All Chapters of Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
641 Chapters
Not Tonight
BethanyThe drive to his place was filled with tension. Sexual anxiety sat like a fog in the air above her. She glanced over at him. His jaw was locked into place, his knuckles white as he rolled his grip on the steering wheel. She reached over and slid her hand along his thigh, all her focus on breathing in a pattern that didn't leave her looking as needy as she was for him. He shifted his gaze to her, his tone sharp and unyielding."Not yet."She reached farther, wanting to make him burn for her the way she was burning for him. He reached down and caught her hand, lifting it to his mouth and sucking a few fingers into the wet warmth of his mouth. Bethany groaned loudly, the sound airy and desperate.Damn him. He put her hand back in her lap, a smirk lifting his mouth. "Behave, or I'll tie you up and make you shiver with need before I perhaps, maybe, give you what you want.""What you need ..." she whispered, sitting back in her seat, her words challenging and low in her throat. He
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Walk of Shame
Bethany"Hush, woman."He moved fast, his motions concentrated and sensual like nothing she had ever seen. He stood and pressed her chest softly. Bethany fell onto her back as Damon slid on the bed, his large arms wrapping around the underside of her legs and pulling up slightly. Shoulders pressed against the bottom of her ass, he buried his face against her need, Bethany breathing in sharply and arching her hips as shock rolled over her.She hadn't expected him to beckon to her. It was a bold move, and one she figured would get her laughed out of his bed, but nothing of the sort happened. The sweet sounds of him lapping at her, his fingers and teeth carefully pushing and pulling, undid her over and over again. By the third time, she pushed against his shoulder, her words slurred, her body aching for something more—for him."No," she moaned. He moved her hand and pressed his tongue against her again. She pushed his head back and groaned louder. "No. No. I want you."He sat up, a smile
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BethanyThe dull ache between her thighs pulled her back into the depravity of her night with Damon, every subtle movement causing it to revive. She pressed her back to the elevator, praying that no one she knew would get on. The door opened to her floor, and she walked off languidly, her eyes scanning the area to see who was in and who hadn't made it yet. It was late, and by then she would usually have been a couple of hours into a project. She would have to catch up with Ben later and see how the rest of the intern party had fared. That, and give him a good excuse why she rushed off without saying goodbye after having just arrived at the club.The '“sick mom” card would work. It always did.She dropped her purse on the empty seat in front of her desk before dropping down in her comfortable leather chair. Her stomach growled loudly, the rumble reminding her of a cat being mauled. She smiled at the thought and reached over to turn on her computer as a knock resounded at her open door.
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Plot Twist
BethanyShe put her hands on her hips, tilting her head as she eyed him and then the donut."I'm not playing with you. I'm eating the chocolate one." She reached again as he stood too, extending the donut behind him. He trapped her to the front of his lithe frame with a hug, his laugher contagious."Not even if you were my woman, Beth. I'll buy you another one."Bethany moved away from him, the moment sweet and almost too precious."Well, isn't this a plot twist?" Sadie's voice grated on her like nails on a chalkboard."A plot twist? You read?" Bethany turned to face her nemesis, a sweet smile slithering across her face. It was time to mess with the girl a little."Of course I don't read. I'm far too busy riding the universe through the stars.""So poetic. Just beautiful, don't you think, Philip? Ignorance can still birth creativity. Logic perhaps not, but creativity, yes."Philip shoved the donut in his mouth, talking around it. Bethany popped him on the chest as he broke up in laugh
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A Shoulder to Cry On
Bethany"Oh hell, no," Matt grumbled loudly. Bethany moved the pillow from her head and looked up, her tears having soaked the sheet beneath her."Go away. I'm not in the mood to be friendly."He pounced on the bed, his large hand pressing against the upper part of her back again and again. She bounced with his efforts, growing angry and swatting at him."No need to be friendly. We're family. Get your ass up. I'm taking you out.""No. I'm not interested in seeing people. I hate everyone.""Liar. Get up. I'm going to inhale everything in the fridge. When I come back, you better be in the shower and getting ready. Jeans and a T-shirt. Get up, get dressed and let's go have fun together.""No," she grumbled, sitting up and pushing her hair from her face in time to see Matt leave. She didn't want to go anywhere. The darkness of her room provided the perfect place to hide. Between the situation with Sadie and Damon's dismissal of her, as he left town without a damn word, she was done."Get
