All Chapters of Bright Lights Billionaire: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
207 Chapters
Too Much Wine
RileyChill bumps raced across my skin. "Depends on who's anchoring me to safety.""A bastard." He slid his hands over my hips and wrapped one arm around me under my breast. His free hand pressed against the front of my sex, tapping me softly. "A really bad guy that just wants to know what it feels like to be loved by you for the night. Tell him no.""Not in a million years." I lifted my hands to reach back and run my fingers down the back of his head. "I'm not sure I could."He sucked my earlobe in his mouth and growled softly. "And if you could muster the self-denial to tell me to fuck off, you'd want me to press you, wouldn't you?""Yes," I whispered and undulated my hips, wishing like hell I was out of my dress. "Don't take no for an answer with me.""Is that permission to have you all to myself, Riley? Whenever I want?" He patted me once more before gripping my dress and tugging it up to my waist. His fingers pressed into the top of my panties and I groaned and gripped his hand t
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Relationships Never Work
EthanI tapped the seat beside me, knowing I was making a colossal mistake. Leaving Riley to wake up at Liam's place alone was just plain stupid, and yet I had no choice, or I'd convinced myself of the fact. After lying beside her and watching her sleep all night, I was fucked ten ways to the wind. Making love to her would have been magical, but it's not all I wanted. The need to hold her close to me, to memorize the laugh lines around her pretty mouth and trace the perfect arch of her little brown eyebrow tore me in two.Lust might have started the game we were playing, but love was going to suffocate me under its mighty power. Everyone around me believed in the power of love, and I'd scoffed at it for all of my life. There was nothing left to laugh about as I lay there next to her and dreamt of a future that surely couldn't be mine."Relationships in the movie business never work. Look at D. Look at Trish." I ran my hand down my face, which only left the sweet smell of Riley filling
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Early Riser
Ethan"Your tits look good in that robe?""Ugh. Don't start, Ethan. I give you room to be yourself and now you have a kid coming and your video at the club is viral." She turned and walked back into the house, leaving the door open behind her."Why, yes, I'd love to come in for breakfast. What are you making this morning?" I closed the door behind me and ignored the angry grunt she gave."You're seriously going to be the death of me." She walked into the kitchen and stopped by the coffee pot.I moved up behind her and wrapped her in a tight hug before leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "But what a fucking hot death it's going to be.""That makes little to no sense.""Right." I kissed her again and released her. "Forgive me. A few beers, some bad publicity, an unplanned baby with a chick I don't know and falling in love with my co-star have me a little off center."She turned as she poured a cup of coffee. "You're not in love with Riley.""That's the one you want to pick on? Of
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Take Me Home
Riley"Riley. Let me take you home." Liam opened the front door and leaned out. "You don't need to take the limo back. Those things are creepy, right? Who knows how many people have blown their load in the back seat."I tilted my head to the side and studied Ethan's brother for a few minutes. I'd grown up thinking that Jace, my best guy friend from childhood, had a horrible mouth, but Liam took the prize for sure."I'm good, but thanks." I moved around him and walked down the front stairs. "Thanks for having us over.""Yeah, anytime. Hey..."I paused when I reached the bottom stair and glanced back. "Yeah?""Did you and Ethan fuck?""What?" I choked on my own spit. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more awkward..."No, I mean, I just wanted to know whether I needed to have the maid clean up the bed up there. It costs me-"I lifted my hand and pressed my other hand to my mouth. It wasn't that the thought of sleeping with Ethan was at all repulsing, but having his brother talk abo
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Ready to Go
RileyThe jealousy in his voice stung me. The last thing in the world I wanted to do was hurt him. We'd been taking care of each other in and out of the bedroom and out of it for the last ten years. He was everything to me before I met Ethan. Funny how that moment changed everything. My determination to not be sucked into the aura of the greatest young actor of my time was a joke. One look and I was lost to the bastard. Everyone was."I had a few glasses of wine and fell asleep on some guy’s bed. Nothing happened." I reached up and put my hair into a ponytail.He laughed. "Right.""I'm serious." I walked to the kitchen and worked on getting a pot of coffee made."Then why were you on his bed, and better yet, does Ethan know?"I glanced over my shoulder. "Ethan was there. It was his brother's house. You're not upset, right? You sound upset.""I don't know what I am." Jace ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and shrugged. "One minute you're letting me take care of you more than
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EthanI finally called a cab seeing that I was in no shape to walk any farther. Staying fit by fucking was obviously not the way to go. The idea of going home was still off the radar. I needed to be around people or someplace that left me feeling like I was worth a shit. Seeing Riley would have made everything better, but common sense told me that I'd probably dicked things up pretty badly with her.The cab driver dropped me off at the studio and I paid before walking through the security gate and making a beeline for my trailer. No one should have been on the set, which was fine by me. I'd hang out in the trailer for a little while, take a nap and walk the sets until it was time to go home and drink myself stupid.Call her, you idiot. Want wasn't going to win out where Riley was concerned. It's almost as if I subconsciously wanted to jack things up between us.I pulled my trailer door open and froze in place as someone called my name. Not just any someone. Clayton Welms."Ethan. Wha
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Where Were You?
