All Chapters of Getting Lucky: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
146 Chapters
Even Better News
EmberHank’s grip was so strong, it nearly strangled my hand, but I wasn’t one of those girls who shook like a limp fish. One of my female professors back at Harvard had impressed upon us ladies the importance of having every bit as strong a handshake as the men who we would inevitably end up working with.I returned his handshake with more confidence than I felt, curling my lips into a smile. “Mr. Marx, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”“I’ve taken the liberty of ordering up lunch for you. I was hoping you would join me.” He motioned toward the seating area with the waiting salads, looking at me expectantly.Like I was going to say no to an invitation to lunch with the biggest boss I had? “I would love to.”“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called for you,” he said once we were settledI nodded, mentally crossing my fingers that this wasn’t all an act and that he wasn’t going to fire me anyway, despite having gotten me lunch first. “The thought has crossed my mind.”Mr. Marx chuckled good
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KADENGoing back to work on Wednesday morning, I stopped to pick up two more coffees. It was take two for me trying to talk to Ember. I refused to let anyone stop me from doing it today. Not even my dad was going to stand in my way.When I got to our building, I went to my office first to drop off my stuff and check in with my assistant to let her know I was back. From there, I would go to the training floor to find Ember.Rounding the corner to my office, I was surprised to find Ember already there waiting for me. She stood up from the black leather couches in the executive waiting room when she saw me, smoothing out her skirt.Her very tight, very sexy fucking skirt.My mouth went dry at the sight of those curves, so very clearly displayed in the skirt and a form-fitting jacket.Holy shit. Was it possible for a person to become sexier in two days? It had to be. That was the only thing that could explain how she had gone from sexy to devastating in less than seventy-two hours.“Kaden
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KadenI shrugged. “In this case, it’s the truth. Ryan wouldn’t ever have figured it out if I hadn’t told him straight out.”“Well, thank you,” she said. “I owe you one.”“You don’t owe me a thing,” I told her. “I was happy to do it. I just hope things get better between the two of you. He wants it too, you know? He just doesn’t necessarily know how to make it happen.”“We’ll figure it out,” she said confidently, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Okay, well, I should probably get going. Thanks for the talk and for talking to Ryan.” Getting up from her chair, she lifted the coffee. “Thanks for this too. You may just have saved my life with this. I’ve been dying for Joe’s.”A chuckle worked its way out of my mouth. “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think? You wouldn’t actually have died.”Her head bounced from side to side as if she was actually considering it. Then she shrugged. “Luckily, we’ll never have to find out. So, thanks for that too.” “Anything else you’d like to thank
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EMBERAfter my conversation with Kaden on Wednesday, the rest of the day and the next dragged on and on. I found myself checking the elevator banks again when I heard one stop on our floor.It became annoying. I thought I might be developing a crick in my neck because of it. My head snapped around to those things at least twelve times a day, if not more. The people in this building were seriously lazy. Was it too much to ask for them to start taking the stairs instead?She wonders while standing in one of the elevators. I smiled to myself. I wasn’t taking the damn stairs, not in these heels. They were pretty as hell, all red and sexy, but functional, they were not. As soon as I hit the sidewalk, they were coming off. I had a plain pair of pumps in my purse with my name on them.Literally. I bought them while I still had roommates at Harvard.The elevator car stopped on too many floors on the way down, leaving me to wonder if anyone else was as neurotic about their arrival on their flo
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Just the Beginning
Ember“Disrobing? Really? Who says that?”He laughed. “Me. Kaden Marx. I thought we were messing around yesterday, but do you actually have memory problems? Do I need to remind you who I am?”I rolled my eyes, but the corners of my lips tugged into a smile. “No need. You’re the cocky bastard I work for who used to be the cocky bastard hanging around my house ignoring me all the time.”“I didn’t ignore you,” he protested.I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think I’m the one who has memory problems.”“Fine.” He shrugged. “I was a teenaged idiot back then. All teenage boys are idiots, haven’t you heard?”“Yup,” I replied cheerfully. “I just wanted to hear you say it out loud. Why were you following me out here anyway?”Scoffing, he shook his head. “I was not following you. I happened to see you standing here disrobing and thought I might come offer a hand.”“Ever the gentleman,” I muttered, fighting another smile. If someone told me the only person in New York who was a sure thing for getting
