All Chapters of Getting Lucky: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
146 Chapters
I Won't Let You Down
EmberBut let’s face it, it is insane. I squashed the thought quickly, even as I wanted to bob my head in agreement with it. Sliding my eyes to the clear blue sky beyond Mr. Marx’s expansive windows, I took a second to compose myself.“Who will train me?” I asked, blinking at a passing puffy cloud before turning my eyes back toward his. “Like I said, I’m willing to learn, but I’ll need to learn from someone.”I doubted Craig, the recruit trainer who I had been working under since I started, was going to be training me for this position. Traditionally, I supposed the handover would have been done by the person retiring or departing from the company, but in this case…“Kaden,” Mr. Marx said simply, as if said Kaden hadn’t just stormed out of his office after cursing him.I cocked my head, not sure if I understood what he meant. “Kaden, sir? I doubt he’s going to be willing to come back here.”“Your first duty as CFO will be getting him back here to train you,” he told me, his icy gaze c
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A Free Man
KADENHangovers sucked. If someone could invent a genuine cure for the things, I would invest every penny I had into that business. It would be totally worth it, especially if that someone could have just appeared in my bedroom this morning with a vial of the miracle cure. Rolling over in my bed, I groaned as a stab of pain shot through my head. Shit. It felt like someone had stuck a knife into my temple and twisted.There was a thudding sound coming from somewhere, though I couldn’t tell if it was inside my head or an actual sound. My mouth tasted like a large animal had emptied its bowels into it, and without moving much, I could tell my body was shaky.The thudding sound grew louder. More insistent. Slowly, I realized it was someone knocking on my door. I risked cracking my eyes open, only to flinch at the brightness of my room.My blackout curtains were open, allowing the sun to shine mercilessly into my bedroom. The evil rays were creeping up my bed already, telling me it was we
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One For You
KadenSauntering over, I gripped the glass and chugged the juice in one go before answering her. “Because working for you is out of the question. It’s nothing personal against you. It’s the principle of the thing.”She planted her hand on her left hip, tilting her head and frowning before heaping bacon onto a plate and cracking two eggs into a pan. “You don’t have to work for me, then. You can come back and just show me how to do the job.”I hungrily eyed the eggs and added a couple of pieces of toast to the bacon-filled plate, buttering them as I watched the egg whites starting to bubble. “No offense, but why would I do that?”“To help me out,” she said. She gave the eggs a few prods with a spatula before dishing them up. “I’ve thought about it, and there’s no way I can do this without you showing me the ropes. I spoke to some people late yesterday afternoon, and the company will keep paying you while you complete the handover properly.”She handed me my plate and stared, waiting for
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Commanding Me
EMBER“Fuck, Ember.” Kaden released a staggered breath, his voice harsh and needy. “Stop.”The way his hips were rocking told me it was the last thing he wanted. I could already feel him getting even harder, thicker in my mouth. He was close, and yet he was telling me to stop.I ignored him, too desperate to taste his release as my own need rolled and knotted deep inside me. Between my thighs, I was slick and pulsing for him.His grip tightened in my hair, and he let out another animalistic, primal growl that made my insides clench before yanking my head off him. “Get on top of me, now.”The low command made my clit throb harder than his head must have been when I arrived. The skin on my scalp stung from the rough way he tugged me off him, but I didn’t mind. It wasn’t painful exactly, just enough to let me know how desperate and impatient he was feeling.A tingle ran down my spine. I loved knowing I could affect him this way, turn his cocky, controlled swagger into a trembling, growli
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Close to the Edge
EmberAs soon as I was bared to him, he released a heavy breath, his eyes burning as he sat back on the couch. He looked like a sculpted god sitting there, his long, thick cock curving almost elegantly toward his naval and not quite covering the smattering of hair between the two body parts.His blond hair was mussed from sleep and from my hands running through it, and his blue eyes were alight with need and desire. “I like seeing the way you’ve been touching yourself today. Touch yourself for me. I want you to make yourself moan.”“I thought we weren’t listening to each other today.” I tried sounding nonchalant, but I couldn’t quite get there. My heart rate spiked, and my breathing became labored. I liked the idea of watching him as I put on a show for him.“I listened when you told me not to put my hands on you right now, didn’t I?” His eyes raked over my body, filled with so much need that the urge to banter with him disappeared completely.His tone was so low and so commanding tha
