All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
641 Chapters
Bend, Don't Break
BethanyThe strong smell of coffee beans washed over her as she entered the coffee shop. The place was packed with people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. She found Philip quickly. He stood up and motioned for her to join him. His blue eyes were electrifying; the joy on his face was warm and welcoming."Hey. Don't you look like a sight for sore eyes?" He winked and pointed to the table in front of him. Three small chocolate donuts sat on a large white napkin.She laughed and dropped her purse in the seat, picking one up and taking a bite before responding. He watched her closely. His attraction to her was nothing to guess about—he made it obvious—but not in an overbearing sense like Damon had. She was a person, not an object, so why was she so smitten with the idea of belonging to Damon?"You look good." She nodded, reaching to catch a crumb that rolled down her chin."You look better. Go get you a coffee, and come tell me about the drama you've been dealing with. I want a full report.
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Change of Heart
BethanyThe conversation the night before had gone much better than she imagined it might. Where Damon had been accusatory, Kent was understanding and willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. How Damon had turned out to be so different from his father would be a mystery if she hadn't had a heart-to-heart with Matt.She finished packing her things, the house quiet. Not having heard from Damon, Bethany walked to her small dresser and picked up her phone, growling softly. She would have to get in touch with him to see when the flight was, if nothing else. She dialed his number, her stomach flipping in circles and pushing against her chest. The phone rang three times before he picked up. She almost assumed he was asleep or just unwilling to talk to her."Bethany." It wasn't a question of who was calling, but a declaration that he was all business with her."I need to know what time to be at the airport today.""Change of heart?" His voice was deadpan, the lack of any emotion toward
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BethanyThe drive to the airport should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn't. Sitting in silence and simply listening to the sound of him breathing had almost offered relief. She was lost to him, and no matter what stupidity she threw at him about the two of them being done, they weren’t. She couldn’t allow it. Her fingers ran along her thigh, her eyes closed as she contemplated reaching over and touching him.His breathing pattern shifted slightly. Looking over at him subtly, she wished for a different situation altogether. Would it still contain explosive attraction if their relationship wasn't so taboo?"What are you thinking?" He glanced over at her, the deep timbre of his voice sliding between her thighs and stroking. She bit her lip and shook her head."I don't want to say.""Embarrassed?""By my thoughts, yes. By my actions yesterday, no."He chuckled, the smile lifting the side of his mouth, lickable. He pulled up to the front of the airport and nodded toward her. "I'll get
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BethanyHe released her from his hold. Bethany looked over at him as the flight attendant approached."Something to drink for the two of you?" The thin blonde smiled down at Damon, her hand pressed to his seat in front of him. The smile on the older woman's face was anything but professional. Beth sat up, her eyebrow lifting."I'll have a Jack and Coke." He glanced to Bethany. "Baby, what do you want? Get something strong. I want you pliable for later."It took a moment for Beth to find her words. The flight attendant moved her hand from on top of the seat, Damon's words showing quickly that he was a taken man."Bloody Mary, please."The woman nodded, her sensual smile falling as she walked away. Damon turned, his eyes rolling over Bethany. "Nothing happened with Philip?""Nothing. He wants a relationship. I told him no. He knows I have feelings for you.""What are those feelings, Beth?" Damon ran his palm over his crotch before adjusting himself."I'll let you know when I figure that
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BethanySitting down in her seat, she turned to watch him as the driver rolled up the privacy window. Damon's eyes held as much need as she felt sliding through her, burning her from the inside out. He slid to his knees in front of her, his hands palming her thighs as he pushed her dress up with his fingers. He stopped just before reaching her panties, his eyes moving from her thighs to her gaze. She felt frantic, her heart surely working to beat from her chest."Do you have any idea how much you turn me on? My body aches for release inside of you, Beth. I don't remember feeling so much in my long life." He leaned down and brushed his cheek along the inside of her thigh, a long kiss pressed to her soft flesh. "Fuck, I need you ..."She ran her fingers through his hair, her heart bursting at the sight of him before her again. Willing to give pleasure to her and deny his own again. He spoke a big game, but the man who stole her heart wasn't at all the jerk who would deny her love. She p
