Все главы Getting Lucky: Глава 61 - Глава 70
Special Place
KadenLifting my shoulders, I flashed her what I knew was a winning smile. “For your information, we’re not robbing the company. I bought these myself to restock the supply after my last meeting in there.”Smirking, she muttered under her breath. “I should have known.”“Yeah,” I replied. “You should have. Now follow me.”We rode the elevator to the top floor, where I led her to a locked door in the corner. It was a nondescript emergency door with an electronic key reader installed beside the handle. Reaching for my wallet, I extracted a key card I hadn’t used in forever.Ember eyed it curiously, watching without questioning me. The door unlocked with a low beep after I swiped the card, and I used my elbow to push down the handle and open it. “After you.”I gestured into the darkened staircase with the hand carrying the glasses, sighing when Ember shook her head. “No, really. You can go first. Age before beauty, after all.”I had the insane urge to stick my tongue out at her, but inste
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A Lot to Take In
EMBER“Coffee?” Gracie asked when she walked into the kitchen on Sunday morning. She was wearing a faded Harvard sweater with pajama pants and her favorite bunny slippers, leaning against the counter while waiting for the kettle to boil.I nodded, sinking into a retro, red-backed stool. “Please. If you could hook it up with an IV, that would be even better.”Gracie smiled, grabbing the biggest mug we had from the cupboard above her head. “That’s the best I can do. Tough week?”“The toughest.” I hadn’t realized how exhausted I was until my head hit the pillow after I got home from the office on Friday night. I hadn’t even stayed awake long enough to have dinner. I spent most of the weekend relaxing in bed.When Kaden told me it was time to leave the office, I really wanted to stay. I felt like we were on a roll, and I didn’t want to lose momentum. However, I was grateful to him in retrospect for making me leave.The week had really taken a toll on me, and he was right about needing a b
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She's Leaving
Ember“Want some pizza for lunch?” she asked, drawing me out of my thoughts. “It’s almost noon, and we still haven’t even had breakfast.”“Sleeping in was more important than food to me this morning.”Gracie laughed. “While I totally agree, I didn’t think I would ever hear those words coming out of your mouth.”“Don’t expect to hear it again soon,” I warned jokingly, hopping off my stool. “Let’s go get ready and meet at the front door when we’re done.”“I’ll race you to it,” she said, jumping into action faster than I could even agree.The place we went to wasn’t as good as the one Kaden took me to weeks ago, but it was close to our loft and cheap. Once we were settled at a plastic table overlooking the stampede of people out on the sidewalk, we placed our orders and sipped lemonade while we waited.Gracie was lost in thought, not speaking much. She was more reserved than I was, but she wasn’t usually this quiet. Not with me anyway. “What’s on your mind?”She sighed, watching the peop
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All Alone
KADENI wasn’t a fan of wearing much clothes when I was alone at home. I slept naked most nights, and when I wasn’t expecting company or planning on going out, I lounged around in my boxer briefs. But at least I showered before hitting the couch and watching the run up to the game. Ryan joined me sometimes, but he couldn’t make it today. When he did come, of course, I didn’t watch in my underwear, so I was looking forward to no-pants Sunday.It might have sounded immature, but if anyone asked any single guy in their twenties if they wore pants at home alone on Sundays and they said yes, they were lying. Or lived in an igloo.Sipping a beer, I almost thought I was imagining it when there was a soft knock on my door. I stilled because it was universal knowledge that one could hear better when you narrowed your eyes and didn’t move. Then I frowned when I determined that there definitely had been a knock.Glancing down at my current attire, I decided fuck it. I wasn’t expecting anyone. I
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Proud of You
KadenBesides, she came here to seek comfort from me. It wasn’t a role I was used to fulfilling for people. If anything, I was usually the person they needed to be comforted about. Whether in my personal or professional life, I tended to be the harsh one. No one had ever accused me of being soft or comforting before, yet I found myself slipping easily into that role for my kitten.Tightening my grip on her shoulders, I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Have you tried reaching out to Ryan? He did say he was going to try make more time for you.”I felt her head shaking on my shoulder. “I shouldn’t be the one who has to do everything. I took the job here to be close to him. I went to see him. I’ve texted a few times. If he wants to see me, he knows how to get in touch with me.”For the first time since I met him, I wanted to wring Ryan’s goddamn neck. It broke off little pieces of my heart to hear the hurt in her voice when she talked about him. And for a guy whose heart had turned