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For Her
KADENMy fingers tightened around the black leather steering wheel I was holding. When I agreed to come in today while Ember was naked beside me, Monday seemed so far off. All I wanted was to give her everything she wanted in that moment.It didn’t seem like a big deal to me then. I wouldn’t be going back to Marx Inc. for my dad or even for myself, but for her. Because she needed me to help. I was finding that whenever Ember needed me, I wanted to be there. Whatever she needed me for, I wanted to do.That was especially true when it came to her needs in the bedroom, the kitchen, the office, or the living room, but despite what I told myself, I knew my need to satisfy her didn’t end with sex. So, I’d done something I wouldn’t have imagined myself doing in a million years. I agreed to come back to Marx Inc. to train her to take over my job.Sitting in the rapidly filling parking lot in a spot that used to be mine but already didn’t have my name on the wall anymore, I was starting to que
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The Rabbit Hole
KadenEmber paused as we entered the office, her eyes drinking in the space like she’d never seen it before. “Where’s all your stuff?”“I had it moved out over the weekend.” All that remained were the flat screens against my walls, the filing cabinet making up two entire walls, and the coffee machine I loved, but wanted her to have. “You like?”She nodded, stepping forward tentatively. “This is so weird. I bet this was how Alice felt when she fell down the rabbit hole.”“Except this is no tea party,” I informed her lightly, but there were shadows at the edge of my tone I knew she caught.Turning to look at me over her shoulders she walked over to the mammoth desk someone had installed after mine had been removed. It was made of glass and steel, and I couldn’t help lamenting over the fact that it meant we probably weren’t going to be fucking on her desk anytime soon on one of the long nights we were sure to spend in here together.My eyes darted down toward the floor, the window sill,
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Time to Go
EMBER“You’re really starting to get the hang of this.” Kaden grinned at me on Wednesday night. The sun was long gone, and so were most of our co-workers. Well, my co-workers and Kaden’s former co-workers. The thought was still almost impossible for me to wrap my head around. I’m the CFO of Marx Inc. A fortune 250 company. In New York City. It still stunned me when I thought about it. At the ripe old age of twenty-three, I held one of the most coveted positions in the finance industry in the city.Pinching myself daily, I kept wondering when the dream was going to end and I was going to wake up on my own in my loft. Most things that had happened to me since arriving here from Cambridge felt like they had been too good to be true.Our loft was chic and stunning. I still couldn’t believe we were able to afford it. My best friend was working with me, my brother had agreed to make more time for me, and the guy who was my first crush was sharing my bed. Or rather, I was sharing his. He ha
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Getting to Know Him
EmberI did as he asked, and he talked me through what felt like our ninetieth client for the day. Logically, I knew it hadn’t been quite so many, but it sure felt like it. I scribbled notes in a spiral notebook while Kaden talked, my hand flying across the pages to keep up.The food arrived when we were about halfway through looking over an agreement Kaden had been busy drafting for Mrs. Newton. He got up to get it, but I beat him to my wallet and paid the delivery guy.Kaden sighed, narrowing his eyes before he shrugged. “Fine, but the next dinner is on me.”“You’re eating dinner here because of me. It’s the least I can do.” I didn’t want him feeling like he had to pay to be here to train me. “Consider it a business expense.”He scoffed but nodded approvingly. “You really are learning fast.”“It’s because I have an excellent trainer.” The compliment was out of my mouth before I could stop it.Kaden’s brow arched, his head tilted, and his lips kicked up into a grin. “Excellent, huh?”
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Horror Movie
KADEN“It’s Friday, kitten,” I told Ember, grabbing her coat from the rack by the door in what was now her office and holding it open for her. “Come on. Time to go home.”She pouted her full lips, her eyes imploring me to stay. “It’s not even six yet. If we stay another hour, we can be home just after it’s gone completely dark.”Shaking my head, I jerked it down at her navy-blue coat. “It’s Friday night. Give yourself a break while you can. There will be many weeks when you can’t get out of here before midnight and have to come back before dawn on Saturday morning.”She huffed out a sigh, a teasing light sneaking into her eyes. “This is why you got demoted. You’re a slacker.”I smirked, rolling my head from side to side. “That’s as good a reason as any. Allow me to lead you over to the dark side. We have cookies.”“Chocolate chip?” she asked jokingly, her brow furrowed as if she was really considering it.Nodding, I held up her coat again. “Of course. Put this on, and let’s get out he
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