All Chapters of Bright Lights Billionaire: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
207 Chapters
Don't Wanna Share
Riley"Great job today, guys." Frank glanced around the circle with a huge smile on his face. We'll be working a little more in the morning and then heading back home.I couldn't help but study Ethan as we all stood around together. He'd been on-point all day long, but now that the work day was over, I could almost sense him sliding into a depression. Had something happened with the pregnancy case today?His beautiful smile faded, and his eyes lost their luster as Frank continued to talk through what we had left to do over the next few weeks. My heart ached for me to move across the group to him and wrap him in a tight hug, to promise to help him with anything he needed from me.But he didn't need anything, did he?I needed plenty from him, but it was unfair. He wanted lust and I was pushing for love. Maybe there was a way to meet him in the middle and dive into lust first with the hope that it would eventually turn the tide and become something amazing.Or maybe I was delusional.The
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I Want More
EthanIt tore my heart from my chest to realize that she was only interested in sex. It was almost comical to see a woman playing my role and me having to suffer like most of the women in my past had. I deserved that shit, but either way... it stung. I wanted love, but she wanted lust."And it's just sex?"What choice did I have? No fucking way I was putting my heart on the line for her to stomp on it. She just wanted sex. Fine. I'd just give her sex, and maybe over time, that passion would bind her to me, force her to consider something more. Love. Marriage. Family.She rolled her hips, massaging my cock with her ass. "Fuck me.""Anything you want." I reached in between us and worked my zipper down, freeing my erection while I massaged one of her tits. "Here?""Yes. Here. Now. Before anything messes it up." She reached back and stroked me, her fingers squeezing as she tried to hold me in her grasp. It wasn't going to happen. I couldn't wrap my own big ass hand around my cock. She had
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No Privacy
EthanIt took a bit of coordination to walk up the beach with my cock thick and hard, and half hanging out of the top of my pants. My shirt was covered in sand, and there was no way in hell I was putting it back on.She walked in front of me, and I held the shirt loosely before me, but fuck if a million people didn't take pictures of us as we made our way to the elevator. She let out a long sigh when we got in and the doors closed."How in the world do you put up with that shit?" She glanced over her shoulder as I reached out and ran my fingers under the edge of her bathing suit, wanting to touch her ass."What?" I glanced up. "People taking pictures?""Yes. I hate that we have no privacy."I chuckled. "You better get used to that. It doesn't exist in this world."The door opened as I moved up and wrapped my arms around her from behind."I guess not, but I still hate it." She moved out of my hold and turned to face me with a sexy smile on her face. "Which room is yours?""This way, my
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He Loves Me
RileyPleasure burst through my stomach and I pressed down against him, wanting all of him like a greedy whore. Never in my wildest imagination had I envisioned the heat that bubbled up between us. His strong body pressed against me, trapping me to the wall as he rolled his hips and worked a little of his girth inside of me."Ethan," I panted as everything slowed around me."Too much?" He moved back and brushed my hair from my forehead before kissing me with a passion that I wouldn't soon forget."Yes, but I want all of you." I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed at the side of his face as he gripped my ass tightly and thrusted again."Then relax. You're so damn tight, but it's tension, baby. I can feel it. Give yourself to me, Ri. Open up and let me in.""I want to." I could almost feel the tension pulling me to clench more. My muscles ached, my back hurt, but damn if I was giving up."Just concentrate on how good it feels." He licked up the column of my neck and pulled out. "
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Putting on a Show
RileyEthan came a half an hour later, his position and slow grind against me never changing once. It was bliss. Heaven. Connection like I'd never experienced with anyone else. It had to be because of me loving him.Lust only went so far, and often left me cold. Poor Jace. How long had he wanted more? How much better would our relationship have been if I'd even considered it when we were younger?I let my thoughts keep me up half the night while Ethan lay beside me on his stomach, spread out like the diva he was. A smile lifted my lips at the thought of him acting up. He was good at it, but everyone was who needed attention.Maybe growing up in the spotlight wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Like being in a crowded room where everyone knows you, but you're completely alone.I brushed my hand down his back softly, memorizing the peaceful expression on his impossibly handsome face. "I love you," I whispered softly and moved closer to him.He grunted something and rolled on his side, r
