.I moaned, my lips parting as I reached up to cup my breast through my bra. “I am. I need you.”His eyes focused on my hand. I gave him a show, squeezing and plumping my breast. I brought my other hand up to help.“God damn, Evie. Do you know how sexy you are?”“I want you inside me,” I told him with raw honesty.“Not yet. You look too good.”He dropped to his knees and pulled me to the edge of the bed. My legs hung over, my feet dangling over the floor. He reached for my panties and started to pull them down my body.With my position, I couldn’t quite lift my ass to make the removal of the damn things any easier. That didn’t stop him from getting them off. He yanked until my pretty blu
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Bad Girl
Evie“Fingers or a dildo?” he rasped.“Fingers. What about you?”“What. About. Me?” His breathing was coming hard and fast. I could feel him getting close to the edge.“Do you rub yourself and think about me?”He smirked. It was a cocky little smile that almost made me explode. “All the fucking time, baby.”I gasped. The confession sent shockwaves of heat and desire through my body. I understood what he felt. It was a huge ego boost. It was erotic and sensual and so damn good to know he thought about me and pleasured himself.“Do you think about my mouth wrapped around you or do you think about you inside me?”He grunted, moving harder and faster. “Both.”“In bed?”“Everywhere. I beat off in the shower. I think about you and stroke myself until I’m squirting my desire all over the shower wall.”His words triggered a visceral response that I had zero control over. I bucked, exploding around him. I shouted out his name and a lot of other words that made no sense. He was yelling right ba
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The Solution
XanderI dropped Evie off at her apartment and immediately headed over to Charlie’s place. He was probably still in bed, but I was going to wake him up. I had an idea and I wanted him to be the first to see it.After talking with Evie a little, I knew I was on to something. She didn’t understand the mechanics and all the little intricacies of a ship’s propulsion system, but Charlie would. He would be able to offer advice and help me make this thing real. My week had been relatively productive, and I couldn’t wait to show him what I had.I pounded on his apartment door. “Charlie, get up.”There was no answer. I knew he was inside. At least, I assumed he was inside. His car was in the usual spot. I supposed he could have gotten a ride. I slapped my hand against the door again.One of his neighbors pulled open their door and glared at me. I smiled in return. “Charlie, I’m not leaving. Open the door.”I heard the lock on the door finally turning. When Charlie pulled open the door, he loo
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Not There Yet
Xander“Show me where?”“Down at the docks,” I answered.He did not look impressed. “I don’t want to work. I want to relax.”“You don’t have to work. I want you to watch. I want you to observe and give me feedback. I trust you to tell me where it’s wrong. I need a second pair of eyes and only your eyes will understand what you are seeing.”“Can you tell me what you’ve got up your sleeve?”I winked. “I have to show you.”“Where’s your girlfriend? Can’t you show her?”“I just dropped her off. She is working today, and she wouldn’t understand like you.”He grinned. “You had another sleepover.”“I did.”“Damn, one more and I think that means you are official,” he said. “I knew you liked her.”I wasn’t afraid to admit it. “I do like her.”“Are you going to tell her?”“Tell her what?”“That you like her,” he answered.The conversation was very strange. It felt like we were in the sixth grade, talking about a girl. “I think she figured that part out all on her own.”He crumbled up a sandwich
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Another Fight
EvieI finished my usual morning walk. I went alone. I thought about inviting Xander along, but I needed some time to think. This thing with my dad was really screwing with me.I didn’t like us being on the outs. It made me feel icky. I couldn’t shake the heaviness of it and it was affecting my work. I had to settle things. I knew there was a chance we would never have the relationship we once did. I didn’t like the idea, but I couldn’t change his way of thinking.Just like he couldn’t change mine. I felt we were both intelligent, responsible people and we were always going to have our own opinions. I could respect his and I needed him to respect mine. At least, that was what I was going to say to him. I had been practicing what I would say all morning.I parked my car in the driveway and fought down the nerves that erupted in my belly at the thought of confronting him. I was nervous and apprehensive. I didn’t stand up to him. The day in his office had been a first. While it had felt
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Just Won't Budge
EvieDad took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. “I don’t want to fight with you either.”“Good. Let’s agree to disagree and move on.”“Evie, it isn’t that simple. I know this kid. He is bad news.”“I don’t understand how you can say that. You don’t know him. You knew him for five minutes in your classroom ten years ago. He is not the same person he was. I’m not the same person I was ten years ago.”He shook his head. “A leopard doesn’t just lose his spots.”“What does that even mean?”“It means the man is incapable of thinking of anyone except himself. He will hurt you. He’s only using you. You are a pretty young woman and that’s all he sees. I can’t stand the thought of that punk touching my little girl.”“I get that this might be hard for you to hear, but there have been other men in my life. You have never reacted so strongly to any of them.”“Because they weren’t him,” he spat.“No, they weren’t. Xander isn’t selfish. Not by a long shot.”“That kid thinks it is funny to
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