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The Woman That Broke His Heart
BethanyShe turned her head toward him, reaching out to turn the radio on for background music."I punched that redheaded girl at the office in the face. I'm sure I broke her nose and probably lost my job. I'm surprised Damon hasn't called and chewed me out. Actually, I'm not surprised. He left town without saying anything. Nothing at all. Nada." She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning her head back and closing her eyes as a shaky sigh left her."Okay, one thing at a time. Did it feel good to pop the skanky bitch in the face?"Bethany snorted and glanced at Matt, his smile bright and full of mischievous intent."Yes, but that's beside the point. I'm not a college kid who can act like the world won't punish me for fucking up. I needed this job, and disappointing your dad ..."Matt cut her off."Our dad. He's going to be your dad soon too. He's not going to be upset if the girl deserved it, Beth. He's very fair. He will just clean it up and warn you to make sure you think before yo
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Bethany"What about your mother?" Bethany leaned back in her chair as the server deposited her enchiladas in front of her, the smell overwhelming."Damon caught her cheating on our dad several times before she got sick. He wanted to tell Dad, but Mom would beg him, plead with him, not to." Matt shrugged, sadness creeping across his handsome features. "He went to tell him one night, finally. That was the night that Dad broke the news that Mom was dying. I think Damon felt trapped. He hated her by the time she died."Bethany lifted her napkin to her eyes, tears spilling onto her cheeks."He hated her because of the cheating?""Because he had suffered for several years holding her secrets so that Dad didn't have his heart torn from his chest.""And then it happened anyway because of her getting sick?""Exactly." Matt reached for a chip, his eyes diverted from her. "I didn't know any of this until after Mom died. Damon kept all of it to himself.""How did he keep catching your mom? Were t
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Something Bad Happened
Bethany"I hate the idea of either of you getting hurt by the other. We have a long life of being a family in one way or the other." Matt pulled out his card, offering it to the server as he approached."I agree. The issue of him being my stepbrother is a whole 'nother concern.""One easily looked over. He's not your brother by blood, and no one would need to know that." Matt signed the bill and stood, reaching for her chair to pull it back. "You feel like shopping?""I feel like sleeping for a week. I'm depressed, confused and have a slight buzz.""Then we're twins. Let's go home, and we'll pick up this date next week sometime."Bethany slept like a rock, Saturday morning coming much too quickly. She lay in bed for an hour after waking, hoping like hell she would slip back into the restful darkness. No such luck.Her phone buzzed on her nightstand, and she flipped across the bed like her ass was on fire, hoping it was Damon.I'm headed back today. I'll be at Dad's before dinnertime.
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BethanySickness washed over her as she grabbed her towel and walked quickly to catch up to him."Damon. Talk to me." She pulled at his arm as they moved into the living room. The house was quiet, the only sound being their breathing.He turned, his face a mask of anger. Bethany backed up a step, not sure how to respond to his glare. She had done something to set him off, and yet she hadn't seen him since they held each other all night on Thursday."I just got a call from our lawyers that one of my interns broke another intern’s nose. The intern that's in the hospital is looking to sue my firm because of it. Did you not want to mention that before I had to stand condemned for shitty management skills before the lawyers? Do you think that lying is the way to build a business relationship with me? What else haven't you told me? Care to confess now?" he barked at her, running his fingers through his dark hair and beginning to pace in front of her.Bethany pulled the towel closer, suddenl
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Coffee with a Friend
BethanyShe half expected Damon to break the door down, the loud pounding of his fists dying off much too soon. Bethany lifted her head only for a moment before letting it drop back on her hands."Pathetic." What did she want from him? Why did she have to be so fucking childish?I quit? A long sigh left her lips as she rolled on her back. Her phone buzzed beside her. It was Philip again. She answered it, stifling the pain and confusion that sat heavy on her."Hey.""Hey. You doing okay?" His voice was much more chipper than she expected it should be."Yeah, just fighting with our boss.""Your boss.""Yeah, that guy." She groaned as she sat up. Philip snickered, the sound causing her lips to turn into a smile much to her displeasure."Enough about him. How about you come have dinner with me tonight? I meant to ask you out since we met last week."A silence sat between them for a few moments, Bethany knowing quickly that having dinner or anything with Philip wasn't the answer. The fact
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