All Chapters of Bright Lights Billionaire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
207 Chapters
Ten Again
Ethan"Hey buddy!" Liam opened the door to his elaborate mansion and moved back with a big smile on his face. "You look like shit.""You say that a little too often, asshole." I smiled and pulled him into a quick hug."It's the truth. I owe you that if nothing else." He patted my back and closed the door. His black hair and dark eyes left him looking nothing like me, but it was probably for the best. The last thing I needed in town was a doppelgänger, especially one that acted as poorly as my older brother did."You remember my best friend from school, Cole?""Matthenson?" I walked down the hall as the sound of the TV filled up the hallway."Yeah. He and his brother, Ian, own a security company in San Doggie. They're in the middle of some shit right now, but I told him to come up for a day to get away from everything. He's a hot mess. Headed toward divorce with Cindy.""Do I know Cindy?" I whispered back as we entered into the kitchen. Liam shook his head and walked toward the big guy
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Greener Grass
Riley"Your family is hoping that we can go over to the luncheon in a couple of hours. Do you think you'll feel up to it?" Charlotte brushed her hand down my back as I stood in the kitchen with my hands on the counter and eyes focused on the view of the street below."Hmm? No, I'm good. I don't want to go over there. I can't." I shrugged, not really caring what anyone thought about me not making an appearance. My family was weird at best and now that I had found some semblance of success, they were a little too loving. It was fucked up, and I wasn't in the mood to pretend like it wasn't."No problem. I'll let your Aunt Debbie know." She rubbed my back for another few seconds before walking out of the kitchen and leaving me in my numbness.I couldn't seem to shake the image of Ethan watching me in the foyer of the funeral home. The longing on his face showed me the part of him that I wanted to pretend didn't exist. It made things easier. We were supposed to make movies together, not fa
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He's Not Ethan
Riley"Right, but he's not your romantic interest, Riley." She squeezed my hand and let out a soft sigh. "I told Jeff I couldn't see him anymore.""I thought you did that weeks ago.""I did, but I reneged on it. I thought maybe I could get past the fact that he's horrible in bed, but I can't. I love passion, and sex is part of that. I like the guy, but I could never really fall head over heels in love with him.""How about Jace?" I gave her a cheeky smile. "He's killer in bed.""And the fact that you're offering him up tells me once again... he's not your man. You don't care if he sleeps around, but here's the problem... he cares if you do. I overheard you guys in the kitchen. He's finally growing up, not that I ever thought that would happen, but he's going to want you to settle down. Are you really wanting to do that with him?""Do I have a better option?" I wanted to feel something - anything - but the same numbness that had been wrapped around my insides still sat there. The only
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Don't Touch Her
EthanThe night of acting like a goof with my brother was exactly what I needed. Where my heart ached for Riley's loss, I was still suffocating in the fact that I'd missed out on the opportunity to take care of her. She'd chosen Jace which was a good thing for both of us. I kept telling myself that as I piddled around my large trailer at the back of the set the next morning. Frank wanted to run a few scenes that would need to happen in L.A., and I was grateful for the distraction. Getting up at eight in the morning was a bitch after drinking a little too much with my brother and Cole, but I was managing somehow.The sound of arguing just outside my trailer pulled me from my mental rehearsal of my lines and had me moving toward the window closest to me. I couldn't make out exactly what the couple was saying, but I could tell they were pissed."Deza?" I mumbled and moved the curtain back a little to peek out.The pretty Hispanic woman with caramel-colored skin, who usually looked calm n
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Cover It Up
Ethan"Hey. No crying." I crossed the room and pulled her into a hug. "There's no reason to get upset.""Yeah, there is." She pressed her face to my chest and wrapped her arms around me.To deny that it felt good to be held or to hold someone I loved would have been stupid, but I wanted to. I was too close to cracking and racing after my sexy co-star no matter what the world or anyone else thought about it. I felt like a fucking yo-yo, changing my mind every three seconds on what I wanted to do versus what I was expected to do."Why? He's a part of your past, D. You're a beautiful woman. Find someone else.""I can't." She pulled back and wiped at her tears. "Why am I crying over this idiot? He's not worth it.""Exactly." She needed me to dig into her pain, but I couldn't. I was still tripping over my own from seeing Jace be exactly who Riley needed him to be the day before."I'll see you inside." She turned and walked out without another word."Damn," I mumbled and grabbed my script a
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RileyAgainst Jace and Charlotte's wishes, I drove myself to UCLA the next morning. I wasn't interested in having the two of them baby me any longer than need be. I needed to get back to the normalcy of life as soon as I could. Having agreed to have lunch with my Aunt Debbie before she headed out of town would be the last of my wallowing in self-pity over my mom's death. Sadness would come and steal away my breath and my attention many times over the rest of my days, but self-pity could fuck off.Nothing felt worse.I walked to my drama class with my shoulders back and head held high. On campus, no one knew about me losing my mom, about my darkest fantasies being about Ethan Lewis, about my insecurities to ever be good at anything. I was just me. Senior drama major and lead for the spring production, Riley Phillips.The class was already gathered up in the front few rows of the auditorium when I walked in, and much to my surprise, they stood up and started to clap and cheer. I glanced
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What Do I Want?
