All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
641 Chapters
Her Office
BethanyBethany moved toward her new office like a zombie, her mind trying desperately to work through the last few words her stepbrother Damon had spoken to her. His voice had been filled with conviction, the seriousness of his gaze leaving her to wonder if he hadn't meant everything simply from a business perspective.He had certain needs, and she would be required to know them and fulfill them, as it seemed every other woman in the company was busy trying to do.Did Kent know that his son was pimping out the women of their accounting firm for his own perverted desires?Or had Damon simply meant that, as the CFO, he would need her to be on her toes, to work fast, like he did, and keep on top of things? Those were needs, too… Maybe she was trying to make something sexual out of it because he was by far the most good-looking man she'd seen in her short life."Here's your office. The laptop is yours to take with you. The cords are all there, and the phone is already set up." The recept
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What's His Story?
BethanyShe could see her and Damon in her afternoon fantasies."Why the faraway look?" Ben asked, his short chuckle bringing Bethany back to the present."Hmmm?""You look like you're lost in thought.""Oh, just trying to deal with all of the transitions in my life. Sorry. Didn't sleep too well last night. I was nervous like crazy about this morning.""I bet. It's not only graduation for you but a new family and your first accounting job, right?""How did you know?" She tilted her head to the side, her smile dropping as she tried to understand who else knew about her and Damon being family soon.Ben held his hands up, standing and shaking his head as he backed toward the door."I'm the only one. I get a full rundown on you guys from the boss man because I'm in charge of the program. I only know what I just shared, though, so no worries about a bulletin board being up with your info for all to see." He laughed, and Bethany did too, liking him for his transparency, above all."Damon to
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The Other Brother
BethanyBethany packed up at around six, grumbling over the fact that her mother had called twice during the last hour of work. She placed her laptop into the nice black bag that they’d left for her, which had the firm logo embroidered into it.Nervousness tugged at her stomach as she walked through the halls, her eyes moving about to ensure that if Damon walked out of an open office, she'd be prepared to encounter him.He probably thought she was a child, a young girl with too many brains and not enough courage to speak up. She should have called his ass on the rug for talking with his girlfriend inappropriately in front of her, but truth be known, she could only dream of a man like him demanding something of her.Her pathetic friendship with Jake rolled across her thoughts as she walked languidly to the elevator. She squeezed in as the doors opened and had to apologize when she stepped on a beautiful red-haired girl’s toe. The girl, who was about Bethany’s age, merely huffed.Bethan
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Off His Meds
Bethany"Well, Damon is a little rough around the edges, but he was quite impressed by you, which is saying a lot." Kent looked over at Bethany as he popped a carrot in his mouth."That's good to hear. I think I'm going to enjoy learning from him.""Yes, well, let's hope that's all you do. He's crazy about a girl with dark hair and green eyes," Matt said as Kent reached over and popped him with a towel."Leave your brother alone. He's not here to defend himself from your empty accusations. Besides, Bethany is going to be his sister. He has limits to his actions—mostly."Bethany found herself shocked at the notion that Damon hadn't been smitten with the various blondes that seemed to populate most of the office. Ben had filled her in on the fact that Linda, Damon's beautiful secretary, was Kent's hire and not Damon's. Not that it mattered at all. He was off limits, he was taken, and he was family.Matt picked up a few nachos, balancing them on his hand as he nodded toward the back pati
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Hope In Her Heart
BethanyBethany showered quickly before blow drying her long chestnut hair, the straightener a godsend in the Texas summer heat. She finished getting her hair to behave and put on a little makeup before walking into her adjoining room and getting dressed. A light blue suit with cream-colored lapels and lining made her look like a fashion icon from the fifties. It was elegant and yet demanded attention. She put on her favorite earrings and slipped on her cream-colored heels, the height of them accentuating her leg muscles. She loved feeling pretty and yet couldn't seem to find a reason to dress up most days of the week.Her internship was going to spoil her.Bethany walked to the kitchen, Martha handing her a plate with two breakfast tacos and salsa on it. She moved the plate to her face and breathed in deeply, the smell divine. Her stomach protested loudly, and she sat down at the bar for a quick breakfast. She didn't notice Martha watching her as she ate quickly, her concern not gett
