All Chapters of A little Cinderella moment: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
95 Chapters
Chapter 81
“I like the sound of that, but didn’t my dad tell you that I don’t like having all the attention on me?” “I am aware of that yes, he told me. He also told me you are just like your mom in that way. But tomorrow I give you my word it will not feel like all the attention is on you. It will be just us.” “Then my answer is yes Chase. Yes, I will go out on a date with you.” Smiling up at him his smile is gleaming so brightly he is glowing. He leans forward and kisses me sweetly. His lips feel so soft up against mine. I lean into his body, wrapping my arms around his neck as I deepen the kiss. He matches my kiss as his arms wrap around me and pushes my body up against his making my body shiver in anticipation. I can feel his hard, firm erection pressing up against my belly. The kiss heats up as we both get lost in each other and forget where we are until we hear a cough coming from behind us. Breaking the kiss and stepping apart I turn in the direction of the cough, “Dad!” Looking from C
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Chapter 82
It's now morning and I have a date with Chase today. Checking the time on my phone I lean across my nightstand it lights up I see it says 07:25 and I see I also have a text from Chase that he sent twenty minutes ago. Chase: Good morning my beautiful Savannah. Today is a beautiful day to take you out on our first official date. Dress comfortably it will be fun I promise you will enjoy it. I can’t wait to see you. Not much longer to wait, see you soon beautiful. ILY xx. Savannah: Good morning to you too handsome. I can’t wait to see you in a couple of hours, and I can’t wait to see what the day brings us. ILY x. Chase: Just the one x? Savannah: LOL I’ll make it up to you in person whilst out on our date. Chase: Promise? Savannah: I promise, and I’ll even put interest on it too. Just for you. Chase: I’ll take it. See you soon sweetheart, I’m counting down the minutes. Savannah: Can’t wait. See you soon. First thing in the morning texts between your boyfriend can certainl
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Chapter 83
Once we all were sat down for breakfast including Toni, Dad decided to make a little breakfast toast. “Savannah my baby girl I am so proud of the woman you have become, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the future. Happy birthday my darling girl. Cheers,” We all raise our glasses and say cheers in return and take a sip before we dig into our breakfast. Once we all had finished breakfast Dad and Chase went off to his office for a brief moment and I assisted Toni in cleaning up the kitchen. Why did Chase go with my father? I don’t know. I can only assume it’s work-related. I finished loading the dishwasher while Toni wipes down the counters Chase and my dad joined us back in the kitchen. Chase walks up to me and takes hold of my hand, “You Ready to go?” he asks. I nod and we head towards the door. Walking out of the kitchen Dad calls out to us to have a fun day out. We both call out saying we will, reaching the front door Chase takes a Dodgers baseball cap out of his back po
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Chapter 84
We Walk under the arch and enter the park and I hear all the sounds of a carnival and all the fun and laughter the guests are having. “What attraction would you like to go on first?” Chase asks me. “I don’t know, what would you recommend?” “We could play some games first if you want before we go on some of the rides.” That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. “Okay but I’m warning you I can be quite competitive so prepare to lose,” I inform him before heading off to one of my favorite carnival games. Ring toss. “How good is your aim all-star?” I’m laying down the challenge. We step up to the stall and Chase turns and looks at me, “It’s pretty good sweetheart. Shall we make things a little interesting?” “Let’s make a bet then.” “Great. Okay, the bet is whoever can hook the most rings from the one bucket wins.” Oh, like that is it, well big boy challenge accepted. “Okay if I win you have you tell me what the other part of the date is.” “And when I win?” “Winner’s choice.” “
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Chapter 85
“Of course, I believe you.” He kisses my lips softly out of relief that I believe him and not running away. “What we have to do now as a couple is show that her presence doesn’t bother us, and we are stronger together than apart.” “I love how you think sweetheart. But can you say that one thing again?” One thing? What one thing? I just said quite a few things. “And what one thing is that?” I ask slightly confused. “The best bit.” Oh, I know what thing he is on about. “As a couple.” “True fucking right we are a couple. You are now mine for as long as you will have me. Just as I am yours.” He cups my face with both hands and places a hot, demanding kiss on my lips. Asking for entrance as his tongue brushes along my bottom lip, I grant him the access we both crave. The kiss deepens and we are lost in the heat and passion of each other. It’s not until I feel someone bump into me that we break apart laughing and smiling. We get in line for the rollercoaster laughing and joking about
