All Chapters of A little Cinderella moment: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
95 Chapters
Chapter 71
“You really are a charmer, aren’t you?” I chuckle softly at her comment. “I have been told I can be from my sister, but thanks for the compliment. Shall we go on in?” I open the doors for us, and we walk on into the ballroom. Walking in I feel all eyes on us, but I cannot take my eyes off of Dream. I can see my sister with Greg alongside Lucas with his girlfriend Selena sitting at a table nearby but no Savannah. Looking at Jen as I lead Dream onto the dance floor the smile on her face is so big it seems like she’s witnessing a dream of her own. Once on the dance floor I look at Dream and ask her something I have never done at a school dance. “Would you like to dance?” I hold out my hand for her to take and I hear the softest of whispers come out of her mouth just as the band plays the song ‘This Christmas night.’ “Yes.” When the first line of the song starts With a touch of your hand, suddenly I knew, Dream places her hand in mine and I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through my
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Chapter 72
Savannah P.O.V He’s in love with me? I must be dreaming. I secretly hoped Wolf would be Chase behind the mask, and now knowing he is. I don’t know if I should be thrilled or pissed. Our first kiss on the dance floor is something out of a romance novel, but to say my first kiss with Chase is something I read makes it that more magical. Chase is so close that he could kiss me again. If he is being honest and truthful to me about everything tonight, he deserves the same in return. Running my hands along his arm as he holds my face, I confess my truth. “I’m in love with you too Chase.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth his lips crash against mine. “Seriously you guys gross, don’t make me hose you down.” We break apart from the kiss, Chase rests his chin on top of my head as we both laugh at Jen’s statement. “We all better get back in before someone comes out here looking for us.” Chase pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me into a hug. “We’ll be right behind you J
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Chapter 73
“You’re in love with me?” Jumping out of my skin, I turn around and see Jen standing there in shock and her breathing almost erratic. “Jesus fucking Christ Jen, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Jen looks at Chase when he made his comment. “Fuck you Chase,” She turns her attention back to Greg. “Is it true? You’re in love with me?” Greg stands up from his chair, walks over, and stands in front of Jen. He takes hold of her hands and lifts them, so they are at her chest height. “Yes, Jen I’m so in love with you. I was an asshole in the past but my feelings for you have never changed, only intensified. I never forgave myself for hurting you back then, but I’m here now opening my heart to the most beautiful, smart, skillful person I have ever met. I think I’ve never stopped loving you. I cannot go another day without you knowing the truth. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I will work my fucking ass off to prove to you that I’m worth it, because you’re worth it.
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Chapter 74
When the song finishes, I look out at everyone in attendance to them giving me a round of applause. I step to the side of the microphone and take a bow and I give the band a clap as well with their performance. With a smile on my face and everyone still clapping I make an attempt to get off stage to be stopped by Greg and Lucas. “What are you guys doing?” I question them to see what their intentions are. “You’re not getting off the stage just yet,” Greg nudged me back onto the stage gently. “He’s right Sav, get your cute little country butt back on that stage and sing something else.” Just as Lucas finished his command he was hit in the chest by Greg. “Ouch, fuck man that hurt,” he looks at Greg rubbing his chest with an almost murderous look on his face. “Dude if Chase heard you say that shit, you’d be dead,” Greg states looking over Lucas’ shoulder to see if Chase saw what just happened or if he could read lips. “Guys look I appreciate what you’re trying to do but come on this
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Chapter 75
Chase P.O.VStanding here watching Savannah walk away from me is almost crippling. I don’t know where I stand right now. I don’t know if I’ve just lost my perfect girl or if this is all a joke and a nightmare. I honestly don’t know what to do. Do I stay and deal with Candace? Or do I go and fight for what I feel is my happiness and my future? “Oh, please tell me you’re kidding me, right? Are you seriously considering going after that trampy buckle bunny, are you?” I swear Candace has some nerve to say all of this shit. Tensing and relaxing my hands down my side my blood boiling I’m about to explode. Turning around to look at Candace I am now finally seeing her for what she truly is. “What fucking game are you playing here Candace? If you’re trying to get in my head to fuck with me it’s not gonna work. If you’re here for some sick funny game to make yourself, feel better, well congratulations you win. You have just fucked up the best thing to ever happen in my life just by showing up
