All Chapters of Getting Lucky: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
146 Chapters
The B-Word
Ember“A temporary distraction, huh?” It didn’t take a rocket scientist to hear she didn’t believe me. “You can be a career-driven, young, professional woman and have a boyfriend, you know?”“Don’t say the B-word.” I groaned, bringing my cooling mug to my forehead. “He’s not that, or anything but the other B-word, really.”“What’s the other B-word?” she asked.“Boss,” I replied immediately. “Or bastard because even though he’s been nice to me the last few weeks, I’ve seen him be the worst kind of bastard there is.”“Don’t hold what he did as a kid against him,” Gracie reasoned, but I waved her off.“Enough about him,” I said. “Okay, one last thing about him. He took me sightseeing the other night. I thought we could do some of those things together today. You in?”“Always.” She actually looked excited, bouncing on couch. “I think I’m starting to come around to New York after your lesson the other night. I’d like to see more of it. The trip between here and work is becoming tedious alr
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KADEN“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” Ember asked me as we headed to work together on Friday morning, a week after the first time we made the trek together.I shrugged, shifting in the seat of the cab we were sharing. My pride and joy was my brand-new Bugatti, but Ember refused to drive to work in it with me. She claimed people seeing us getting out of a cab together could easily be explained away, but getting out of my car was too suspicious.“People share cabs all the time,” she had argued when I led her to the parking garage of my building one morning. “We could live close to one another, or we could be coming back from an early meeting, but getting out of your car says we were together wherever we were coming from.”“That makes no sense,” I’d told her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to my side. “We could have been together at the early morning meeting we shared the cab from, too.”“Yeah, but it just looks suspicious,” she had said, promptly bypassing my car and walkin
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Why is She Here?
Kaden“You’ve done more work in the time you’ve been there than all the other recruits combined,” I countered. “You could take the next month off and still be ahead.”“Not if I want to stay ahead,” she said firmly, green eyes blazing. “I’m sorry, Marx. If you’re looking for a play date today, you’re going to have to go elsewhere.”I mock pouted, winking. “I don’t want to play with anyone else. I only want to play with you.”Sighing, she curled her lips into a soft smile. “That’s good to know, but I still can’t take the day off. You should, though.”I thought about it. Asking her to take the day off with me was done on the fly. I hadn’t actually been planning on taking it, but now that the idea was in my head, it was an attractive one. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my dad, I had no meetings scheduled, and my team would be fine without me.“I might.” I played around with the idea for a little while longer before making up my mind. The cab stopped in front of our building, and since
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What Did He Want?
EMBERThank god I didn’t take the day off with Kaden. I hadn’t been at the office an hour when Craig told me Mr. Marx wanted to see me. If I hadn’t been at the office when that came through, I probably would’ve been receiving a call about now, telling me to come pack my cardboard box with my stuff and never come back again. Mentally, I breathed a sigh of relief.I had been tempted when Kaden asked me to spend the day with him. We were spending more and more time together after work, but the thought of spending an entire day with him was tantalizing.What was he like when he wasn’t tired from work or half-distracted by it? When we were together, he never made me feel like he was distracted, but I knew he had to be. He had a high-pressure job, and he could say what he wanted, but I knew he got stressed out by it at times.A full day with only the two of us, away from work and everything that came along with that, sounded heavenly. I hoped we would be able to carve out some time to do it
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Both of Us?
