All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
641 Chapters
BethanyWorry clouded her thoughts as she drove to Damon's house. The situation with Krista and Jake was so odd. It was hard to imagine it happening, and yet it seemed to be. Maybe Krista had been obsessed with Jake for much longer than either of them imagined?Her phone buzzed in the seat next to her, and she pulled it out as she parked the car in front of Damon's place.Damon: Where are you? I'm getting impatient. Bethany: Here. Why does that not surprise me?He opened the car door as she yelped and hit her knee on the steering column."Because you know me so well after only a week and a half?" He lifted his eyebrow and moved back. His white button-down shirt was open, the swell of his beautiful chest and abdomen muscles on full display.She got out, not able to wait another second to touch him. Sliding her hands around his waist inside his shirt, she lifted to her toes and pressed her lips to his with a soft moan. He wrapped his arms around her and tilted his head, deepening the k
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Burn Baby
Bethany"It's like a fire," she started as she reached up and pushed his shirt from his shoulders, reveling in the beauty of the beast before her. "A sharp, stabbing jolt of electricity. It starts in my stomach and races along my skin, leaving me hot and wet, needy and willing to do anything just to feel your hands on me.""Good, baby. Keep going." He bent over her, pressing his body to hers. The soft brush of his lips along her throat almost undid her, the strong tick of her pulse in her neck only getting worse as he whispered along her skin."It's not just your words but seeing or even thinking about you. I want you to explore me, to teach me and open me up. I need to be beneath you, bent over for you, on my knees for you.""You do, baby. I need you too," he whispered against her ear as his fingers slid between them, pressing softly into her wetness above her slacks as he growled against her throat."I want to drown in your scent and bathe in your depravity. I don't know why you cho
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Bethany"What did you mean by 'a training ground'?" Bethany asked before lifting her sandwich to her lips. She sat in one of his T-shirts, her body bare beneath it. Soft music played from the TV as they snuggled into the couch together."Exactly what it sounded like. You're not used to a man wanting to take pleasure from you, both his own and yours." Damon licked mustard from his finger before glancing over at her. "If I'm going to settle down with one woman, I want her to get used to me taking what I want.""Sounds greedy to me." She shrugged, not minding it at all. The idea of him settling down with one woman and her being that woman left her heart racing. What she wouldn't give for that to be the future."It is. Life's too short not to be though." He moved her legs off of him and stood, his slacks the only thing he wore. "Plus, it's not like I'm taking something from you that you don't want to give. I'm talking about opening you up to the possibility that as your man I know what yo
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Bethany"I wasn't going to say anything, but I know being transparent and open is important to you, so I promise you one thing ... no secrets between us, at least not from my side of the relationship."He pressed another kiss to her neck and slid his hand to her stomach, pulling her back toward him as he slipped one of his legs through hers and wrapped himself around her tightly. He didn't have to say anything. His action spoke volumes. He wanted love as much as everyone else did, and like half the population walking around lonely, he was scared. How could he not be?"I still hate her, Beth.""I can imagine so." Bethany reached back and ran her fingers along his thigh before pulling from his hold and turning to face him. She lay down on her side, snuggling into him as she nuzzled her face into the sexy smell of his chest."I wish I could just tell Dad, but what good would it do?"She looked up as he reached down and brushed her long hair back, his eyes on her but looking far away from
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BethanyBethany lay in Damon's bed as he slept. Their sex was delicious and so fulfilling. He hadn't taken her much longer after they stood up, the pressure overwhelming them both. After a quick shower, they had slipped into bed. She couldn't sleep, her heart far too full to let her mind rest. Various scenarios of where they might be headed ran through her, none of them ending with a happily ever after.She growled softly and slipped out of the sheets around three in the morning. Damon's soft snoring was stupid levels of precious; his big strong body laid out across most of the queen-sized bed. She picked up the towel she had been wearing earlier, wrapped it around her and walked to the couch. She turned on the TV and muted the sound as she nibbled at her lip.How badly she wanted to tell him that she loved him, but the last time she did he had taken it poorly or had he? Shock sat on his handsome features, his voice losing strength as he whispered his response to her confession.You l