RileyAfter class I answered a few questions from some of my fellow students and decided to skip out of my marketing class. The gnawing questions of life wouldn't leave me be, and I really didn't want to sit across from my Aunt Debbie and tear up a thousand times over where I was going in life and why it wasn't good enough. She would assume I was emotionally over my mom, which was the core of the issue no doubt. I just needed to clear my head.Somehow I ended up at St. Mary's. I sat in my car with the windows down for a few minutes and focused on the stillness around me. The sounds of birds chirping and traffic in the distance was enough to lull me into a calm."What do I want from life? I mean, like really, really want?" I turned off the car and got out. The cemetery was on the far side of the church, and older than any other in town. How my mother had scored a plot of land in the historical graveside was beyond me. She'd bought four plots before me and Darek were born, as if she kne
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Is That Her?
Ethan"You're late." My brother wrapped an arm around my shoulder and patted my chest as we walked into the belly of the new club."I was waiting for the grand opening to be over. The last thing I need is to be accosted by the media because they spotted me in a crowd." I moved toward the bar through the hordes of people dancing where they stood. The place was extravagant and decked out in black and gold."I understand that. I brought a couple of girls with me. You'll like them." He slipped in beside me at the bar and leaned against the railing. "And I love you enough to let you pick which one you want for the night.""I'm not taking anyone home tonight. I'm here to hang out with you and to try and forget how much I want Riley.""I would ask what the fuck it is with this girl, but I've met her." He glanced over at me. "I don't need to ask.""No? Then tell me what it is. I'm still trying to figure it out. She's more cute than beautiful, more soft than hard-core, more sweet than salty. I
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Who Was That?
EthanI ducked as best I could and pulled away from him as he swung. What was it with me and getting my ass handed to me lately?"Whoa, dude. I thought she was a friend of mine. I wasn't...""Try again, mother fucker. My girl ain't getting taken by a pretty boy bitch like you.""Pretty boy bitch? That's new." I moved to the side as he swung again and was quite grateful when two bodyguards moved in front of me and took the guy to the ground. His girl was watching me with stars in her eyes."Oh my God. You're totally Steve Sumner." She swooned and let out a long girly sigh."Does that shit hurt?" I moved my finger around my nose as I stifled a shiver of disgust. The guards had the guy on the ground, but they were losing the fight."Ethan. What the fuck, man?" Liam moved up beside me and jerked me back, moving us toward the bar. "You start shit everywhere. You know that?""Yep. That's the reason we usually stay at your place, remember?"The girls from earlier were standing by the bar snu
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I'll Be Okay
Riley"Thanks for meeting up with me today." My Aunt Debbie looked nothing like my mother, but they had different fathers, so it wasn't too surprising. Her long black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and she wore very little makeup."Of course. I'm sorry about yesterday, it's been-""Hard. I know. I wasn't sure I could sit through the whole thing either. Your mother would have sat up in her casket if she knew a preacher was talking about God over her. I'm glad you let me have that part though. I honestly wasn't sure." She shrugged and picked up her menu."Of course." I didn't exactly know how to answer her. She was the most outspoken woman of God I'd ever met, and her and my mother didn't exactly get along. It had something do with my aunt trying to convert my mom every time they spoke. Not that my mom didn't need a serious conversation in her life, but faith didn't seem like the answer. A job? A good guy who wasn't toked up on weed? A house and steady income? Yeah. For sure.
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