All Chapters of Bright Lights Billionaire: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
207 Chapters
EthanDeza glanced back at him. "Does that mean that me and Paul can just hang out and drink ourselves silly?""Yep. Have a blast. Make magic." He squeezed my shoulders once more before releasing me. "Fifteen minutes, Ethan. Out back by the beach. Riley is already there.""Make magic?" I mumbled and turned to Deza as Clayton walked off. "What the fuck kind of phrase is that?""A clean one. You wouldn't get it." She wagged her eyebrows."Oh, of course you want to flirt now." I got up, finished my drink and glanced over at Paul. "She's warmed up for you, buddy. Just make sure to pull her hair and call her momma when the action starts, all right? Gets her real nice and-""Get out!" She popped me in the chest. "Jeez."The shocked stare on Paul's face had me laughing as I walked through the hotel in search of my nemesis and the girl that would eventually steal my name the way she'd stolen my heart. It was nice to have D acting a little more like herself. Maybe if I could find a way to tame
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For Real?
Riley"All right. What are we doing?" I walked toward Clayton and took in a deep breath, letting the tang of the saltwater fill my senses. His dark hair blew in the breeze, his charcoal eyes filled with excitement."We're going to walk through an improvisation or two. Ethan's being a prick-""I'm right here." Ethan moved up beside me and glanced down toward me before wrapping his strong arm around my shoulders. "You cold?""No, but it's a good excuse for your attention." I wagged my eyebrows, playing an innocent game that had delicious possibilities. Something about him made me bi-polar, running from him one minute and racing toward him the next. But it hadn't been me lately, right? He'd taken up the baton of indecision."All right." Clayton clapped his hands before rubbing them together. He could have easily been a film director himself. Because he was so in tune with the emotion of acting, it was only a matter of time. "Let's go with the following scenario, but before I give it to y
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No Filter
Riley"Much better!" Frank clapped his hands as he walked around the set. "That was beautiful. Seems like all we needed to do was to get Clayton to loosen the two of you up a little.""Or let me play the part." Clayton winked as I glanced over to analyze if he was being cheeky or serious."It's for a warm-blooded human. That kicks you out right there, old friend." Ethan patted Clay on the back as he walked toward me. "Dinner plans?""I thought we were having a movie fest?" I wasn't so sure that was a good idea anymore after his stunt during the improv work. I couldn't seem to shake the idea that I was playing the fool and he was the one jerking my strings."We can do that too." He stopped in front of me, but didn't reach out like I expected him to.Too many people around? Or did he really not feel what I felt? Maybe lust was safer, more pure. At least it didn't lie. I couldn't tell if he was falling in love with me, or maybe I refused to interpret the signs in a way that left me with
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A Little Heat
EthanShe was so far beyond perfect, it hurt. The way she molded herself to the front of my body was both sexual and loving. I wanted to tell her that she belonged there - with me, but it would have been silly. Like a dicked up, cheesy-ass line from an old movie. The movies I loved so much."You want to get something to eat?" I kissed the top of her head and glanced back down the beach to find the film crew packing up and not paying us a bit of attention. Did I care if they knew we had something budding between us? Not really. Other than pissing off Deza, which was a bonus depending on the day, I was proud of who Riley was. She'd be a better performer than I ever would, and a part of me wanted to daydream about the day when she was center stage and I was standing behind the curtain, simply supporting her dreams."Yeah. In a minute." She glanced up at me, tearing at my heart with the sadness that sat at the edge of her expression. Whether she was willing to recognize it or not... she w
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EthanShe laughed again, and I delighted in the sound. The woman had me by the balls and the heart. It was comical to watch her question her pull over me, but I'd seen her do it multiple times. Clayton needed to forgo his teaching her how to be a better actress and instead remind her of the confidence she had locked down inside of her. If she had a clue of her ability to cast a spell across the audience... she'd be dangerous to more than just me."Are you asking me to pretend to be your girlfriend this weekend?""Yeah. It's not too farfetched is it?" I smiled and moved up to hold the door open for her. "I'll let you pet the monster if you agree to help me out."An older couple walked out of the hotel through the door I held open. The look on their faces was priceless."Shit, Ethan. Really?" Her cheeks turned red as she laughed."Absolutely." I took her hand, finding myself not wanting a moment where we weren't touching in some capacity. It felt wrong to miss out on anything with her.