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Chapter 86
We stayed on the Ferris Wheel as it looped us around twice. The view when we were at the top was breathtaking, we couldn’t resist to take more pictures of us together up there both singles and the pair of us. I honestly don’t think this day could get any better. As the wheel carries us down, we discuss about what will happen when we go back to school in the new year. He told me he will tell his teammates about us, and he said that he doesn’t give a fuck what they think. With midterms and then finals coming up we both agreed to keep our focus on school and our jobs, we will text and call throughout the time and steal quick moments together here and there. I agreed to be at all of his games that I can attend, and he will support me in any way I need. We will make this work through hell or high water. The carriage has finally reached the bottom, Chase climbs out first and offers me his hand so he can help me out. I take his hand and climb out of the carriage. We make our way to the lo
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Chapter 87
Trotting out to the first field I feel a small sense of freedom, I feel like I’m back in North Carolina. I feel like I’m home. It’s with this feeling that I know where I belong. With Chase, it has to be. He’s the only guy I have dated who has made me feel like this. “Now that we’re out in the open field, wanna show me how fast you can go?” Chase questions. I’m so glad he asked I have been desperate to feel the wind in my face, and soar through the grass. “Are you sure?” I don’t want to leave him sat on a horse he doesn’t know how to ride for so long. “Absolutely sweetheart. I’ve been excited to see you ride since I found out that you competed.” With that statement, I give him a curt nod before I take off a run through the field. It almost feels like I’m soaring this horse can certainly fly. Feeling the reins between my fingers is one of the best feelings I have right now. I tighten them a little more and see exactly how fast Sonny can go. I do one lap around the field before I slo
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Chapter 88
“You cheating bastard how could you?” She yells at Vance, and he’s sat there looking at her with a smug look on her face and he starts to laugh. “Oh, Candace didn’t you see what I was doing? I was using you to fuck with Lockwood’s head, I was playing you this whole time. Chase didn’t give a shit about you,” He looks past Candace and, in our direction, “and by the looks of it, he’s not likely gonna get back with a dirty slut like yourself.” Everyone on his table bursts out laughing and they all stand up and leave the restaurant not looking back. Is it a shame that I feel sorry for the girl, as nobody should be humiliated like that? She is still stood there crying in all of her embarrassment she storms out of the restaurant but stops at our table on the way out. “I hope you enjoyed the show slut,” Candace insults. “Candace, that’s enough,” Chase chimes in coming to my defense. “Typical Chase Lockwood, the hero. You have done nothing but defend and protect this slut from that first
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Chapter 89
“Wow, I didn’t expect that. But you know what she is like now and I’m happy you and Jen are back to being what you should be to each other.” “And what’s that?” Doesn’t he know? “Each other's better half that makes you both whole.” We are both silent for a moment before our meals are placed in front of us. I stuck with my first interest and ordered the pulled pork black bean enchilada with rice, and Chase ordered a New York strip fajita with rice. Before we tucked into our meals Chase made a toast. Picking up our drinks Chase says “Savannah, I hope today has been exactly what I have promised you, a birthday to remember. Because it has been a day I will never forget in my life. So, here’s to you sweetheart happy birthday.” we both clink our glasses before we take a sip, and we tuck in and enjoy our meal. Coming to the end of this delicious meal a woman who looks to be in her late fifties, or early sixties, carrying a basket of something approached our table. I can’t quite see wha
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Chapter 90
“SURPRISE!” Everyone yells before there’s a round of applause and my dad comes over and gives me his special daddy hug. “Happy birthday baby girl,” He kisses the top of my head and steps aside so my friends, all of my friends can embrace me in a hug. I can’t believe it. I’m speechless, almost to the brink of tears. Blinking away unshed tears I hug Jen, Greg, Selena, Lucas, and my friends from North Carolina, Brianna, Ocean, and Charlotte. I can’t believe this my girls from NC are here in California. Is this the surprise my dad had planned? In a group hug with my NC girls, I had to ask. “How did you get here? When did you get here? How long are you here for?” Everyone laughs because I’m a blubbering mess asking so many questions. “Slow down girl and catch your breath,” Charlotte says. “Your dad bought us tickets to fly out to surprise you for your birthday.” Oh, my god I think I am about to cry. “We got here a couple of hours ago to help your dad set up and make this day more speci
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