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Half Your Age
Bethany"Bethany, wake up." Damon's voice pulled her from her nap, her eyes opening as she gulped for air. "Hey ... it's okay. We're here."She sat forward, brushing her fingers through her hair and trying to make sense of the scene. Several cop cars sat around the parking lot. People milled about everywhere."Oh my God. You don't think something has happened to Jake, do you?" She pointed to a spot nearest the action, not really wanting an answer from Damon. "Park over there.""I don't know what's going on, but don't rush into it, please. I don't want anyone manhandling you. I'm possessive if you haven't noticed, and I've had very little sleep. This wouldn't be good for anyone if a cop thought to overstep his boundaries."She didn't pay him any attention but reached for her phone that sat silent between the two of them."How can I have a zillion text messages from Jake and now nothing? He and Krista both know that I'm worried." Her voice was pinched as fear worked to consume her.Damo
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Bethany"Yeah. The girls finally relented, but you know how that goes. They watch me like a fucking hawk now. I had to give Bethany here the same speech I give everyone. I would never date a student, and yet ...” He shrugged and let out a long sigh.She wanted to ask questions, but it wasn't her business, and honestly, it would just leave things too familiar between them. She liked knowing that she would be working for someone on campus that respected Damon, but being friends with him herself didn't seem like a good idea. They needed to keep things very professional to make sure no one in administration questioned him where she was concerned. She would never want that."Fuck them. I'd be shocked if there was ever a girl that could melt your resolve where the rules are concerned." Damon scowled."I've not found one yet, that's for sure."A cop walked toward them, and Kendal moved forward."Which of you is Dr. Tarrington?""That would be me." Kendal raised his hand as the cop motioned h
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BethanyOne Week Later"You look like you've had a long week." Linda, Damon's secretary, spoke from the open door of Bethany's office."You could say that. Just wondering how the hell life got so complicated all of a sudden." Bethany shrugged, leaning back in her large leather chair and crossing her legs.It had been a week since the night in front of Jake's apartment complex. Krista's lawyers hadn't been able to get her bail posted due to the knife Jake was stabbed with being found without much effort. Her fingerprints were all over it, and she wasn't even trying to deny her guilt. But she wasn't confessing either.Bethany had gone to both the police station and the hospital several times over the last week. Damon had been beside her for most of it. Matt had taken a turn, taking her to the hospital, but Jake had yet to wake up from the medically induced coma. The doctors said he would make a full recovery, but it would take some time to get back to being himself."Well, I have some g
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Staying With Me
Bethany"Good. Jamaica wouldn't be right without you there. Your mother wouldn't be happy at all." He chuckled and nodded toward the window. "That view is so beyond heavenly as the sun rises or sets, especially when you're here.""I'm thinking with the profession that I chose that seeing both might be a possibility." Bethany smiled and moved to the window, looking out at the city."What might be a possibility?" Damon's voice caught her attention, his presence sending a thrill of anticipation through her. Would he forever be able to do that? He was captivating no matter how hard she tried to deny it. She continued to look out the window as if he didn't matter. A smile touched her lips as he spoke with his father for a few minutes. The window reflected the two men, and the likeness between father and son was obvious.Damon's dark gray suit fit him like a glove, the white button-down beneath his jacket only bringing out his tanned skin and dark features."Being here morning, noon and nig
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BethanyBethany paused outside of Kent's office. Her heart was racing, pumping excitement down every open vein. It had been a few days since she had found herself wrapped up in her new obsession. The situation with Krista and Jake had taken all of her extra time outside of work and school, and honestly left her emotionally spent.Damon was getting impatient with his needs, and more than anything, she had to have a night of him reminding her of what it was to live. She let out a long breath before walking into Kent's office. Now wasn't the time to imagine all of the things Damon would do to her if she would just make a few minutes and invite him in."There you are." Kent stood and extended his hand toward the well-dressed woman beside him. Her hair was shoulder length and sandy blonde. The red suit she wore fit her athletic frame well, the color screaming that the woman was a creative type. Her blue eyes pinned Bethany in place as she extended her hand."I'm Erica Hall. I assume you're
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