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Riley"You're already up." I pressed my heel against the bed and rolled us over. "I want to taste you.""What? No. I wanna feel you come." He reached up and gripped the sides of my face, pulling me back down for a long, probing kiss. Every cell in my body came alive, percolating at the idea of having a night trapped beneath him."You will, but you're not denying me again." I nipped aggressively at his mouth and moved down the length of his body until I reached the top of his jeans."Riley. You don't have to-""I want to. Shut up already." I undid his jeans as he played with my hair and brushed his fingers by my breasts, teasing my already rock hard nipples."Don't overdo it. Just take what you can."I chuckled and glanced up to pin him with a hard stare. "Do you always coach the women who are about to suck your cock? It's not very sexy.""Fine, but I better hear you choke, or you're not doing it right." He dropped back and groaned as I tugged his pants down his thighs and forced his s
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All Night Long
Riley"Who? Ethan? Me too sometimes." I sat down beside her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders."Hey. I'm right fucking here. Jeez." He winked at me and sat down on the other side of Deza. "I don't hate you, D. I'm just kidding. Riley and I have only been trying to have sex since the first day we met. The woman is driven to get what she wants... when she wants it."I snorted and D ignored him. It was probably for the best."No. Darren." She pressed her hands to her face. "He's killing me slowly. I'm not myself at all anymore because of him.""I'm glad it's someone else's fault besides mine." Ethan glanced up at me and shook his head. He obviously disapproved of Darren, and I understood why. He was my agent before Deza picked me up, and the man had big dreams and lots of hot air to blow around, but when it came to actually making something happen? He was all talk."What happened?" I rubbed her back softly and tried not to think about what Ethan and I would be doing if everyone wou
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Brotherly Love
EthanThe movie night was fun, but a complete bust for my original intent for having it. Deza passed out beside Riley, and she was soon to follow. Where I would normally have finished up the movie and woken up the pretty girl in my bed... there were two, and Deza wouldn't have appreciated being jostled away. I had it in mind to get her back good for dicking up the night.She'd done that shit on purpose. I just knew it.I'd gone back to my room sometime in the early morning after trying to get comfortable on a third of the bed. Having Riley's sweet ass pressed up against me wasn't exactly conducive to sleep. She'd hopefully understand and not look at it as if it were another dick move on my part.After a quick shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and sat down on the bed with my phone in hand. Seemed like Liam and I were set for the weekend. He'd be happy."What's up, Brosky?" His voice filled the line. The guy was perpetually happy. I'd have to dig a little and figure out the secr
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Ethan"You're such a cock." My brother was green with jealousy. I'd happily have let him pinch hit for me with the hordes of adoring fans. It was overrated - big time."Best part about me, right?" I snorted and got off the elevator in search of a familiar face.Frank motioned that I join him from inside a cafe near the front of the hotel. It was nice to see that it was just him and Paul. Where I wanted to see my girl, I didn't wanna put on my nice guy front just yet. I was weary and starving."The only good part about you.""Fuck you very much. I'm out." I hung up the phone and tucked it in my pocket. Charlotte and Riley would come with us to mom's for the weekend and Liam would pop the poor girl's cherry. Where Riley wouldn't approve, Charlotte would probably fall in love. Then we'd really have a stalker on our hands. Something about the idea of the girl stalking my brother left me giddy. He deserved another problem in his life. I'd make sure it happened."You look like you had a lon
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RileyFor some reason, I was relieved about not having the night I expected with Ethan when I woke the next morning. He and Deza were already gone, which gave me time to pace the floor for a little while. I knew it would feel good, no more like great, to spend the night in his arms, to feel him owning every part of me, but I was scared.Like fucked up scared.I picked up the phone and called Charlotte. Jace would have been a better choice for the conversation at hand, but he'd turned mushy on me. There was no talking with him about Ethan."Hey. You okay? Having fun?" Charlotte sounded chipper.Good. I need chipper. "Yeah, I'm good. Just needed to hear your voice." I pressed my fingers to my forehead and continued to tear up the carpet in front of the window. "I just... Shit. I don't know.""Uh oh. Did something happen?""Yes. No." I stopped and pulled the curtain back. The film crew was setting up, which meant I had very little time left before they would expect me downstairs. "Befor
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