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Lunch With Him
Good Morning, Bethany. Damon will be with you shortly; just take a seat over there." Linda, Damon's secretary, looked over the top of her desk and smiled with what could have been kindness. She was too sensual, and it left Bethany wondering about Kent's thoughts when hiring the woman. Maybe she was just that way around other women? Surely not.Damon's door opened, and a short blonde with a pixie haircut and red lipstick walked out, a dizzy look to her as she turned and waved, as if in love. Damon moved out beside her, his hand on the small of her back as he looked over at Bethany. His finger brushed by his lips at the crimson lipstick that was smeared on the side of his mouth. Linda got up and walked to him, leaning over to wipe it for him as the woman walked away."Why does Miss Carrington insist on kissing you like an old-fashioned church woman? She's in her thirties. I think she does it simply to kiss on you." Linda moved back and shook her head as Damon smirked, the man never seem
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Needing Her Help
BethanyThe rules were simple, and Damon had barked them out like Bethany was a three-year-old.No drama.No lies.No complaints.In all dealings with him, those were the standards he set, and she was to follow the rules like everyone else did.They sat across from one another at the upscale restaurant, Bethany watching Damon as he ordered their food and pulled a black napkin into his lap."You didn't even ask me what I wanted to eat.""Did you want to change the order?" He leaned forward, his gaze heavy and intimidating."No, I love crab and could eat cheese until I'm blue in the face.""Then, hush. You've broken two rules—no drama and no complaints." He winked at her, and she sat back, her hands fiddling uselessly in her lap. The fact that someone could be so handsome and have so much handed to him in life and yet be domineering in a master-slave sense was sickening. He wanted power, and he took it in each and every situation from what she could see."Don't overanalyze me, Bethany.
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His Breath on Her Neck
BethanyThe rest of the afternoon, Bethany tried to work through her conflicting emotions. Ben stopped by and gave her a testing file for one of their large clients, and she was grateful for something to take her mind off of the lunch with Damon.Damon hadn't been inappropriate, but it wasn't beyond him to make her feel much more with the way he watched her versus anything he might say.She worked hard on the file until shortly after six. Her phone buzzed to remind her to get up and head home. She would be working late hours during the abhorred busy season, which was January through April, so most accountants tried to have normal ten-hour days the rest of the year."Are you going to Masquerade with the other interns tomorrow?"She looked up at Damon, his arms across his chest, the thick muscles of his pecs pressing through the soft material. Her breath caught in her chest for a minute, the vision of undressing him rapidly sweeping her away."Yes. You?" She stood and stretched, claspin
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He's Mine
BethanyThe next morning was uneventful, the whispers in the office about it being hump day causing everyone to chuckle and be inappropriate in hopes of garnishing a laugh. Bethany worked to avoid everyone, her thoughts depressing her further. She would have one more week before she needed to start working along with her classes. Her masters was important to her and would be needed in order for her to sit for her CPA certificate, but going back to a non-work environment seemed odd.What would Krista and Jake be like around her? It was bound to be a bit awkward for a while. They were probably enjoying the week with her gone. Maybe she needed to think about getting a place of her own, away from campus, and just driving in for classes.A knock at her door caught her off guard, a soft sound of surprise leaving her. She stood as a guy about her age waved, the smile on his face friendly, his eyes blue like the ocean."Sorry to scare you. I'm Philip, the newbie." He smiled and moved into the
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Take It All
BethanyBethany checked her watch, her appointment with Damon set for later in the day. She still had twenty minutes but hated to be late to anything. He would point it out if she wasn't early anyway. She stood up and stretched, walked down the hall and slipped into the bathroom to make sure she looked good for her meeting. After checking her teeth, she reached into her shirt and readjusted her breasts before tugging at the material of her navy-blue skirt to make sure it lay flat. Her white button-down shirt made her breasts look too big, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, seeing that she wanted to see him squirm like he had made her do since the moment they met.She turned around and checked her back, a soft growl at the size of her butt. She hated it, and yet it seemed as though all of the guys on campus coveted big butts. Why, she'd never understand.She walked to the elevator and took it up to Damon's floor. Linda was not to be found sitting at the large desk she usually occu
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