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Dirty Girl
EMBERKaden did exactly what he promised me he would do, made me come so many times the rest of the day passed in what felt like one long orgasm. If he had been intent on taking my mind off things, he certainly succeeded in his mission. When his eyes devoured me as I shed my clothes, the heat in them burned away my worries, my fears, and my frustrations until all that remained was him.His briefs hit the floor, revealing his thick, long shaft already at attention. It didn’t take long for the tip to glisten, making my mouth water and my sex clench. He stalked toward me in his bathroom, grabbing my hips and walking us to the wall until my back smacked into the warm tiles.Once he had me where he wanted me, he brought his mouth down onto mine in a needy crash of lips and teeth and tongue. He swallowed my moans. Those talented fingers took me from a simmer to boiling in no more than a few minutes, and he teased my nipples until I was panting and arching into his hand. I groaned when he p
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A Machine
EmberA smirk touched his lips, but he released the loofah and let it float away. “You haven’t, but you can tell me now.”“How about I let you feel instead?” I reached for his hand and brought it between my legs, letting him feel my slickness under the water and graze my hard clit with the backs of his fingers.Kaden cursed, releasing another groan. “Fuck. You’re really trying to kill me, aren’t you?”“Why would I do that?” My eyes burned into his. I was shocked at the depth of the need I saw lurking in them. Suddenly aware of the fact that I was the only one who had found any kind of release yet, I scooted closer and wrapped my hand around his length. “I wouldn’t kill you before getting at least a few more orgasms out of you.”“Yeah,” he gritted out, but all traces of humor had vanished from his expression. His jaw was tight as I ran my thumb along his slit. He let me work him over in silence for a few more minutes before grabbing my wrist. “We need to talk.”“What?” I would have sti
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Did She Hear?
KADEN“Thank fuck it’s almost the weekend,” a guy whose name I couldn’t remember said, dragging his hands down his pale face and over his patchy attempt at a beard. “This has been the longest week, and there’s still a day and a half to go.” I was standing in the bullpen outside my old office, a loose circle of younger investment bankers around me. Some of them, I knew better than others. They had all reported to me until a couple of weeks ago, except for the pale guy talking. I didn’t know when he started.It was a strange feeling, not having my finger on the pulse anymore. Strange and freeing. A rush of exhilaration that felt a hell of a lot like another tie to this place snapping hit me.I grinned at the new guy, happy to be just one of the guys now. I didn’t have to play by any rules but my own anymore. I didn’t have to keep any professional distance between employers versus employee. I could shoot the shit with them like I was doing now and not have to worry about a thing.“It’s
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Respect My Authority
Kaden“What the fuck was that?” she asked in a scathing tone, planting her hands on her hips. It was so unexpected, it took me a few seconds to reel my mind back from where it had already gone: lifting that tight-ass pencil skirt, bending her over her desk, and fucking her from behind.Christ, being inside her with nothing between us? My dick started hardening behind my zipper, straining for a repeat. I came so hard, I— “Wait, what?”“Why would you badmouth the company like that?” she asked, indignant fire raging in her eyes.“You’re asking me what the fuck that was?” I retorted, all thoughts about fucking her flying from my mind. “What about you?”“What about me?” Her eyes became slits, her mouth pressed into a hard line. “I didn’t do anything. You, on the other hand, were talking smack about a company you no longer work for.”“Exactly,” I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was to me anyway.She tilted her head and surveyed me as though she was waiting fo
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The Boss
EMBERMr. Marx’s office door was open a crack. A terrible wracking, retching sound was coming from inside. I peered through the open sliver, knocking softly.He was sitting behind his desk, his hand clutching his chest as the other covered his mouth. The sound was coming from him, his coughing worse than before.“Can I come in?” I asked, not wanting to interrupt him. Sure, he had asked to see me, but it looked like now might not be a good time.He nodded through the coughs, lifting the hand from his chest to motion me in before reaching for a glass of water and draining it. He cleared his throat once he set the glass down, the coughing finally over. “Sit down, Ms. Jordan. I apologize about that. Some water went down the wrong way.”“I hate when that happens,” I said, taking the seat he offered and folding my hands primly in my lap. “You wanted to see me?”“Yes.” He sat back in his chair, transforming back into the all-powerful CEO he was from the sputtering man I walked in on. “I want
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