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Take Me
KADENIf I had known Ember was this much fun to hang around, I definitely wouldn’t have ignored her back in high school. She would have been my best friend instead of her brother. Ryan was the best, but Ember was even better.Well, she would have been my best friend for five minutes, and then I would have made her mine. So it was probably actually better that I hadn’t known her back then. Making her mine that early would never have worked.I would have broken her heart because it wasn’t immodest to say that was just what I did, and then where would we have been now? Definitely not a couple of beers and a bottle of wine strong after a b-rated horror movie, doing shots at a hole in the wall bar near the park.Ember lifted her tiny glass filled with only the bartender knew what, a slightly drunken grin on her full lips. “To you, for broadening my horizons by introducing me to the most awful movie known to man.”I clinked my glass to hers and downed the shot. It burned all the way down, d
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With My Teeth
EMBERBack when I still read women’s magazines, I read a few articles claiming many women enjoyed stripping for their men. Apparently, it gave them some kind of rush.I remembered being horrified when I read it the first time. Stripping was already one thing, but stripping for just one person in such an intimate setting with no lights blinding you and being able to see every reaction on that person’s face was downright terrifying.Unlike most, I respected people who had the necessary self-esteem to strip for strangers. Seriously. I’d heard all the arguments about it being a profession born from desperation, but anyone had to admit it took guts to take off your clothes for the viewing enjoyment of others.My self-esteem wasn’t lacking in any way, but never in a hundred years would I have the confidence to strip for just one man.The shots Kaden and I drank earlier probably had a bit to do with this new-found confidence, but I was by no means drunk. Not anymore, anyway. I had been well
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Ember“Both,” I replied, bringing my hands to the buttons on his shirt to start undoing them. He let me snap two of them through their holes before suddenly lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder caveman style. “What are you doing?”“You said both, which means it’s too chilly in here for you to stand here butt naked, and I’m not putting your clothes back on. I’ll light a fire for us later. For now, we’re going somewhere warmer.”He took off across the floor of his living room, which I noticed as I hung upside down was actually an entrance hall, living and dining area opening up to his kitchen. It was bigger than my entire loft.The walls and floors were white, while the furniture was dark wood and darker leather with metal accents. What a boy’s place.I didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he marched me down a hallway. I counted four doors before he carried me through a fifth and finally dropped me on a bed the size of our kitchen at the loft.“Do you have a fam
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Morning After
KADENWhen I woke up, I knew from the sunlight streaming in through the windows I’d slept through my alarm. It was way too bright to be my usual time to rise and shine, which meant I would have to miss my workout this morning.The sun was also bright enough to send little elves with sledgehammers into my eyes with its rays. I groaned, suddenly remembering the jet-fuel shots. That explained the elves hammering my brain and eyeballs. Along with that realization came memories of the fucking gorgeous girl I shared said shots with, which was when I started becoming aware of a warmth against my side and on my arm. Turning my head slowly so as not to wake her, I saw Ember’s dark hair spread out across my skin and contrasting sharply with my white sheets.Warmth that had nothing to do with the sunlight spread through me. It had everything to do with waking up with Ember beside me. When I told her before we fell asleep that I didn’t think her coming to New York was coincidence, I hadn’t been
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Temporary Distraction
EMBER“I feel like I haven’t seen you all week,” Gracie told me on Saturday morning. We were making coffee in our kitchen, both still wearing our pajamas.Gracie had bought some new caramel and toffee-flavored blend we were brewing, filling the air with a sickly sweet smell with the rich scent of coffee beneath it. It smelled very much like heaven to me.As close to what I imagined my heaven would smell like anyway, provided it wasn’t already going to smell like Kaden. If I closed my eyes, I could still smell his expensive cologne mixed with a musky spice that was all him and all man.“Did you just moan?” Gracie asked, confusion marring her delicate features.My eyes widened. “No way. I mean, yeah. Maybe a little. The coffee smells great.”“Uh huh.” She crossed her arms, arching a manicured eyebrow. “I’ve heard your coffee moans, Em. That wasn’t one of them. Spill. What’s going on?”“It’s kind of linked to what you said before about us not seeing much of each other this last week or s
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