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Chapter 76
“WHAT?” Four sets of voices shout at me. I groan in frustration as I feel like I’m wasting time standing here explaining this to them when I could be chasing after Savannah. “Guys will you just please.” I plead for them to shut up so I can finish and go find the one I love. Luckily, they shut up, so I continue. “Candace was pleading with me to get back together with her when I said no, I am in a new relationship I could never be with her again, she kissed me, and Savannah saw it before I could push her away.” “That fucking slut she better not still be here, or I will break that fake nose of hers off that pretty little face.” Damn, Jen can be vicious. Gregg holds her back as she is about to go on a witch hunt to make good on her threat. “Jen, I don’t care if she’s still here I chose Savannah, I will always choose Savannah. That is why I am here looking for her. So, I can explain whatever she saw is not what she thinks she saw.” Just as I finished what I was saying both girls looked
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Chapter 77
“Wow umm, that is a lot of information to lay on her father. I appreciate you coming to explain this to her. Only a real man will admit his wrong doings and will do anything to make amends. Trust me I know I did my fair shares with my Georgina.” “That is why I am here sir. I cannot and will not let her throw away something without giving it, giving us an actual chance. I didn’t kiss Candace back as soon as her lips touched mine, I pushed her away instantly but at the same time Savannah saw and thinks I cheated on her sir.” Taking a breath I continue my plea. “I intend to take her out on a date tomorrow for her birthday as she didn’t tell me or her friends.” “Wait, what did you say? She didn’t tell any of you?” Why does he seem surprised with this? Didn’t he know? “No sir she didn’t.” “She is just like her mother, my Georgina,” he smiles and seems happy that I said this. “I’m sorry Mr. Blakemoore I don’t understand.” “You see the thing about Savannah is she is so much more like h
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Chapter 78
Savannah P.O.V As soon as I got home, I rushed upstairs to get out of my dress, clear the makeup off my face, and got changed into something more comfortable. Don’t get me wrong tonight has been one of the best nights of my life and one of the best birthdays I have ever celebrated. But why is it when something good goes my way Candace is there to ruin it for me. I have dealt with girls like her in the past, but she is on another level. Sitting on the bed I pick up my guitar and start to play one of my mom’s old favorite songs ‘Stand By Your Man’ by Tammy Wynette. When I start playing the intro to the song there is a gentle knock on my door. “Come on in Dad,” I continue to play the music as my dad comes into my room. “Hey baby girl Chase is downstairs, and he would like to have a word with you.” He stands in the doorway watching me sitting on the bed. “I don’t want to talk to him, Dad. He’s done enough talking tonight already,” I look up at my dad so he can see how distraught I a
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Chapter 79
Chase P.O.VStanding at the bottom of the stairs I pace around trying to keep myself calm. The longer Mr. Blakemoore is gone, the more I fear and worry she will not give me a chance. Time ticks on and it feels like it is slowing down. Mr. Blakemoore appears at the top of the stairs, so I hold my breath waiting for him to tell me either yes or no. As he descends the stairs I try and get a read of his face. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he looks at me and sighs. I know what the answer is. “She’s not wanting to talk, is she?” He shakes his head, and it feels like my chance has puffed up in smoke. “No son she’s not but she did say she will talk to you but not right now. I’m sorry Chase I tried to get her to see reason, but she thinks you’ve got back together with Candace.” She’s kidding me, right? I tell her that I love her, and I fell in love with her the moment our eyes met after she bumped into me on her first day. And she thinks I would throw that away an hour or so if
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Chapter 80
Savannah P.O.VSitting on a stool, on the balcony, losing myself to my music I hear a deep voice shouting. “WHAT THE FUCK!” I put my guitar down, I stand up leaning over the balcony to see if I can hear where that voice came from. “Hello? Who’s there?” I call out into the darkness. Seeing something coming out of the shadows in the corner of my eye I see someone coming into the light. “It’s me Savannah.” What the fuck? What is Chase doing standing in my backyard? “Chase? What are you doing here? I thought you left?” I ask him. “I was about to leave, but then I heard you singing. So, I followed the sound of your voice and I wanted to listen for a little while before leaving.” “But why? I don’t understand.” He stands closer to where I am stood looking around to see if there is any way he can get closer. I see he spots the vine trellis, and he charges over to it and starts to climb. I lean further over to watch him climb up, secretly hoping he doesn’t fall and hurt himself. As he rea
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