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Ache for You
BethanyBethany reached out and took his hand, pulling herself close to his side as the wind picked up. The smell of salt and sea washed over her. She pulled him to a stop for a minute so she could take in the beauty of Seattle. Small shops lined the streets, the decorations eclectic, the sound of music taking her attention."There you two are. I was beginning to worry."Bethany turned to see Kent moving toward them, a warm smile on his face. She released Damon's hand and moved in behind him as he greeted his father. Damon nodded to the counter, his face pale, lips wet and brilliantly pink."I'll get the rooms.""Was the flight good, Bethany?" Kent moved in front of her. He reached out and squeezed her shoulder softly, a fatherly smile on his face."It was great. No turbulence at all." Bethany moved into the hotel with him, her eyes averting to find Damon. Her heart had yet to slow down, the thumping pulse still racing down her nerve endings."That's great news. I'm going to steal Dam
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BethanyShe pushed up, rubbing herself against him, her legs wrapping tightly around him. He leaned up and kissed her lips softly, his eyes dark and ominous.He stood, grabbing her thighs and pulling her to the end of the bed, her ass almost hanging off. Damon urged her legs around him, his palm flat on her lower stomach, his thumb reaching down to rub softly at her."So beautiful," he whispered, his eyes roaming all over her. "Rest now, ’cause when I get back, we fuck.""It's time ..." she whispered, the room growing hazy from the onslaught of emotion rolling through her."It's past time." He slid his thumb into her, pulling a little and leaving a sound of satisfaction. "I'm going to devour you over and over."Bethany pressed against his fingers, her sense of modesty long gone. He leaned over and kissed the top of her stomach, his lips feather light. Her breath caught in her chest as he looked up at her."I'm sorry for yesterday. I'll explain when I can. Rest so I can make love to yo
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BethanyBethany woke to an empty room Monday morning. Damon's suitcase still sat by the door, nothing in the room having been touched or moved. She sat up and reached for her phone. The message from him was at two in the morning. Just a note that they wouldn't be back until breakfast. Worry tugged at her. What if it wasn't about business? What if he had someone here and went to stay with her?She growled at herself and climbed out of bed before stripping and heading to the shower. He would be who he was, and until they locked down their relationship, she didn't have much say over any of that. She stepped into the steamy hot water. The mesmerizing pressure of the liquid caused her to groan in relief. Sleep had been welcome after the long night before of worrying all night.The bathroom door opened and closed. Bethany stuck her head out, her hair partially wet, eyes wide. Damon looked over at her, pulling his shirt off."Sorry about last night. Such a fucking mess. I don't know what hap
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BethanyShe moaned and rocked forward, giving him more traction to enjoy himself."Oh fuck, Beth. I need you, baby." His hands moved to her hips, the deep thrusting picking up the pace after they had enjoyed the slow sensual pattern for a while. The sound of panting caused her hormones to jolt again, her breath coming out in short spurts."It's been too long," he whispered as she moaned loudly, her body exploding into a fiery bliss as he worked her from behind. "Take it, baby. Take whatever you need from me."She moaned louder, his body pressing against the center of her and pulling her apart as if nothing more than a string held her together. She jerked her hips as his fingers tightened on her. He jerked her up, pressing his hand to her stomach and lifting her leg with the other hand. Driving into her over and over as his face slipped into the side of her hair, his teeth digging into the soft flesh of her neck.The sound of him losing himself, the feel of the wicked devil behind her
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Make You Better
BethanyBethany looked up from the pile of papers in front of her as Kent spoke. Her soon-to-be stepfather stood at the head of a long cherrywood executive-length table, his brow contorted."I'm not sure how this happened. Why the hell aren't the numbers tying out? Zarpeth is one of our largest clients, and I know we sent a really strong senior associate to count their inventory." He sighed and pulled the chair back, slumping down in it.Something inside of her wanted to do anything to make things right. She simply didn't have the experience. Just being out of school and headed back for her master’s soon, she lacked on-the-job experience."What can I do?" Bethany leaned back in her chair and slipped her hands into her lap as her phone buzzed."Call your brother, and tell him to get here." Kent sighed again and ran his fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair.His word stung without him knowing it. His reference to Damon being her brother left a mark on her. The reality that she had ju
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