All Chapters of Bright Lights Billionaire: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
207 Chapters
EthanWe finished about twenty minutes early, and the crew wanted to go out for dinner, but I turned down the invitation. I found Deza sitting in her office with her eyes closed."Hey, pretty girl. I'm going to the lookout point with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates. I ain't got no flowers to make the place pretty, but you'd fill in nicely instead." I wagged my eyebrows at her. "Or maybe you'd be the chocolate."She snorted. "You're an idiot.""You coming with me?" I pulled out my keys and let them dangle from my fingers. "I brought the convertible.""Yeah. I'm coming. No trying to seduce me. I don't know where that dick has been over the last ten years. I ain't interested." She scrunched up her nose and got up."Here you go, trying to make me feel dirty for loving anal sex again." I scoffed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we walked toward the parking lot. "You'd love it too if you let me-""Hush. No being dirty. I ain't in the mood to play around with you."I glanc
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It's Her
RileyI wasn't sure how I felt about my lessons with Clayton a few days before. There was a part of me that wanted to be ashamed that I'd kissed him, but it was training ground, and it hadn't been him. It had been Ethan. I could pass any improv given to me if it was about love or lust or wanting. All I had to do was think about him.Walking to the parking lot from my last class for the day, I realized something. Jace and I would never be anything but really good friends. He needed to know that. As much as I hated to let him go for fear that things wouldn't work out in my own life and I'd really be left alone for the first time ever, I had to do the right thing.He deserved to be set free."Oh my God! It's Riley Phillips. Riley! Riley!" A group of people jogged toward me, all of their eyes wide and the smiles on their faces too big to be fake."Hi." I turned to fully face them and stood in awe as they shoved various pieces of paper toward me."Can you autograph my notebook? Just put to
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Acting Lessons
Riley"Yes. My mother died in an accident last week. The sorrow of having to bury her next to my brother is too much to think about. I have no one left in the world but my best friends, Charlotte and Jace. And it's funny, but having friends doesn't seem to be enough." I blinked back tears as Clayton's brow drew in tightly."Are you speaking truth, or working yourself into a darkness for the purposes of our afternoon together?""Truth." I let my eyes move across his face as my heart quivered in my chest. "I don't know how to use that pain to fuel me. I've trapped it somewhere to keep myself safe. Safe from breaking down. Safe from promising myself to a man that couldn't ever be what I want him to be. Safe from begging for the touch of another man who could have all of me if he even tried a little."His eyes filled with tears as well. "How beautiful you are. You have no clue of your power, little dove."I took a deep breath. "Let me unlock it, and then you tell me where we're going.""G
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The Play
Ethan"Dear baby Jesus. Why did we think this was a good idea?" Liam groaned as him, Deza and Frank walked huddled against me through the UCLA campus. Someone had gotten the memo that I was coming to see Riley in her play that night. Who spilled the beans was beyond me. I hadn't told Riley my plans in case they changed, and the only people that knew were the three wrapped around me as we shuffled forward."Guy, I'm not a senator or a prince. Fucking get off me and let me walk." I pushed at my brother's back as he walked in front of me. I'd stubbed my damn toes on his big black shiny shoes a million times.I would have thought after having the whole day to myself that my mood would have been better, but it'd been a long ass week. I was more worn out from laying around, thinking about Riley than actually living my damn life."Shut up and keep moving forward," Deza barked from beside me as the crowd around us seemed to grow. We had five guys working security for us because people were cr
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She's the Star
EthanI sat in the dark beside Deza, holding my breath as the curtain lifted thirty minutes later and the music filled the auditorium. I'd always been a sucker for Phantom of the Opera, not that I would have told anyone. The love story was dark and concerning as hell, but I sure loved the passion between the two. Somehow the guy playing across from Riley didn't instill anything but pity from me. His face was covered in zits, but he still put forth a great performance.A smile lifted my lips as I thought back on my conversation with Riley on having to kiss the guy and not really being too into him at all. I could see why now. It wasn't just the acne. She was a ten and he was a two at best. Hell, I was a seven or an eight on a good day.She turned to face the crowd and chill-bumps raced down my spine. Intriguing. Beautiful. So fucking hot. Like an innocent princess in need of deflowering.Deza handed me a rose as the lights came on at the end and the curtain went up. I dropped it on the