EthanI fell asleep during one of the softer songs and woke up a couple of hours later with a slight headache, starving.After pulling off my headphones, I checked my phone to see that Riley had called. There was no way to ignore that, and why would I want to? I already needed to make up the morning to her.I dialed her number and pressed the phone to my ear. The sound of her soft voice on the other end of the line had the monster in my pants waking up and stretching like the bastard was going to get petted or something better."Ethan?""Hey. Sorry about this morning.""Yeah, what happened? I've been stood up before, but never left at someone's brother's house." She snorted, but I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was less than thrilled with me."I didn't sleep a wink last night. About six this morning I finally got up and decided to get out of there. I should have woken you up, but my brother's a good guy, and it's Saturday. I figured I'd let you sleep in.""Right, well,
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San Diego
RileyAfter talking to Ethan, the weekend was a bust. I wanted nothing more than to find him and love on him, though the bastard didn't deserve it. He was using playfulness to cover up what happened between us, and there was something else going on. Something he was struggling with, but I wasn't sure what exactly.By Tuesday morning, I was a mess over what to do about him or what to even say to him when I saw him. I'd have to play it cool, but that fact alone aggravated the piss out of me. We'd already busted through the barriers that led to a relationship, even a loose one, but here we were again. Tense. Unyielding. Questioning.Had Deza shut down the idea of something happening between us?"Riley. How are you?" Clayton opened the door to the studio as I walked up from the parking lot, lost in thought."I'm good. Really good. How are you?" I gave him a warm smile and moved to accept the side hug he offered. I was grateful it wasn't a fully frontal hug. It seemed too intimate and almo
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Discovering the Truth
Riley"Kidding about what?" Ethan opened his door on the opposite side of the car from me."Nothing. Just teasing Frank and Deza about being nosy and getting involved in everyone's stuff." I opened the door and got in before dropping my small bag on the floor between my feet."They're definitely that, but I guess it's sort of their job." He opened his door and reached between my legs, grabbing the bag and getting out. "I'm gonna put this in the trunk.""I can do it." I started to get out, but stopped myself. He was trying to be nice. It was a good thing. Maybe.He got in the car and leaned back, letting out a long exhale as he closed his eyes.Everything inside of me screamed for me to move closer, or reach out and touch his hand. Something. Shit, anything. We'd almost made love twice. That meant something, but why was I always the one reaching out?"What's going on? I'm here for you. You know that, right?" I kept my voice just above a whisper, trying to push the message into my tone
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Just the Tip
Ethan"You're in a better mood." Deza glanced over toward me as we mingled in the lobby of the hotel. Frank’s job was to check us in quickly, and he seemed to be having trouble with it. Paul, our head film guy, made his way over toward the commotion as I turned back to Deza."You have Riley to thank for that.""Look. I know you-""Nope." I lifted my hand and smiled. "Save the drama for your momma. I don't want to talk about any of the shit brewing around my head. I'm good just trying to focus on filming for the next few days. Whatever happens with this chick... we'll deal with it."Her expression shifted, as if she approved of my comment. That would have been a first. I needed to mark that shit down in my trusty journal."You want to put our bags up and grab something to drink together?" Was that hope in her voice? Was the ice queen thawing a little? Surely not."Yeah. That sounds like a plan. I'll meet you back down here in five.""That's if Frank gets our rooms." She shook her head
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