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She's the One
EthanMy phone buzzing beside the bed finally woke me up, though I thought it was some part of a fucked up dream I was having about me and Riley getting married on a lake. The buzzing had turned into bees buzzing around us, and instead of being the manly guy I tried to exude, I turned into a six-year-old girl, running around and swatting at them while I screamed my ass off."Thank God." I groaned and reached for my phone, but didn't answer it just yet. I wanted to see if my girl was still in the room. "Riley?"Silence.I put the phone to my ear before checking it. "What?""Is that any way to talk to your mother?" My mom's voice was chipper. Way the fuck too chipper.I winced. Why the hell hadn't I checked the caller ID?"Hey, Mom. Long night of filming. Sorry." I pressed my palm to my forehead and took a deep breath. "What's up?""It's all right, honey. I was just calling to get the numbers for this weekend. Are you and Liam still planning on coming? You are, right?""Yeah. We'll be t
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Lie for Me
Ethan"Awww fuck," I grumbled as I walked toward the hotel bar.Frank turned around and shook his head. "They didn't just go for the magazines and the newspapers. They went for the major networks."I sat down on a barstool beside him and watched as the reporter on the huge screen in front of us interviewed Amber about me knocking her up and leaving her high and dry. Tilting my head to the side, I studied her."I've never seen that girl a day in my life." I leaned in and tried to remember having sex with her."That doesn't mean too much, Ethan. You're somewhat known for being promiscuous.""Does that mean whore in French?" I winked at him and tapped the counter. "I didn't fuck that girl. I rarely go for redheads.""What?" He chuckled. "Why?""They're too dominant or too docile. There is no in between with those women." I turned and glanced around the hotel to find several people staring my way in what appeared to be disgust. "This should be a fun hump to get over.""You like humps." Fr
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Exit Only
Riley"I'm so glad that’s over." Ethan held the door to his place open for me."Me too, but it was nice to get away to San Diego." I walked in and tried to push away the emotions that flooded me. The last time I'd been there, he'd left me feeling like a fool by denying me a kiss and then invited someone over who had the power to make him scream.I could still hear the sound of him groaning in the back of my mind somewhere. I wanted that power. It wasn't right and most likely trivial seeing that we had something building between us far better than a night of lust could provide, but another had it over him.I wanted it to be mine."You okay?" He pressed his fingers to my lower back and gave me a funny look. "You're panting.""Sorry." I forced a chuckle and walked into the kitchen. "I really can't stay long. I need to get back to the apartment and spend a little bit of time with Charlotte. That, and I need to study.""And see Jace?" He turned to face me."No. Jace and I are just friends.
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Just Friends
RileyI shook my head and kicked off my shoes as he grabbed a blanket and sat down next to me."Let me guess... with anal?"He laughed loudly, causing my heart to flutter. "No, baby. With you spending the night and letting me take my time with you.""You took your time with me last night." I curled up beside him and tried not to read too much into how comfortable it was to start acting like we were dating. We weren't."And you disapprove?" He ran his hand over my legs under the covers as the movie started."Not at all. I just want to see what else you're capable of." I gripped his hand as he pushed my skirt up to my panties and brushed his fingers by my sex."Now?" He wagged his eyebrows."No. Eat your popcorn and behave. I have finals tomorrow. I know you're hearing me.""That is no fun, Riley." He leaned forward and got the popcorn before settling down beside me. I almost lamented telling him to keep his hands to himself. Now that he was... I wanted them back on me.I reached over t
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Breaking Up
EthanSomething about Riley's tension on Thursday night over the Amber thing continued to bug me for the next few days. By Saturday morning... I was rather pissy, which was a good thing. I had lunch plans with Deza. She could either make me feel much better, or I'd unload a boatload of shitastic joy in her lap."Why are you smiling?" The tight expression on her face was almost comical.I took the seat across from her at one of our favorite restaurants on Rodeo Drive. Famous people filled the streets on Saturday mornings, which was the only time I'd come down that way. It meant there were more of us and less of them. Good odds that I'd only get ambushed and fondled once or twice instead of the usual twenty."I like smiling, and if I recall," I leaned toward her and put my forearms on the table, "my agent likes it when I smile. Remember?""Yeah, but that's not a normal smile.""No?" I leaned back. "No clue what you're yakking about, but let it go. I'm not in the mood.""Oh great. You're
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