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One Night Stand
RileyCharlotte met me at the back door of the theater when I'd finally pushed through the crowd. The smile on her face mixed with the way Ethan watched me moments earlier left butterflies dancing in my chest. They like me. All of them. It was weird to think that I wanted their approval, their accolades, but I did."You need to change?" She reached out and pulled me into a tight hug. Her navy dress looked good on her, and momentary worry rushed through me. Would Ethan think she was more beautiful than me? Stupid. I was being stupid. It didn't matter if he did."Yeah. I have a white dress hanging up in my dressing room back here. Come with me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her down through the back of the auditorium as we giggled and talked about how great the play was."Maybe you should be on Broadway and not in the movies." She closed the door behind us and pressed her back to it."Maybe." I shrugged and put my back to her. "Can you help me get out of this?""Yeah." She walked towar
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Tasting Her
RileyHis eyebrow lifted sharply. "Is she?"I laughed. "Why, are you interested now?""Hell no, but I'm surprised to hear that. She doesn't seem the type.""How would you know what type she is?""Well, I don't, but the first day you brought her in, she didn't even use her real name. I figured she was shy, you know, the good girl type.""Are the good girls the only ones that are shy?""I'm digging a hole. I know where this is going." He pulled out his phone as it buzzed. "Steaks or seafood? My brother is asking.""Both?" I let my eyes move across his face down to the swell of his strong arms and perfect shoulders. His hands caught my attention and fantasies ran wild inside my head."You're panting." He put the phone in the seat beside him and reached out, brushing the back of his fingers by my cheek. "What are you thinking about?""I'm just overly sensitive because of the high from the performance." I licked my lips and tried to slow my racing heart. Why did it feel so intimate being i
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My Wife
EthanMy body was on fire for the beautiful woman stumbling up the stairs next to me. I'd have to get us both to the bathroom and clean us up or my brother would know immediately what happened. Like the bastard had pussy-dar or something. I smiled at the thought and knocked at the door."Hey. Wait up. What happened to you guys?" Charlotte walked up behind us, and I turned toward Riley, giving her a look.She nodded and let out a soft whimper before standing up straight and lifting her chin. "When?""When we got here. I had to sit in my damn car for ten minutes." Charlotte laughed awkwardly."We were discussing something about one of the movies that Ethan has been in." Riley shrugged and turned toward the door. "Where is Liam?""We were arguing, actually." I smiled back at Charlotte and lifted up on my toes to get the keys. "He's at the store or picking up Cole. Why this crazy bastard leaves a key above his doorframe is beyond me. He's got enough shit in this place to make ten men rich
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Knocked Up
Ethan"You're so damn beautiful. I've never in my life seen a more beautiful woman than you. Everything about you leaves me aching and horny." I moved in and brushed my lips down the side of her face. "Let's skip dinner and go upstairs. I'll just suck on you a little more."She groaned and shook her head. "You're so horrible.""Am I?" I licked at her ear. "I'd say by the little pebbles pressing against my chest that you like horrible. Is it true? A sweet, innocent girl like yourself likes horrible, dirty, hungry guys like me?""Are you still hungry?" The softness in her voice left my body aching."Now who's being horrible?" I slid my hand down her back and squeezed her perfect ass tightly. "Keep it up, and I'll not be asking to go upstairs.""You're just going to strip me down right here?" She smiled and glanced around, like the thought of doing it was unthinkable."Nope. I'm going to sweep you off your feet, jog up the stairs and take advantage of every opening on your tight little b
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Drama Queens
Riley"Where is Ethan?" Liam, Ethan's older brother, called back to us from the grill."No clue." I stood up and smiled, feeling like everything was right with the world for the moment. Ethan and I were going to spend the night in each other's arms. What that meant for the future was still fuzzy, but irrelevant. I needed him like a freezing man needs a small fire, and something told me that he needed me just as well. "You need something?""Lots of things, but I'd get in trouble for listing them in front of you. My brother seems to have taken a liking to you." Liam wagged his eyebrows, making him impossibly cute in his own way. He wasn't his brother, but I could easily see why someone would be attracted to him.I glanced back at my best friend, Charlotte and Liam's buddy, Cole. They were laughing over something and lost in their own world.Liam's voice was closer, pulling me from my thoughts. "You wanna come grab a platter and hold it for me while I pull everything off the grill?""Yea
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