EmberKaden hadn’t come up once, nor had the fact that I had the same last name as his best friend. Although I couldn’t even be sure Mr. Marx knew who Ryan was. Kaden and his dad certainly didn’t appear to have the kind of relationship where they shared about their lives over a beer.“What did he talk to you about?” Kaden asked, drawing me back to the present. Everything about him seemed harder and more edged than ever. I battled with whether to throw up my defenses because of his tone or to be sympathetic.Eventually, I realized my defenses could stay put for now. I doubted his sudden attitude change was because of me. His dad seemed to be a sore spot, and it was quite clear he was worried about what he’d said to me. Why he was worried, I didn’t know.“Nothing really,” I said. “Just work. He told me he’s been keeping an eye on what I’ve been doing since the Morrison thing. Apparently, he’s read a few more of my proposals and looked over some credit agreements I drafted.”“Okay.” Kade
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In Due Time
KADENWalking to my dad’s office, I knew something was about to go down. I had no idea what, but I could tell something was about to happen, all the way down to my bones.When Dad called me to his office, it was usually me alone. Sometimes, other senior members of staff would join. Other times, it was clients. The Morrison thing had been an example of that.In the five years I’d worked for Marx Inc. though, I’d never been called in at the same time as a recruit. The fact that he was calling both me and Ember to his office immediately and at the same time made me think this might be personal.Whatever he might have to say about Ember and me about what we were doing, I wasn’t fucking stopping. It had nothing to do with him. We both worked our asses off for him and got our jobs done.We didn’t flaunt our relationship at work, and we didn’t hookup in storage closets or conference rooms, though the thought had crossed my mind more than once. Okay, so we fucked in the office that first time
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The New CFO
KadenThe reality, however, was that all roads would always lead me back to Marx Inc. It would be mine once Dad decided to retire, and it seemed stupid to leave when I knew I would eventually have to come back.And what would it look like to the employees then? I started here, had a fight with my dad, and then fucked off until he retired and moved to Florida. They would never respect me. So I stayed and toughed it out.When Ember had asked why I took the job with my dad, I had told her it was because it was a fast track to money. While that had been true, it simply hadn’t been the whole truth.Dad offered me a lot of money as a signing bonus and for a first-year salary to lure me into starting with him right away. If I’d had a brother or a sister, if there were any other possible heir to his empire, I doubted he would have been so generous.But he was stuck with only me, just like I was stuck with him now. One of the other big firms in the city even countered his offer to me, but they
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KADENI blinked, and my chin dropped to my chest. Blood pounded in my ears, making me wonder if I’d just heard my dad correctly. Surely, I couldn’t have.“Are you serious?” I asked. “You’re demoting me and appointing a recruit who has been here less than a quarter as the Chief Financial Officer of one of the biggest investment banking firms in the city?”Saying it all out loud convinced me. I’d definitely misheard him. There was just no fucking way he could have said he was appointing Ember Jordan to my position as CFO. It wasn’t that I didn’t think Ember could it—I had complete faith in her ability to do anything she set her mind to—but she’d only been at the company a few months.We had people working for us who had dedicated their entire lives to this company. People who were more than qualified in both education and, more importantly, experience to take on the role of CFO. If we needed a new CFO, that was, which we didn’t because I was sitting right fucking here.Ember—gorgeous, s
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What I Did
KadenI told him enough in the text to make him clear his schedule. When I arrived, he was finishing up with work. Striding toward me in the lobby, I was struck again by how much he and Ember looked alike.They were both dark haired, so dark their hair was almost black. Eyes the color of emeralds framed by thick, black lashes looked out over the world with burning intensity and easy humor, all at the same time.It was only their body types that were different. Ryan was as tall as I was at six-two and almost as muscular. Ember was five-foot-something and fit with her shoulders perfectly under my arms, her face in the crook of my neck when she was in my arms. She was soft and curvy, with none of Ryan’s muscled planes and sharp edges.A deep line cut between Ryan’s eyebrows as he walked up to me. “What’s going on? I just saw you a couple of hours ago.”“Yeah, I know, but between then and now, a couple of things have happened. I quit my job. I’m not going back to Marx Inc.” Anger laced in
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The Corporate Ladder
EMBER My heart raced, my palms were clammy, and my ears were ringing. What in the holy hell was happening?I heard Kaden speaking to his dad, but it didn’t sound like he was standing right next to me. It sounded like his voice was coming from underwater. My eyes darted around.Nope. No water had somehow sloshed into the office. There were no candid cameras anywhere. No talk show host jumping out from behind Mr. Marx’s hulking frame to yell, “Gotcha!”Blinking hard, I tried to make sense of it all. Before I could even start, Kaden glared daggers at his dad and clenched his fists. “You know what? Fuck you. I’m not taking this shit from you. Fuck you, and fuck this company. I’m out.”Without waiting for a response from either me or his dad, he turned and stormed out of the office. I sat in my chair, watching all this unfold around me in utter disbelief.“Well,” Mr. Marx said finally, breaking the silence that reigned in his office. “I thought he would handle that better, but I should ha
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